=.Hello, fellow readers.=

For all of those reading this story for the first time: i hope u enjoy the first chapter enough to read the rest!

by the way: this is a newly revised chapter. the next new chapter will be up in a while, hopefully before Christmas break.


Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any of its characters.

It was the rain that woke her up.

Perhaps the sharp strike in the air was a savior from the horrible nightmare that played in her mind in terrible repetition-- seeing your bleach-blond, enthusiastic teammate in a dress was not exactly appealing.

But perhaps it was night the pitter of the rain that awoke her as the hairs on her neck became known and goose bumps became the texture of her skin. Despite her caution, all that was heard was the weather's ill manners.

Her eyes relaxed, but her eyes would not close. She lazily turned her eyes to look at the digital numbers on her alarm.

12:30, she thought unhappily. She was quite miffed at the fact that although she had gotten the whole day off and enough time to sleep last night, that she still felt like she would collapse at any moment. If she had left her bed that day, it was to deal with bathroom needs or to eat-- a sandwich or two, at most. She ignored Ino's constant banging upon her door, knowing the blond would want only to waste the day away with booze and a dress too short to even call a shirt.

Something to worry about now, as her thoughts drifted away.

There was a shift in the shadows, causing her to become stiff and tense. The air was still, her door was closed when she sworeshe left it open, and she sensed a faint hidden chakra. It leaked in uncontrollable amounts, small spurts of great power that seemed to smother her with dread and fear.

Carefully without much movement, she swiftly pulled a kunai from under her pillow while feigning to turn over in her sleep. She waited, knowing that attacking at the wrong time could cause the event of her death.

She breathed in deeply, holing her breath and clenching the kunai.




The bed was empty but she was in the corner, enveloped by darkness that turned quickly into black robes, and something damp started on her shirt, smelling of rust and hot. She trapped them to the wall with her torso, but it didn't seem needed as the unknown assailant didn't even react to her attack. Ger sharp weapon pressed against scarred skin as she met his face.

"Who are…..you…."

Words would not come, and breath came in gasps as her body reacted helplessly. Her hold weakened and her legs shook with a scare. Her eyes widened to the point of tears. That hair. Those eyes. That face. It was the last and first person, she wanted to see.

I'm going insane… this is just a dream…this can't be happening! Away she moved, almost stumbling in fear as a loud clatter from outside accompanied by a flash illuminated his pale features. Her gripped started to loosen on her weapon, but strengthened in memory to their last meeting with Yamato. She didn't want to deal with him right now, especially without the loud obnoxious blond here who would most likely make this easier to handle. But a more important question ravished her mind: why was here? At her house, to be more specific. "Annoying" people don't usually get as special as a guest as him.

W-Wha…Wha…" It was a garbled mess in her throat, and remained incomprehensible.

The attempts in trying to form a sentence vanished as she noticed the certain way he was slouching, the fact that his face was clammy and his eyes were heavy-lidded; perhaps the reason he was holding his stained shirt was the reason for the strangely familiar smell…

"You're bleeding!" It came out in a hushed whisper that transformed her face, a face seen in the mid of battle and a busy hospital. With her free hand she pushed him to the bed, and with a grunt he popped down, his eyes wildly watching the sharp object she still held tightly in her hand. Hesitating, she dashed to the bathroom, half-hoping him to be and half-hoping him not to be there by the time she rushed back with a fresh wash cloth and a rinsing bowl, but he still sat, hunched over with wheezing breaths filling up the silence. She ripped off his shirt with little thinking, taking a moment to view the damage. A huge gash went across his ribs, purple on bruising and bleeding black and red. A poison? Her hands went to touch his chest but were roughly grabbed and pinned weakly to the bed.

She looked into the pained eyes that desperately tried to form a menacing glare, but failed to in the mist of agony. "If you don't let me help, you'll die." Her answer was crisp, and she almost thought she saw a nod in answer as her released her hands and she got to work.

Ignoring the warning hisses the way his skin would tense every time she brushed her wet cloth across his stomach, she continued to work. Heal, wash, heal. Wash, wash, heal. Only too soon, the gash reduced to a white patch, and a little color returned to his face as the last of the harmful poison was removed from his system. His heavy breathing had stopped, but his head was drooped forward, making his eyes hidden from her sight.

"...Thank...you.." he said it so quietly, But it filled the uncomfortable silence perfectly.

Her eyes searched for his, a question suddenly coming to her lips bravely. "Why are you here?"

Sudden movement and his head was on her shoulder, her mouth now open and eyebrows arched in confusion. "…I don't know. My feet…" he trailed, but she nodded in understanding.

"What happened to you?" She asked worriedly, her hand brushing the wound on his side very gently.

He didn't answer, causing her to fill with rage. Although this is the first time she's talked to him in years, she knows he still acted like the same person he was before: cutting everyone out of his life and letting no one break that hard barrier. This caused her to ball up her fist and her eyes to harden with fury.

"So that's it, huh? You expected to wake me up in the middle of the night to help you and then you just leave without telling me anything? I know I may have been annoying before Sasuke, but I'm not anymore. And I'm not weak either. So I will stop you from leaving if I have to." In conclusion she moved to stand up, but a force from behind kept her down, instead pushing her closer, his head now buried into her neck. His eyes were gazed over, as if he was next to her in body but not in mind. Also, so close to his face, she smelled a strange tint to his breath and noticed his reddening eyes…

It hit her. He was drunk.

She knew just from looking that he wasn't completely drunk, but it was evident that there was alcohol in his system. This might explain for the reason why he's at her house, but now knowing that there was a substance controlling a part of his motions and actions…

…She suddenly felt more nervous. And the next move encouraged it.

It turned out it was his arms that encircled her in a flesh-like cage, as a hot wet spot formed on her neck where his mouth lay. From this position she couldn't see the expression on his face, but knowing for sure that hers was stuck in one of horror and a dream-like stance, knowing this was too real for life. "I'm sorry…for everything.." it was whispered in her ear, as he kissed there too. "I'm…just so tired…so tired…please…"

And for once, she realized all the pain, all the guilt, all the agony. All these feelings and emotions he held tight inside, unable to release in fear of rejection or death. He had to run away; run away from those happy memories that ended in one moment, but all these events finally caught up to him. He was an old man in a boy's body, she thought, and through tearful eyes she nodded, in acceptance.

Her whispers of help words and phrases were like keys to his body, as she heard a silent sigh of relief and pain, held in for perhaps years. A small, sad smile etched onto her face. This moment, no matter how insignificant or how screwed up it was when it came to the thought that it was all the alcohol talking, it still really mattered to her at the moment, for it felt good to be needed, for once, by a person she loved.

After a comforting moment of embrace and silence, his arms moved their positions to her hips. His lips started to glide across her skin, feather-like touches to her cheeks that made her smile softly to the feel. His tongue caressed her jaw, barely slipping out but releasing a shy moan from the pink-haired teen. He pressed his mouth to hers, prying it open softly with nibbes to the rosy lips as he was granted entrance into her hot cavern as their red appendages met with a dance of licks and emotions.

Soon her back was to the bed, his broad form hovering over her with eyes of a foreign emotion underlying in the pupils, confusing both Sakura and Sasuke. His hand, sow but steady, started up her nightgown with cold touches on her thighs as she gasped in surprised and secret pleasure. Nothing lay underneath but her hot skin, reddening the pale flesh as he rested his hand upon her right breast. Removing the sleepwear, he pressed his lips around the areola, releasing sounds of mewling and moans that he never heard before from those cherry lips. With sudden precision, he licked the pert nipple as his hand moved to the other white mound of pure flesh. A loud moan and suddenly she was more active, her thighs clenched and wet with sweat, rump slightly arched in the air.

Soon his hand rested on her thighs, moving them aside with little trouble. She gave her a glance: Are you sure? while a dreamy smile and a slight nod continued his journey between her legs. Soon his fingers were sticky and wet with her sweet essence, which drifted in his nose and chilled his bones. Penetrating her hole, she let loose a breathy moan which resounded throughout the room, heating their bodies even more. It was sheathed to the third digit, hugged like a glove and hot. Prodding, moving, bending in her in extreme ways: unlocking uncontrollable sounds and whimpers that released a harsh breath from the almost silent male. In seconds, a second finger was added, and then a third, and now it seemed as if she would split in two with pleasure. She thrust in rhythm to his fingers, moans matching every thrust and now an octave higher than before.

A puckering suck and his appendages were out, and Sakura released a disappointed moan accompanied by a hot face. Soon she realized his eyes were level with hers, his hand pulling her hand to the waist of his pants. It was then she realized the affect she had on him, a hot, pulsing, meat poked at her fingers, blurring her eyes with an erotic sense and need. Without thinking her hands were undoing the rope that held his pants, and they were down his legs and kicked off his ankles. As the huge flesh became known, her face grew bright and hot. How would such a sight…fit? The size sent a new spurge of heat to her nether regions and made her whimper in delight.

With a cautious glance, he descended his lips onto hers, a soothing kiss as he thrust in. A moan ripped through her throat as more pleasure than pain filled her chest as he started a rhythm. Strident moans reverberated around the room in a pleasing manner, soft grunts hidden under harsh panting. Sweat slithered from their skin and into the sheets of the bed, the rose-haired girl clenching full of white sheets, only to be wrapped around Sasuke's neck in embrace. Feminine legs spread wider and hugged the man's muscled torso for a better angle as tempos increased and voices soared. Soon, white crept into Sakura's eyes, and an explosion was felt through her body, as an outbreak of fluid escaped from her lower body, releasing a high-pitched scream, contained quickly by hot lips upon hers.

He was close, but not there. He needed more, spreading her legs to the point of strain,himself emitting sounds he never ever heard. Angry welts formed on his back as her arms slipped, eyes closed in ecstasy. He hissed, pleasure coursing through his veins. He looked into her eyes. "Say my name," he hissed in brilliant baritone.

"Sasuke…" Her face burned with response.

"Louder." Demanding, he was almost there…


"Ah…!" Soon his arm were shaking, his seed spilling inside of her as the bed creaked with strain and pounded the wall with a resounding effect. And then he was down, his weight crushing the blossom beneath him, both too tired to move. But soon they shifted, her still caged slightly underneath him but embraced by the waist.

They lay in the aftermath, the earlier storm now just a calm drizzle outside her window, silence consuming their pants and harsh breathing. No words were needed, none at all, for peace and and pure happiness filed the room and spoke on their faces. Yet, for Sakura, something boiled and grumbled inside, reminiscing feelings that had seemed to be buried for the three years he remained absent. "…Sasuke?" Her voice was small.


"I love you."

His mind was stuck for the first time in his life, no witty response hot on his tongue nor a quick response in answer. "Aa," he answered with closing eyes.

A sad smile she adorned, knowing fully well how much he didn't and would never more. Nothing could keep the tears from gathering in her eyes, but quick chastising for her foolishness kept her cheeks dry. Of course he wouldn't say it, but the thoughts quickly vanished and demolished in her mind. Her heart could no longer hear the truth, or the sobs would overtake her. Before sleep became her haven, she asked for one wish, as her eyes closed with a feeling of dread in her chest.





x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x






The sun warmed her cheeks and body. It seemed like the day was making up for the malicious night before, with the rain and thunder and…


Sakura shot up, the sheet wrapped tightly around her torso, remembering all the events from the night before. This caused her to look at the empty area beside her; indented and crumpled, indicating a person was indeed here… before.

This caused tears to come to her eyes, knowing full well that he wasn't in the bathroom, he wasn't in her kitchen, that he wasn't there… at all.

At that point, she sobbed like she never did before, clutching the sheet in desperation and resting her head on her chest, as she though of her last pleading the night before.


But it was too late.

He was gone.

Good? I hope...worked hard on this. haha.

If theres any grammar and/or spelling mistakes: please tell me. It would be very helpful.

