Raegan's POV

I lay awake in my bed. It was 3:00am but I still showed no signs of going back to sleep. A wave of homesickness passed over me and threatened to break me. I wondered if life would ever get back to normal.

No, it won't. She's dead. Get over it. A voice said inside my head.

My mom had passed two months ago, leaving me behind in the care of her sister-in-law. She'd never had time to get the will changed after the divorce, so here I was: In Aunt Emily's house.

As another wave of pain came over me I knew I needed to distract myself before I fell apart. So I went over the Emily's strange last words to me before I had retreated into my 'new' room.

Don't be afraid if you wake up with strange men in the house .Well, the kitchen.

She had laughed after that, looking down at my pajamas. I wondered what was going on here. That was a weird thing to tell someone.

Hmm….what kind of strange men? I wondered.

I shrugged mentally. I guess I'll find out in the morning. Wait, it is morning. I couldn't help adding.

Laughing to myself about how much of a dork I was, I smiled my first real smile in a long time. And, still smiling, I finally fell asleep.

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I woke up to the sounds of laughter and chairs scraping the ground. Oh, I jumped. Time to go figure out who those strange men are.

Not bothering, to change, I headed downstairs.

I froze as I saw about six tall, tan, muscled men all gathered around the table talking. (Did I mention they weren't wearing shirts?)

One of them noticed I was there, and opened his mouth to say something.

He looked me up and down, and burst out laughing. The other men looked confused, and he pointed at me. All but one looked at me, then burst out laughing.

I panicked. Had I somehow forgotten something? I looked down at my 'Save the Olympic Wolf' pajamas, and noticed I hadn't forgotten anything. I remembered how Emily had laughed last night.

They're all insane, I decided.

"Look, Jake." The first one said.

The one named Jake picked up his empty plate off the table and turned to place it in the sink. He froze when he saw me, and his plate fell to the floor, shattering.

One shard bounced off the floor, and landed on my foot, cutting it open.