Disclaimer: Don't own and never will.

AN: In this chapter, I will be referencing the events of the game Ace Combat Distant Thunder briefly. The Erusians mentioned here will NOT be showing up in the story.

"Hi Taranee," Nigel said with just a hint of nervousness. "Long time no see."

"Ten years to be precise," Taranee replied as she looked firmly at Nigel over her glasses. "It's…good to see you again."

"Yeah…uh I'm sorry I never wrote to you. Or e-mailed," he paused for a moment, his hand around the back of his head. "It was…pretty chaotic back then. The Erusians had invaded and-"

"And shut down all none military computer networks. Even getting letters through was hard. I know," Taranee said softly with a smile. "And I'm sorry for screaming at you like that. I know you really didn't have much choice and-"

"No-no, I should have told you sooner. I just…didn't know how to tell you…"

There was a moment of silence before the pair of them giggled.

"This is weird. God, it's like we're a pair of teenagers again," she said and Nigel smiled sadly.

"It is a bit," he paused and looked away. "God, I miss how simple and easy the world seemed back then."

"What happened after you left? How did you get caught up in all this?" Taranee asked and Nigel leaned back against a wall.

"Well…" Nigel looked away somewhat sheepishly. "When the Erusians invaded, they pretty much ignored our town. We were pretty much an afterthought really, sweeping in and taking over without a fight.

There was an airfield outside our town that they took over as a base. It was nothing fancy, just some transport planes and I got sucked into the local resistance."

At this point, one of his men snorted with amusement. Nigel glared at the offending individual, who simply ignored him.

"Sucked in he says. He was practically jumping at the enemy BEFORE we got him!"

"Anyway," Nigel said clearing his throat before continuing. "I joined these guys as a part of the resistance. The North Point Federal Intelligence Bureau sent an agent to train us in the art of sabotage. Anyway…we put it to good use against the Eruseans.

After the war, we were recruited by a group known as the Peacemen, an organisation dedicated to countering the influence of organisations like the Belkan Grey Men. As they're behind this war…this falls into our area."

"Would have been better if they had stopped them from starting the war in the first place," Taranee said with a slight growl just as the Oracle stepped into the room.

"Alas, we are only human my dear. It was one of our failures, one that many good men and women are paying the price for as we speak," he said, his twinkling eyes sad for a moment. "That is why we must bring this conflict to an end as soon as possible. Expose their deception to the world and it will burn away."

"Do you have another mission for us?" Taranee asked as she raised an eyebrow and the Oracle nodded.

"Yes. An important step that will take us one step closer to our goal. Meet us in the briefing room in twenty minutes. Your fellow pilots will be there."

"So…twenty minutes. Do you want me to show you around the base?"


"This is your objective," The Oracle said as a photo of an apparently empty civilian airfield appeared on the screen behind him. Nigel raised an eyebrow, but said nothing. "This is Krylo Airfield in the north eastern Pobeda Peninsula. It is a small civilian airfield currently occupied by a small contingent of Belkan mercenaries. It has no significant permanent role as such and is sufficiently isolated from the hubs of both Yuktobonian and Osean forces alike to avoid facing any risk of significant involvement from forces from either side.

You will be required to infiltrate and neutralise the airfield defences before the resistance arrives with a person of significant importance."

The Oracle turned to face Caleb and his team and another image flashed up on the screen behind him. This time, it was a warehouse that appeared to be completely unexceptional.

"This is the Warehouse 73 of the Osean Forces in Yuktobonia. Although officially a part of the Osean military, the supplies that leave that building vanish shortly after leaving and despite the best efforts of our intelligence community to date, we have yet to locate where these supplies are going and how they get to their destination without being noticed. We suspect that they are sent to a secret Belkan facility behind Osean lines. Your role is to primarily reconnaissance. Observe where the missing supplies are going and when without being observed. The enemy CANNOT be allowed to know you were there."

He turned and faced Luba and her team.

"Your group old friend has the most challenging task of them all. We have intercepted a coded message to a Belkan Kampfschwimmer unit headed for the Pobeda Peninsula. We have reason to believe that they intended to seize Prime Minister Nikanor from the Resistance before he can be taken to a place of safety."

"You want us to intercept them before that happens," Luba said briskly, a grim look on her face.

"Why not have us travel with her?" Caleb asked. "Her troops could use the reinforcements."

"Are you suggesting that I am incapable boy?" Luba hissed angrily. "My troops have fought the Kampfschwimmer before, you have not. Your troops are needed elsewhere and mine are more than capable!"

"At ease Luba my old friend, I am sure young Caleb meant no offence," The Oracle said in a soothing voice. He turned to look at Caleb. "Your mission is of vital importance. We have reason to believe that the Belkan's are planning something big to escalate the war and this warehouse is our only lead. And we only have a limited window of opportunity to act before it is too late. That is why you cannot reinforce Luba's squad this time. However, I have every confidence in Luba's ability to deal with them. She has fought them before after all."

He looked at the members of Dragon flight. Despite her recent adventures, Irma was clearly ready for action and the others were just as ready.

"We expect the Belkans to launch fighters the moment we take the airfield. They will do whatever necessary to stop Prime Minister Nikanor from reaching safety on the Osean carrier Kestrel," he paused and with a click, another picture appeared of an airfield. This one was very clearly in use.

"This is the base of the 11th tactical fighter squadron. Officially it's part of the Osean air force. In practise, it's a squadron composed of Belkan aggressors hired after the war and their sympathisers within the Osean military.

The base is too heavily defended for an airstrike to completely stop or destroy them, but you can guarantee an interception point in this area," he paused and brought another image up with a click. "Forty miles away from Krylo Airfield, this is the quickest and only way for them to reach Krylo Airfield in order to make a successful intercept without triggering Yuktobonian air defences or being noticed by Osean forces. We need your pilots to intercept and stop them from interfering with the rescue mission."

"Sir, you're asking us to stop an entire squadron with only five planes," Will protested. Elyon cleared her throat. "Well, six planes," she amended. "That's nowhere near enough planes. Even under ideal circumstances, we're looking at facing a two to one ratio against us."

"Under normal circumstances, you would be correct. However, the squadron recently suffered combat losses on the frontline and their squadron is down to eight operational fighters at present."

"We're still outnumbered," Will grumbled. "I don't doubt my pilots abilities, but I doubt these Belkan's are inexperienced rookies."

"You will be joined, temporarily, by the pilot who saved Lieutenant Elyon Brown," he gestured to the young woman with short dark hair and yellow eyes. "This is Lieutenant Rebecca Rudolph of the Emmerian Air Force. Her callsign is Orube and as she has demonstrated during her rescue of Lieutenant Brown, she is capable of holding her own in a fight."

"Are you sure that you're up for this?" Will asked as she stared Rebecca in the eye and Rebecca frowned.

"Why would I not be?" she replied. "I have gained considerable familiarity with your aircraft and I graduated top of my class in air combat manoeuvring. I have already engaged Belkan pilots when I rescued your pilot from attacks."


"And you are outnumbered by your own admission. An extra plane will even out the numbers," Rebecca continued as she glared at Will. Will threw her hands up in exasperation.

"The squadron in question is capable," the Oracle cut in before they could go any further. "However, I believe that Lieutenant Rudolph is capable of matching the hostiles. Furthermore, she is correct, bringing a parity in terms of numbers. She will be under your command of course," he paused and looked over the room. "Now if I may continue?"

Will nodded and sat down, her face as red as her hair.

"Very well. The squadron is equipped with F-15 Silent Eagles," he paused and looked at Elyon. "For this mission, you will be flying a Mig 1.44 MFI instead of your usual Mig 25 Foxbat. According to our records, you have flown this aircraft before. Do you believe that you can handle it in combat?"

"I can handle it," Elyon said firmly and the Oracle looked at the rest of the room.

"Then the briefing is over. Good luck to you all."

With that, the room dispersed. Will and Caleb shared a brief kiss goodbye, while Nigel and Taranee smiled shyly at one another before going their separate ways.

AN: Okay, I admit that I'm leaving the combat for the next scene. Sue me, I'm running out of time here and I want to get it right.