Raegan's POV

I woke to the sound of shouting and heavy foot falls outside of Jacob's room. I nudged Jacob awake just as the door flung open and Sam burst in.


He froze when he saw us. With Jacob's arms still tight around me, I knew how it would look. But I didn't expect his reaction.

His face turned murderous, and before I knew it, Jacob was ripped away from me. A loud crash filled my ears as he hit the wall. But he was back on his feet before he hit the floor. I jumped off of the bed, and before I could blink, Jacob pushed me behind him.

Sam was so furious he was shaking visibly, and as if in response, Jacob shook slightly.

"Go home, Raegan. Now." Sam said stiffly. I felt Jacob tense in front of me.

"No." I said stubbornly.

"I'm not negotiating this. Go home now." I glared at Sam before starting to head towards the door. I was furious at Sam. So, I did something that would drive him crazy. I turned back to Jacob and planted a kiss on his lips before heading back to the door. I heard Sam growl at me and I shot him an innocent smile.

"I'll see you later, Jake." I said as my hand closed around the doorknob.

"Absolutely not. You are not going anywhere near him. Not after today." I whirled back around, glaring at Sam. I noticed Jacob starting to shake more violently.

"That's not fair! We didn't do anything!"

"Not another word, Raegan. Home, now." I shot him an icy glare before stalking down the stairs. I was about to head towards the door when a big cupboard caught my eye. I opened it and inspected it. It was empty. I smiled, plans forming in my head. It would be a tight squeeze but I would fit.

I squished myself down into it, and closed the cupboard just in time to hear Jacob's door open and the shouting begin.