"Hey Rena, want a ride?" A sandy blonde asked.

"You know I do! Wait up!" A teenage girl called from upstairs. "Hold on a minute!"

Finally, after five minutes, a blonde, petite girl appeared next to her brother. "Sorry Andy."

"Are you okay?"

"Yah, why?"

"You have blood on your sock."

Shit! Forgot one. "Oh – uh – I just cut myself shaving my leg. I'm okay." She put on a big smile.

"If you're sure."

"Yah. Now let's get going before we're both late."

"Usually you want to be late." He said as both walked out the door.

"Yah, well what do you expect. Every living breathing person in that damned school teases me. I hate them all." She said shutting the car door.

"Not all of them." He grinned slyly. He started the car and pulled away.

"Shut it! You know he hates me. He leads them all in torments!"

"Well we're picking him up too."



"Stop the car. I'll walk."

"You're not walking. I'll tell him to be civil."

"I hate Darien."

"No you don't." He chuckled.

"SHUT UP!" She huffed before falling back into the seat. "I hate you."

"I know." He pulled up in front of an apartment building as a tall, dark haired man walked out.

"Hey Andrew, thanks for picking me up."

"No problem. Hop in the back. Rena's with me."

"Ah, the average klutz."

"Please, be civil in my car."

"Okay, I'll wait till we're out."

Serena sighed as she sank back in the seat.

"I'll ride in the back Andy. I want to lounge."

"Sure. Darien can take the front."

"Hey Andy!" A brunette yelled.

"Hey Lita." He greeted wrapping an arm around her waist. "How is my lovely girlfriend today?"

"Fine. Yourself?"


"Good, but I got to go. Talk to you later?"

"Of course." He pecked her lips.



"Hey Andrew." Darien Greeted.

"Come on, let's go."

"In a rush?"


"Date with Lita tonight?"


"You hurt my sis and I'll hurt you."

"I know, I know. How many times have you told me?"

"Just making sure you know."

"You guys don't really look alike." Serena wondered aloud.

"Well meatball head, she got my mother's hair while I got my fathers."

"Stop calling me that!"

"Sure meatball head."

"Darien, cut it out. Come on, you have shotgun." He said as the three headed to his car.

Andrew got in the drivers seat and Darien got in the passenger seat as Serena scooted in the back. She turned and spread her legs the length of the backseat. She slid a little, making her skirt ride dangerously high, exposing her legs. She popped her headphones in her ears and blared her music. She began softly singing to it.

"So your dad find a way out of debt yet?"

"Nah. He said he found a way to pay it off though. He also told us last night that Serena has a new job, but he wouldn't say what."


"Yah, but hey, if it'll help us get out of debt, we're both for it."

"When's she start?"

"Today. He said it was confidential though. So I can't even know."

"Sounds creepy. It almost sounds like he'd get in trouble if someone found out. That or someone would stop him."

"What are you suggesting?"

"The only thing that comes to mind is something sexual."

"Dude! This is my baby sister you're talking about!"

"You asked."

"I know my dad has problems, but he wouldn't go that low."

"Sorry." He said glancing back at Serena. But all he saw were her legs being that she was seated behind him. He looked up her legs to where he saw a recent scar on her upper thigh and several others accompanying it. What the hell?

"What are you staring at?" Andrew asked.

Serena's singing became louder.

"No you don't know what it's like, when nothing feels alright. You don't know what it's like, to be like me. To be hurt. To feel lost. Te be left out in the dark. To be kicked when you're down. To feel like you've been pushed around. TO be on the edge of breaking down, when no ones there to save you. No you don't know what it's like. Welcome to my life."

"That's her favorite song."

"Welcome To My Life by Simple Plan?"


"Why does she like it?"

"I don't know. She says cuz of the beat. I've never listened to it. So what are you staring at?" Andrew asked again.

He whipped his head around. "Nothing. Just looking out the window."

"Were you checking out my sister?"

"No. I just noticed a cut on her leg."

"She cut herself shaving this morning."

"Ah. I was confused." That doesn't explain the other scars though.

"Well see ya later." He said as they pulled up in front of Darien's place.

"K. Thanks again."


"You might think I'm happy, but I'm not gonna be okay." Serena sang again.

"Bye." He got out of the car and watched as it pulled away.

"I'm off." Andrew said getting up from the dinner table.

"Be back by 10."

"Will do. See ya dad. Bye Rena."

"Bye." Both said.

Andrew opened the door to see a man.

"Hello. Can I help you?"

"Hi. Is your father home?"

"Yah. He's right though there." He said pointing to the dining room.



The man walked in as Andrew walked out.

"Excuse me." The man said as he walked in the archway. He saw a blonde with headphones in her ears and Ken sitting at the table.

"Ah, Mr. Slaight." Ken said getting up to great the man.

Seeing her father move, Serena popped the devices out of her ears and turned to the newcomer.

"Serena, this is your new boss. Mr. Diamond Slaight."

She extended her hand. "Pleased to meet you Mr. Slaight."

"You too. And please, call me Diamond."

"Sure. So what is it exactly I'll be doing?"

"Well let's go in the living room and discuss this."


"I'll be there in a minute."

Serena and Diamond walked into the living room.

"So how old are you?"

"16. Seventeen next month."

"Ah, happy birthday early."


He nodded.

"So what am I going to be doing?"

"It'll take a few sessions. We can start number one tonight."


Suddenly a hand was clasped over her mouth. She tried to scream, but her screams were muffled by a hand. She then realized the hand held a cloth and the cloth had a bad smell. The last thing she saw before fainting was Diamond pulling down his pants and boxers and the other hand of the person who was holding her pulled at her clothes.


She woke up the next morning groggy and in pain. She sat up slowly. The pain was centered between her legs. What happened? She thought about the previous nights events. Eating dinner. Meeting her new boss. Diamond undressing himself. Someone pulling at her clothes. Passing out. She gasped. No!


"C-coming!" She had a hard time getting up from the pain.

"Serena, I need to talk to you." Her father said coming in.

"Don't you knock!? I could've been undressing!"

"Like it matters."

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN? You were the other guy?"

"Serena. Lower your voice!"

"NO! I will not do this dad. NO!"

He slapped her face. "You will not raise your voice to me again young lady. Session two is today after school. Don't be late. AND, don't tell anyone about this." He said before storming out of the room.

She immediately went to her bedside table and pulled out the knife in it. She pressed it against her upper thigh and let the pain seep away.

Serena was quiet the whole car ride to school. After about five minutes, Andrew stopped trying to talk to her. She stared out the window the whole time.

While hurrying to her locker before math, she ran into something hard and fell flat on her ass.

She winced in incredible pain. When falling, it worsened the pain tenfold.

"Oops." The something hard said. "Sorry meatball head."

Serena, despite the incredible pain, just got up and went to her locker which was right next to where Darien was standing.


"I don't have the patience for your shit today Darien." She said, pain obvious in her voice.

"Are you hurt? What's wrong?"

She closed her locker and dared a look at him. "None of your business." With that, she walked off.

Once again, when the three got in Andrew's car, Serena popped in her headphones and spread herself across the backseat.

"What's up with her today?"

"I'm not sure. She completely ignored me on the way here this morning."

"I bumped into her in the halls. She fell and winced. I apologized using her nickname. She got up and told me she didn't have patience for my shit. She was obviously in pain, so I asked her if she was hurt. She said 'none of your business,' and walked off."

"Something's up with her."

"Could it be her job?"

"I still don't know what it is."

"Andy, how much longer?"

"What's the rush?"

"My 'employer' is waiting for me."

"At our house?"



"That's where I do my job."

"What is it?"

She paused. "Can't talk about it."

"You're not doing anything illegal are you?"

"Just drop it Andy."


"Just drop it!" She said before putting her headphones back in.

"Whatever it is is defiantly changing her."

Darien looked back to her and saw her legs with newer cuts. "Andrew, you need to talk to her."


They pulled up to Darien's place. "Just take a look at her legs." He said before getting out and heading in the building.

Andrew sat there in confusion before looking back to his sister. She was staring out the back windows. He lowered his gaze to the hem of her skirt where he could see a fresh cut. "Rena?"

She didn't answer.

He touched her.


"What did you do?" He asked pointing to her leg.

"I told you yesterday, I cut myself shaving."

He pushed her skirt up some more. "What the hell? What are you doing to yourself!?" He raged as he saw more cuts and scars.

"I'm clumsy with a razor. Now can we get home? I have another session today, and I don't want to know what will happen if I'm late."

"We're not done discussing this." He said pulling away.

"Yes we are." She muttered.

"Andrew, go start your homework. Serena, Mr. Slaight is waiting for you."

"K." She headed up stairs to her room.

"Mr. Slaight?" Andrew asked.

"Serena's boss."

"Oh yah, what's she doing anyway?"

"Sorry son, you can't know. It's on a need to know basis."


Andrew walked upstairs, glanced at Serena's closed door, and headed into his room.

Serena slowly opened her door to reveal Diamond sitting on her bed pleasuring himself.

"Ah, you're finally here. You're late you know."

"I-I'm sorry. Andrew is giving a ride to one of his friends, and the traffic was bad today, and-"

"Shhhhh, it's alright. You can make it up to me."


"You'll see. But your brother is home, so you'll be coming with me." He said as he dressed himself.


"We're leaving. I don't need to risk your brother catching us." He said grabbing her arm.

"I don't want to do this."

"You don't have a choice."


"Shut up and follow me."

A tear fell down her cheek as she walked out of the room behind Diamond.

A/N: Okay, I know I said I'd try to finish the next chapter of TL (Teenage Lovers) but I'm suffering from a little depression...well not so little, but yah. This story was an idea that popped into my head. It kinda fits my mood - well what Serena is feeling minus the rape part...
Anyways, hope you like it. There's more to come. Not sure on how long it will be.
