So, what is the problem with the world? Why can't things just be simple and easy? Why do we have to put so much effort in stuff and get little things in return for our hard work? There are so many questions that I ask myself, and there are so many things that confuse me.

My name is Sakura Haruno, and here is my story…

We were in the soccer field, just sitting on the grass as we watched the rest of our friends playing soccer. I was fiddling with a piece of grass I had pulled out of the ground and clearly tearing it apart as I picked up another. I glanced beside me wondering what the person beside was doing.

It caught me by surprise. He had tilted his head to face me, and he was smiling. Not a toothy kind of smile, but a genuine one. HE was smiling at ME. Ever since the first time he smiled at me, I felt special. My heart pounded and probably skipped a few beats. It was just me and him. Time had stopped, and everything was in slow motion.

"What?" I asked a bit nervously, but I practically killed myself for ruining the moment I had just taken in.

He chuckled. He was squinting as the light had shone on his features, which made me melt a little bit more.

"No seriously, what?" I asked in panic now as I started feeling my face incase I still had some of my chocolate smudges on.

"Hn, its nothing, I just find it amusing how you're killing that grass piece." He grinned.

"Idiot." I mumbled under my breath as I looked forward to my friends playing their little soccer game. I regretted looking forward though, because all I caught in sight was one of them giving me two big thumbs up, and the other jumping up and down and smiling brightly at me.

My life is chaotic, and I'm not just saying that.

I have many issues, and I may have some regrets. But I have a really big problem right now.

I have fallen for my best friend.