Summary: It Was The Promise Of Summer, We Sealed It With A Kiss, Let's Hope We Do Things Proper. How Did We Get To This?

Disclaimer: I don't own the story, only the idea. I don't even own the summary and title. They are from the song called Cliff Diving by +44.

Hey, I'm back with a new story since What's The Us is now finished. This story has been stuck in my mind for as long as I started to listen to the song Cliff Diving by + 44. The whole song made me think right away of a Brucas story. Anyway…. It's almost midnight and I have finals tomorrow, so I better be going.

This is just the set up for the next chapters. Enjoy. Please review. I have to go get some sleep now.

Cliff Diving


"Promise to meet back here next year?" The fourteen-year-old said with tears in her eyes. She hated the end of summer. It meant leaving everything she loved in Tree Hill to go back to Charlotte where she hated it.

"I promise B. I always come back." Lucas smiled hugging the brunette. "I'll always be there."

"Good." Brooke said looking at her watch. "My mom is probably looking for me."

"Mine too." Lucas frowned.

"I don't want to go Luke. I don't want to go home."

"I know Brooke. You can call me whenever you want."

"Okay." Brooke said as they climbed out from underneath the picnic table at the basketball court next to the river.

"Brooklynn Penelope Davis!" Keith yelled grabbing Brooke by her arm as he pulled her to the car. "I told you no! You're not ever allowed to see him again! I don't want you to do anything with him. Understand me?"

"Yes Dad." Brooke said rolling her eyes.

"Do not roll your eyes at me young lady. Now get your ass into that car right now!" Keith yelled. "As for you Scott I want you to stay the hell away from my daughter."

"Why don't you keep your daughter away from my son?" Dan yelled pointing a finger at Keith. For two people who once where friends they sure hate each other now.

"Don't you dare say anything about my daughter Dan!"

"Learn to control your son maybe."

"Keith let's just go!" Karen yelled from the car.

"See what you had to do Brooke? You caused all this." Haley yelled at her younger sister, by two long years, as she climbed into the car.


"No Brooke you're the one that caused dad to get this mad."

"Girls quiet it." Karen yelled.

"Brooklynn if you ever step near that boy again then you will not see any day light for as longs as you live in my house." Keith yelled when they pulled away.

"Why? Why can't I be friends with Lucas?"

"Don't you dare start that Brooke. Don't." Haley whispered to herself hoping for once that Brooke would actually listen to her.

"Cause that boy is no good Brooke."

"Or do you mean the dad is no good. Dad you have no clue about anything that doesn't involve the stupid fight." Brooke cried. "You're too old to be fighting."

"Keith she kind of has a point."

"Karen please don't start." Keith begged his wife.

"Okay but just give the poor girl a break." Karen said.

"Not until she learns that that family is no good."

"I learned that dad when you started to go insane on me!" Brooke yelled climbing in the way back of the black Escalade.

"She ruins everything!" Haley complained. "I was enjoying my time at the beach but no we had to leave cause of her!"

"Hales stop." Keith said not wanting to start another fight.


"Lucas Eugene Scott!" Dan yelled as soon as they got home. "What the hell where you thinking seeing that Davis girl.


"No I want to know! After all the times we tell you to stay away from them you still don't listen to me."

"I don't need to listen to you." Lucas said under his breathe.

"What did you say boy? You better have not said what I think you did."

"Good going Luke." Nathan laughed at his younger brother as he made his way towards his room.

"Nathan get to your room before you get in trouble." Dan said staring at his two totally different sons.

"Dan go easy on the boy." Deb said.

"The day he learns to listen to me and the day you cut down on the drinks boozy." Dan smirked.


"Deb just let me deal with him."

"Go easy on the boy." Deb reminded him walking up the stairs.


"No Luke you are not getting away this easy."

"Come on."

"Come on Lucas? You disobeyed my orders to stay away from her. You are going to get what you deserve. Three weeks grounding starting now. Get your ass up to that room right now!" Dan yelled watching his youngest stomp his way up to his room.

"Told you so." Nathan smirked.

"Go to hell." Lucas yelled slamming his bedroom door shut.