lNew Chapter up, just like I promised! I'm not Stephenie Meyer, so do the math!

Aiden's POV

He stared at me, fury plain in his dark eyes.

"Er…so…I'm-m b-back." I stammered. Still saying nothing, he returned to his former position, fingers pinching the bridge of his nose. Concentrating, I realized. On what, though?

"H-here are y-your k-k-keys." I said, holding a shaky hand out towards him, even though he was on the opposite side of the house. I watched him straighten and sigh.

"Do you have any idea how worried I was?" he said hoarsely. I froze. "You could have been anywhere, someone could have-" He stopped, his hands balling into fists.

I found my voice. "There was no need to worry… I was fine-"

"But I didn't know that. For all I knew, you could have been kidnapped, or worse, killed." He sighed again. "Promise me you won't do that again."


"Promise!" he commanded, and I jumped. Nodding mutely, I backed towards the door unconsciously. He nodded.

He crossed the room towards me, and I froze again. He pried the keys gently from my frozen fingers, and planted a quick kiss on the top of my head. My heart sputtered. "I have to go. Jacob's out back, he's staying with you until either I or Leah comes back." I looked up at him, confused. He smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes. "Just a precaution… I don't want you running off again." I rolled my eyes and he chuckled. He opened the door, and gave me one last, long look. "Be safe." He said. And then he was gone.

I stood there, unmoving, staring at the spot he just left. I jumped when I heard the back door open.

"Is he gone?" I relaxed. Yes, I wanted to say. He's gone, and it's all my fault. But the words wouldn't come.

"Whew," he said breezily, coming up beside me. "I'm glad he's gone. I would have killed myself if I had to stay with him any longer. Actually, I think he would have killed me first." I heard the door shut with a faint snap, but made no attempt to move from my spot.

Jacob sighed gustily. "Well… what do you want to now?"