If you're new to this story, then I'd like you to know that I'm in the process of revising this story. I started writing it a long time ago, and so I'm redoing the first few chapters. So if there's a drop in quality at some point, then that probably means that I haven't gotten around to editing that chapter yet. Not all the chapters will be revised, just the older ones.

On that note, I hope you enjoy this story. I've certainly worked hard on it.

The strange, shadowed figure stepped closer. Sora summoned his Keyblade immediately, and Riku did the same. "What do you want?" shouted Sora.

It took a few more steps towards the trio. "I need something from you boys," it said. It had a male voice, but its body simply resembled a human silhouette. It was impossible to make out any features.

Riku leaned towards Kairi. "Run," he whispered. "This guy looks like trouble."

Kairi hesitated. "But what about you?"

"Just go, please. We can handle him."

Kairi tried to sneak away, but realized that that wouldn't work. She launched into a run, going as fast as she could. But the strange figure noticed, and materialized in front of her. "You're not going anywhere," he said, coldly.

He grabbed her, and a knife appeared in his hand. In a single movement, he put one arm around her and held the knife to her throat. "You two," he said, looking straight at Sora and Riku. "Come with me, or the girl dies."

Sora's eyes widened, a look of horror on his face. Riku looked shocked, but then relaxed a little. "She's a Princess of Heart," he said. "She could be valuable. Are you sure you want to kill her?"

"It doesn't matter what she is," the thing snapped. "She'll die just the same."

Sora was silent. Then he looked down, and his Keyblade vanished from his hand. "I'll go," he muttered.

The thing nodded. "Good. And the other?"

Kairi watched, horrified, as Riku stepped forward. The thing pulled the knife away, and pushed Kairi onto the sandy ground. "Excellent," he hissed.

He pointed at the ground, and a beam of dark purple light appeared. Kairi got to her feet, and glared at him. "What do you want with them?" she asked.

The thing chuckled, as her friends disappeared into the light. "Wouldn't you like to know?"

Kairi ran after him, but he was gone almost immediately. She stared at the place that the light had been. "Get back here!" she shouted. "You can't just take them like that! You can't!"

Her response was nothing but silence. All she heard was the waves on the shore, and the cries of seagulls in the distance. "You…you can't," she muttered.

For several minutes after that, she simply sat on the beach, sobbing. All they'd wanted to do was go back to the little island. Why had this happened? Why did that thing have to show up and ruin it? How could this be happening? It was supposed to be over! They were supposed to just be at home, and live peaceful, ordinary lives again!

And she just couldn't get over how he had used her to get to them. She'd been the reason that he'd been able to make them go with him. If she hadn't been there, Sora and Riku could have beaten that thing easily!

And…why were Sora and Riku so important to him, anyway? What could he want with the m that was important enough to pull something like that? It may have been a dirty trick, but she had to admit that it was clever. When it came to people like them, it was almost foolproof.

She got to her feet, and wandered around the island for a while. Everything was so beautiful. The absence of her friends was the only indication that something was wrong. Somehow, it just felt wrong to her. How could the world be so perfect while she was feeling this sense of chaotic despair?

Eventually, she ended up at the secret place. She looked at the drawings on the walls, trying to remember when each one had been done. That one over there was the dolphin that Sora had drawn for her, after the first time she'd seen a real one. And that one next to the tall rock was her first drawing here. It was supposed to be a sailboat, but you couldn't really tell by looking at it.

And then she saw the one that she and Sora had drawn together, when they were both little kids. It had been added to more recently – Sora had drawn a paopu fruit, with an arrow pointing to the drawing of Kairi. She didn't know when he'd done this, but she did remember finding it this way. It had been shortly after this world had been restored. She'd been flattered, but unsurprised. After her heart had been with his for so long, she knew how her friend felt about her. And it was then that she realized that she'd been feeling the same way about him. And she she'd added to it as well, another fruit and arrow.

She put her hand up against the drawing, and the tears began all over again.

After a while, she noticed Namine's voice in her head. Please, don't blame yourself, she said. It's not your fault. There was nothing you could have done.

I know, Kairi thought back. But it still hurts.

She stood up, and looked around. What now? she thought. We don't have a gummi ship on the islands, so how will anyone know what happened? What can I do?

She sat there in the little cave for a while longer, waiting for her Nobody to say something back. I don't know, said Namine.

Kairi stood up, and walked out of the cave in the direction of the rowboats. She figured she might as well let her parents know what happened.

All of a sudden, she heard something. She looked around, and saw nothing. Then she looked up.

In the sky was a strange looking object. It kind of looked like a gummi ship, but then again, she hadn't seen many before.

She tried to ignore it, but the noise only got louder. Curious and excited, she ran towards the highest area she could find.

As it got closer, the shape became more identifiable. Eventually it landed, not too far away. She hesitated for a moment, but then ran over in its direction.

When it came into view, Kairi could see that it was definitely a ship. It was made of white and purple blocks, and had the symbol of Disney Castle painted on one side. That was probably a good sign. Shortly after Kairi found the door, it began to open.

Two creatures emerged from the ship. One looked like a mouse, wearing a pink dress. The other was a duck, wearing purple. Kairi had never seen them before, but it was safe to say that they were probably from the same place that Sora's friends were from. They had that same look to them.

She stared at them for a moment, and they stared back. Then, the mouse smiled. "You must be Kairi," she said. "Could you get Sora and Riku? It's very important."

Kairi looked down. "I can't," she muttered. "This thing showed up, and – "

"Took them away?" finished the duck.

Kairi nodded. "Yeah. He threatened to kill me if they didn't go. So they really didn't have much choice.

"Looks like we've got something in common, then," said the duck. "He came to the castle, too. He took the King, Goofy, AND Donald."

Kairi looked at her, surprised. "He did?"

"That's why we came here," said the mouse. "We were going to ask your friends to help us, but it looks like we were too late."

She looked at Kairi and smiled. "I've heard much about you, but I don't believe we've met. I'm Queen Minnie, and this is Daisy."

Kairi smiled faintly. "Well, you guessed right about who I am. I'm Kairi. Good to meet you."

She looked around. "Well, what now?" she asked. "We can't let that thing have his way with them. Do the two of you know how to fight?"

Daisy thought for a moment. "I don't fight, but I've studied healing and defensive magic, and I must say I'm pretty good at it. And the Queen was required to learn to defende herself, so she knows magic as well. Do you have any useful skills?"

Kairi looked nervous. "Me?"

"Yes, you. Don't you want to help your friends?"

Kairi thought for a moment. "Well, Sora's been teaching me how to fight," she said. "Just a little, but I think I'm OK at it. And I have this."

She held out her hand, and concentrated. At first, nothing happened. But soon, her weapon appeared – a pink Keyblade decorated with floral designs. Minnie and Daisy looked surprised. "You have a Keyblade?" asked Minnie. "I wasn't expecting that. Where'd you get it?"

"Riku gave it to me in the World that Never Was," said Kairi, recalling her first and only real battle. "I'm not sure where he got it, though. Like I said, Sora has been teaching me how to use it, so I'd probably be some help."

Daisy nodded. "Sounds good to me."

She motioned towards the door to the ship. "Shall we?"

"Wait," said Kairi, nervously. "We're leaving now? Like, right away?"

"As soon as possible, yes," said Minnie.

Kairi took a deep breath. "OK then. I'll go."

"I was thinking we should go to Hollow Bastion," said Daisy. "It would be a good place to get supplies. Plus, I know that the guys have friends there. Maybe they could help us."

"Sounds great," said Kairi.

She looked around at the little island. She felt nervous about leaving, but there was nothing to be gained by staying here. This was her chance. She knew she had to take it.

There. That's MUCH better than it used to be, isn't it? :)