Disclaimer: JKR wrote it

Disclaimer: JKR wrote it. I just play around with the characters.

Time Travel

I sat in Professor McGonagall's office, impatiently tapping my foot, waiting for her to arrive. I had been sent here by Professor Flitwick for cursing a student, although if you asked me the bastard deserved it. The door to her office swung open and Professor McGonagall entered, she looked annoyed.

"Samantha," I winced, she noticed and sighed, "Sam, I thought we were over this." I shrugged and she again sighed. "I know it's hard, you've just lost your father but…" I cut her off.

"I never met him, he may have been my dad, but I never met him," I told her firmly. "He never even knew I existed, how's that for a relationship?" my temper was rising, she noticed and tried to calm me down, but it was too late, I was furious. I was mad at my mum, mad at my dad and mad at myself.

"I would never have known about my father if Dumbledore hadn't have told me!" I shrieked.

"Do you want me to get Harry?" she asked. I reeled back shocked and stared, she wanted to get Harry?

Let me explain, Harry Potter, the boy who lived was the only one who knew my father well, well, him and Remus. From those two names I guess you know who my dad is, but if you don't I'll tell you. My father was the notorious Sirius Black.

Yep, the Sirius Black, well he was. My dad, well he's dead. He had died trying to save Harry from Voldermort. My mother had died years ago; she died when I was two. She had been hit by a killing curse by one of Voldermort cronies.

Even though Harry was two years younger than me, he was a good friend. Yeah I know, how can he be two years younger than me, well I started a year later then I should have at school, that's how he's two years younger than me.

I sighed before nodding. McGonagall smiled and swept out of the door, five minutes later she returned with Harry. He smiled, sadly I noticed, when he saw me.

"I'll leave you two alone." McGonagall said before leaving. When she was gone Harry sat next to me and said,

"Slytherin hu?" I nodded and he smiled, "At least it wasn't a Gryffindor."

"Yeah," I replied unbothered. I then turned to him, "Tell me about Sirius." He smiled and replied with,

"What do you want to know?"

As I walked back to Gryffindor common room I felt miles better, Harry and I had had a good talk. I had learned many things about Sirius, he was a troublemaker, just like me, I even looked like him, with my dark hair and mischievous smile, but my eyes I knew were my mothers, a dark blue that danced in the light.

Having that talk with Harry about Sirius made me feel better inside and it was good to know that Harry was still hurting as well, it also made me happy that he said if Sirius had ever known he was my father he would have welcomed me with open arms.

I was still thinking this when I felt a shiver go down my spine and without warning my head felt like it was going to explode. I stopped and clutched a coat of armour, my head was pounding and I felt nauseated. I heard someone say something and someone who looked strangely like Harry came up to me before I blacked out.

A/N: So there you have it. The first chapter of my story. Let me know what you think by leaving a review. :D