*Author's note*
I decided to put an epilogue since well you know…I guess it will give a clearer ending…nothing too major will happen just explanations and the usual boring stuff that happens. Well I wonder how long I can manage to keep this long. Anyhow I hope it isn't too bad.
The raindrops kept falling nonstop on the window…Haruhi stared at the sky for awhile…
"It looks like its not going to clear up."
"Haruhi, you've got designations" Kyouya called.
"Can you schedule me a meeting with her this afternoon?" A frail old voice asked.
"We will get in contact with her, Kimiko-sama…"
The Host Club is now open…
"Haruhi-kun, we haven't seen you in awhile…"
"What have you been doing?" another asked.
Haruhi laughed sheepishly.
"Haruhi-kun…" the girl began again
"Is it okay if…"
Other members are currently…
"Tamaki-sama, the host club hasn't been open for a few days…what's been happening?" A regular of Tamaki asked.
"Don't worry about it, hime, that's all water under the bridge…" Tamaki took the girl's chin under his hand, and through the corner of his eye glanced at Haruhi.
"YOU GO OUT WITH ME!!!" he heard and maybe even everyone else did as well. It came from Haruhi's spot.
Tamaki's head literally turned automatically to Haruhi's direction.
In unison, the twins dropped their hands from each one's face and looked in that direction as well…
Kyouya raised an eyebrow, Mori looked at Honey, and Honey held his rabbit tighter and the strawberry on Honey's cake dropped to the floor. Honey didn't even realize it.
Haruhi was speechless at first but quickly regained her composure…
"Um, I don't think that's possible…" she began but stopped and her eyes traveled to the other host club members particularly Tamaki…
"Ah, that's right!" he quickly reacted.
"Why is that?" the girl was really determined.
"Because…" Haruhi tried to think of a reason…C'mon…anything will do…
"Haruhi, already has a girlfriend" a voice said as the double doors of the host club slowly opened and In went Haruhi's best friend.
"Are you saying you and Haruhi-kun are…?"
Yuuki approached Haruhi…
"Haru is my darling…" she gave Haruhi a hug…and whispered…
"Sorry about this, Haru…"
"You saved me at least…"
Everyone in the host club found it quit amusing except one jealous blond…
Devil! How dare you touch my Haruhi!!!
But his troubles weren't over yet…as he heard a light smacking sound…he wondered what it was and did his eyes pop out…
"A kiss!" he said out loud…
"Poor, Tono" the twins said in a low but still at the same time voice.
"Tsk, tsk, Poor Tama-chan!"
"It's just on the cheek" Kyouya stated…
"Yeah" Mori just agreed.
The girl lowered her head and didn't speak…Haruhi felt a little guilty…
"I'm sorry" she tried to comfort.
The girl slowly raised her head and put on a smile…
"It's okay, but, Haruhi-kun can I keep coming here?"
"I would be satisfied just to see your face…" she added.
Haruhi put on her amateur but award-winning smile and said.
"Always a pleasure"
And 'someone' just couldn't help but blush.
After a few hours…
The Host Club is now closed…
"Waah!!! Haru!!!" Yuuki squeezed Haruhi one more time before letting go…
"See you soon" Haruhi whispered.
Yuuki's eyes shot a glare at Tamaki…which made his whole spine shiver…
"Listen up Punk, you better take care of Haru, or else…" she didn't continue her sentence…
"You don't even need to tell me that" that was one thing Tamaki was certain about. Just don't kiss her again…
"Oh yeah, I almost forgot" Yuuki realized something and at the last minute whispered something to Haruhi…
"Yeah, thanks"
"Sayonara!" she shouted energetically one more time.
School gate…
"Go somewhere?" Tamaki repeated.
Haruhi nodded…
"Just come with me" she grabbed his hand and that made Tamaki blush for an instant.
And they ended up at the place Tamaki once despised.
The Aoigiri Mansion…his face was too serious as he stared at it…so he couldn't help but ask…
"Why are we here?"
"Yuuki told me that Obaa-sama wanted to talk to me…"
Tamaki didn't reply…but he experienced emotion again after Haruhi surprisingly held his hand and they went together.
Before they knew it they were at the double doors of Kimiko's room.
Not wanting to intrude or anything Haruhi lightly knocked on the door…inside was a muffled voice.
"Come in"
Kyouya was in his limo…and he remembered some things, which were really (for someone like him) unworthy to remember.
His eyes, traveled outside to a cherry blossom almost loosing all its leaves…
Autumn was near…
Hikaru and Kaouru were fixing up the things in the host club. They recently came from a round of the usual, 'which one is hikaru game?' and of course nobody got it right…and then something popped up into their mind.
"Why are we doing all the cleaning?" Hikaru asked his brother and Kaouru got the meaning…
"Tono is the one in charge of this!"
They lowered their heads in defeat, maybe this was the first time that their idiotic king had gotten away with it.
"Haruhi, must be happy…" Hikaru suddenly said.
"I'm sure she is" Kaouru replied
As they finished up the cleaning…the double doors opened…
"Nanase, are you here!?" a voice said opening the door in a rush.
A student walked in, a girl to be exact with pink hair and eyes. Then she noticed the brothers she paused for awhile then bowed her head…
"Ah, gomenasai"
Both weren't in the mood to really care…
"It's-" Hikaru was saying then stopped both thought of an idea.
"To make it up, let's play a game…" Hikaru began this girl seemed easy to order (just a bit) around and sometimes they were really this evil
"Eh, game?" the girl wondered.
"Miss, if you can guess who's Hikaru among us then we'll let you leave peacefully…"
"But I haven't even met you too…" the girl retorted.
"Is that a complaint I hear, from someone who just barged in?"
The girl froze…
Back to Tamaki and Haruhi…
"I'm sorry Haruhi and to you too, Tamaki-kun…" Kimiko began; she was in her bed…her hair disheveled and in a kimono…
The couple couldn't believe what they were hearing…
"Haruhi…" she began again as if to explain something…
"Hai?" Haruhi said just to respond even a little bit.
"Your mother was an amazing woman…"
Haruhi didn't even wonder about those words and nodded knowing it was correct.
"Ranioji, took care of her and loved her more than anything, if so he wouldn't be this indifferent after her death…" (I dunno the spelling of his more 'male' name so sorry :)
Tamaki felt like he didn't belong much into the conversation but just approved silently with everything.
"I wanted the best for my daughter so I pushed her, no forced her into a cruel future…"
"I hurt her so much…I hope she forgives me for that…" Kimiko's expression was truly a solemn one as she spoke.
"Oka-sama doesn't hold grudges against anyone…" Haruhi said remembering a bit from her memories and her father's compliments.
"Haruhi, do you mind if I tell you a story?"
Haruhi permitted it…
"Sit down, both of you please…" there were two chairs side by side…they sat down…
"Before I met your grandfather I did a lot of things…things inappropriate and everything just to get money…illegal things even, when men were chasing me and I was in a corner I thought I was done for then, I heard screams and complaints…My eyes were already closed so I slowly opened them to see what was happening…" she stopped to breath in and out and continued at a moderate pace.
"Yuuhi appeared extending his hand to my level with a gentle smile…I hesitantly took it…"
"I saw that the men were all beaten up…to my surprise he gave me a ride on his back and brought me to his house, no the right word would be mansion."
"He didn't seem like a rich young master, I got to know him we became best friends, I felt a lot of affection for him and one day he asked for my hand…we were barely adults"
"I accepted, but I was worried that his parents would definitely disapprove, although they were kind to me and welcomed me….His parents were glad actually…"
She lightly chuckled…
"They even joked that maybe I would put something useful in his head…"
"I was able to help a lot…we wanted to have a lot of children…his parents also wanted a lot of grandchildren…our first and last was Kotoko because his illness came so suddenly, he was hiding it from everyone…including me…to keep me from worrying…"
"After that, I just lost control, his parents were old and tired from everything so they left me in charge of the company…Kotoko was only three years old…I was glad that despite myself she remembered her father…"
"I guess I wanted Kotoko to meet someone like Yuuhi, someone that could help her and even save her the way he did; I just didn't realize that it was definitely your father." She confessed.
"So, please can you say sorry to Ranioji for me, Haruhi?"
"I'll pass it on, and he prefers 'Ranka' now, Obaa-sama…" Haruhi joked and everyone in the room found it quit amusing…
"I remember asking Yuu, what would you do if you lost me? I was just deadly curious…"
"He plainly said…maybe…I'll turn into a bi or something…"
Everyone tried to suppress a chuckle…
"Enough with my stories, I just want to ask you one thing?" Kimiko directed her attention to Haruhi again…
"Are you happy?" she continued...
"With, Tamaki-kun…?"
Haruhi didn't reply right away the corner of her eye was on Tamaki. He also waited for her answer in a tense manner…
"Of course…" Haruhi began and the two parties seemed to be able to breath easier.
"I wasn't finish…" Haruhi said noticing their relief…she opened her mouth momentarily not saying the last word right away next to the 'of course'.
"Duh" she said sticking out her tongue to Tamaki.
Tamaki childishly pouted…Kimiko felt amused in a non-eccentric way she said…
"Then, Tamaki-kun, prove how much you love my granddaughter…"
"Eh?" the couple said in unison…Tamaki was the first to get it…Haruhi just raised an eyebrow…
At the host club…
"Um, you're Hikaru-san" she pointed to Hikaru…and both were shocked that she had got it right on her first try…
Both said…
She laughed lightly then said…
"Just guessing, sorry to bother you." And with that she went to the doors, bowed one more time, and was gone…
Back to the scene…
Tamaki smirked, Haruhi still didn't get it…without warning he slowly pressed his lips very lightly on Haruhi's…Haruhi blushed…she finally got it..
*Author's note*
That's all, thanks for reading ^_^