Note: italics Denote mental thoughts

And before I forget Hidan and Kakuzu belong to Kishimoto, not me.

"When I get my hands on that little fox bastard I'm going to kill him twice." Kakuzu mumbled as he opened one eye slowly, the normally bright iris, still dull from his near death experience. It would take a while for them to return to their previous color. In fact he considered himself lucky to even be alive. Being attacked on so many angles, managed to take out almost all of his hearts. He was left with one, badly injured to say the least, but still beating, even if it had stopped briefly. Gingerly he flexed his fingers, then his arm, checking himself mentally for any serious injuries. Satisfied he wasn't incapacitated he struggled to a sitting position, wincing at the discovery of gaping wounds on his chest and back.

"Make that three times." He spat, as he propped himself up against the nearest tree. If he was going to get away from these damn Konoha Shinobi, now was his chance. With the last of his strength he had disappeared and left those shinobi with a body-double. Not just a clone, but one of Pein's elaborately made corpse dolls. Functioning like a dead human body it took on his injuries and did not disappear upon being hit. They had dragged it off to pull apart, that was certain, but it would only hold them off for so long before they realized it was a body-double. And if he couldn't get away before then, he was surely dead. He had to heal himself and get the hell out of Fire Country before they caught wind.

Summoning most of his remaining chakra, he released his tendons, watching as the dark curling appendages began stitching up the open edges of the wounds, temporarily sealing them shut until they healed. If there was one thing Kakuzu was thankful for, it was his body's ability to fix itself without too much trouble. It was almost as effective as immortality. Almost, but not quite.

Satisfied with the sewing job he slowly stood, his breath a sharp intake as he moved the wrong way, aggravating his wounds. It would take a while to heal, given he was down to half a heart and it wouldn't last too much longer. At this rate, if he ran into anything higher in level than a Jounin before he could obtain another heart, he ran the very real risk of being killed this time. His head still spun from the movement of getting to his feet and he staggered a few steps before regaining his footing and took a few shaky steps forward. His body ached with every movement and his lungs burned with the effort but he urged his body on, his shaky steps becoming a slow walk as he tried to reteach his body how to move properly. He continued pushing past the pain and soon he was at a run through the underbrush. He couldn't keep the pace up for long but it would allow him to get far enough away to plain his next move. As he ran he concentrated the rest of his energy on keeping out of sight as he moved. The last thing he needed was to run into trouble now.

He didn't slow his pace at all until he heard the sound of running water. Following the sound of the water, he made his way past the rocks surrounding the small stream keeping close to the trees. He was taking no chances. He stayed in the shadow of the forest, watching carefully for almost an hour before he moved into the water, letting the cool liquid rush through his hands as he knelt. Cupping his hands he gathered the water and putting them to his lips he drank deeply, the feeling of the cool water running down his throat almost painful, but it felt so good. He'd been almost a full day without water and he was parched. When he was satisfied he had drank enough he splashed the water onto his face rubbing away the dirt and blood. He quickly washed off the blood dried on the rest of his body and pulled his jacket out of his bag. Lucky for him they hadn't found where he left his travel sack. Filling the canteen with water he stored it away and stood up. The water was refreshing and seemed to bring about his second wind. He moved back to the shade of the trees to sit, again keeping a sharp eye out for any sign of people.

He sat, deep in thought for a while, planning out his next course of action. He assumed Pein got wind of his 'death' and would be incredibly annoyed at the fact. He would have to send word that he was indeed still alive before the young leader did anything rash like seek revenge. As impressive as Pein was, he was indeed, still young. Chuckling at the though of Pein flying off into one of his uncontrollable rants he leaned back against the tree, giving his body another few minutes to recover before he started moving again. He would need to find a heart soon. The one he had now could possibly last two weeks if he didn't strain it. Grabbing a few berries from a nearby shrub, he ate them quietly his dark eyes still scanning the area steadily. He had to be ready for anything. Being in this country was making him jumpy.

"Time to keep moving." He muttered as he stood up. The pain still nagging him. Hoisting his pack gingerly onto his back he trekked back through the water, heading for the trees on the other side. He found himself wondering where the others were. When he found a suitable spot he would contact Pein and see, but his number one priority now was to find another heart.

A sparkling reflection for the bottom of the stream caught Kakuzu's eye and he looked back. Something silver glittered under the waters surface. He stopped. It was too shiny to be a stone, and it wasn't a piece of glass. It was too small to be a kunai and not the right size to be any other weapon. Walking over to the small object he reached into the water and pulled it up. It was a medallion. Kakuzu blinked. No, its wasnt a medallion. It was a Jashinite Rosary. He stumbled backwards. Why was it here? There was no doubt it, it was Hidan's. He had repaired it once when it had been broken in a fight. The small mark was still there and there was no doubt in his mind.

"Hidan," His words came out as more of a breath than an actual word. He felt his chest constrict as he thought of the man. It hurt to think he might be dead. He was immortal, how could he be dead? It wasn't possible…was it?

Kakuzu shook his head violently, trying desperately to clear it of all the memories and thoughts that had come rushing back the minute he recognized the rosary. He looked down to discover his hands were shaking, his long, tanned fingers wrapped around the pale silver medallion. Even the color of the thing reminded him of Hidan. Pushing his thoughts to the back of his mind he continued walking. That damn albino messed with his head even when he wasn't around. When he saw him again he'd throttle him. And he would see him again, that he promised himself. Sentimental as if sounded it dulled that constricting pain just a little. Glancing down at the rosary in his hand one more time, he placed it around his own neck, feeling the coolness against his chest. He needed to return it to Hidan, as the man would have a fit if he couldn't find it. Religion was overrated in his own opinion, but he couldn't see Hidan any other way. He smiled. That immature, rash and obnoxious immortal, was religious. What a thought. He shook his head. He really needed to contact the others. He could reminisce later. He disappeared into the trees, and within seconds and was on his way towards the border to Rain country.

It's so dark...
It's so cold…

Kakuzu froze. He could swear he heard a voice. Was he hallucinating now? He ignored it. This whole near death experience was making him paranoid. He must have been close to the border now, his long strides slower than before.


I'm trapped…

"Dammit!" Kakuzu swore. He lost his footing and tripped, landing on his knees in dirt. That voice was distracting him. He looked around. There was no one following him, so where was that…

He looked down at the rosary. It was then re realized it was in his head, but he wasn't hearing voices. Someone was sending a telepathic message. It had to be one of his fellow members. Astral projection was one of talents they all shared and this time of communication came with the skill. Closing his eyes he tried to hone in on that fading, shaking voice. He did his best to project out towards its general direction, and attempt to reach that quiet voice.

Where are you? Who are you?

He knew his mental voice was weak, as he hadn't the energy or the concentration to make it stronger, but if he could receive that thought perhaps he could find out who it was that needed help.


The voice was broken, but it knew his name.


His chest felt like it had been crushed, all air escaping him. That was Hidan's voice. It was pained, hurting and he almost sounded frightened. Kakuzu felt something stir in him, and though he was unsure what it was, he needed to find Hidan. Fast.

Where are you?


This time his voice was more urgent, his message stronger, more desperate. He needed to find Hidan. He had to. It was just something he needed to do.


The voice was fading.

It's dark...

"Hidan!" This time Kakuzu spoke both mentally and audibly. He knew he wasn't going to get a location for the confused jashinite. Wherever he was he was incapacitated and he was weak. Concentrating, he tried to sense Hidan's chakra. It took him a few minutes but he felt it. That warm, familiar feeling he knew so well. His body seemed to move without orders, carrying him closer to that energy. He found that where he had paced himself before, he was going all out now, sprinting as fast as he could towards that weak signature. The longer it took, the heavier his soul felt. He wasn't far now, he was close.

Hidan! I'm on my way! Hold on.

No response. The signature was fading. Where was he, that it was so dark and cold? He continued running spurred on by will more than strength. He could see where he ran, the earth was torn up, as if a huge fight had taken place there. Trees were destroyed and a large, half filled chasm loomed just in front of him.

Chasm…Darkness! That's it! Kakuzu thought. He must be in there. He looked around for anything he could use to free Hidan. There was nothing. He closed his eyes trying to sense the energy again. Sure enough, under his feet he felt the energy. Hidan was trapped under there, most likely in pieces. The ground was full of sharp rocks and sand, tree roots and debris. Without thinking he began digging, quickly working at the rocks, finding himself more desperate to find the albino with every minute that passed.

Hold on Hidan. I'm here. It's alright…

He couldn't believe his mind was even betraying him! He was being comforting, soothing. Something he never thought possible. That damn Jashinite really was screwing with his head. He looked down as he worked, seeing no sign of the man. He eventually resorted to small chakra blasts to clear some of the rocks. The sun was setting, the fiery glow falling over where he worked, highlighting the blood that covered his hands, but he did not stop. If anything he worked faster. He was determined to find Hidan and free him, then kill the bastard who did it in the first place. Whoever it was, didn't want him ever getting out again. The more Kakuzu thought about it, the more horrible it became. Buried in eternal darkness, unable to escape the pain, unable to die and unable to live. It was a terrible existence. And Hidan was suffering it right now. He worked faster, ignoring the burning in his hands and the oncoming darkness. He would not stop until Hidan was freed.

Hold on Hidan. I'm here. It's alright…

Hidan could hear that familiar voice. Kakuzu. Kakuzu had come for him. As weak as he was he felt the familiar feel of the man's energy wash over him. He wanted to cry out, to yell with joy. But in his state all he could do was hold on. He tried once more to communicate.


By now the sun was rising again and Kakuzu was exhausted. He sat in the chasm, his breathing laboured and harsh. He drank the water he had stored quickly and looked down at his hands, feeling defeated. They were bloody and raw, but he had gotten no father. He felt a sadness fill him that he had never felt before. It was suffocating and heavy. It felt to him like a weight on his very soul. The thought of Hidan trapped and his inability to find him was too much. Slamming his fist into a rock Kakuzu hung his head, tears stinging at the corners of his eyes. He was frustrated and angry, and felt like he was failing.

So …grate….ful…So…….to he…ar you…

Those soft words spurred him into action. Hidan was waiting for him. He had to save him. He would not give up. He began working again, ignoring his hands and the searing pain. He would not stop until Hidan was free.

Just a little longer…

Hidan felt a touch. Not a normal touch. Having his head severed from his body, his couldn't actually feel his body. But he could sense his body's pieces. It was the feel of someone touching a part of his body. He wasn't sure which part but at least one part of his body was free. Kakuzu was coming for him. And it made him happier than he'd been in a long time.

The sun was setting again. Another day had passed, and kakuzu was still digging, but he had found pieces of the albino as he dug. All that was left to find was his head, and as morbid as it sounded, he was looking forward to it. He dug faster, doing his best to sense his general resting place, to avoid more work. The was near the bottom now, and he was now out of energy. He was left doing everything by hand, moving the rocks gingerly, looking for any sign of life.

He found it as he moved a large boulder to the side. Hidan head lay within, face down in a small opening, the edges of his neck ragged form where he was separated from his body. Reaching in slowly he gently grasped it and pulled it out of the hole, holding it close to his chest as he climbed towards the top of the chasm. Right now, Kakuzu's priority was getting Hidan back together, sentiments could come later.

Hidan felt the fingers touch him and saw the sliver of twilight as he was pulled from the crevice. He didn't get to see his savior's face, but he recognized the stitches across that dark chest. It was Kakuzu. He recognized those long fingers as they touched him. He closed his eyes, figuring for now it would be best if he just stayed silent.

Kakuzu had spread his jacket out, and had lined up all of Hidan's parts. Gently he placed the head down on the ground, pushing the now messy white hair out of his face. Summoning his Tendons again he set them to work, reattaching Hidan's head to his body. The head was all he was able to attach before his energy ran completely out and he crumpled to the ground in a heap, leaving Hidan to heal himself. There was no way he could move anymore. He was too exhausted and he would just have to trust Hidan to watch over him. As he lost consciousness he could just see Hidan open those gorgeous Rose coloured eyes.

Hidan blinked slowly as he felt his limbs and body finally connected again. He sat up slowly, focusing on the now slumped over Kakuzu.

"Baka." He whispered softly, moving over to lift the larger man into his arms. "You are so stubborn…"

He traced the stitches with one finger. Still the same on his face but there were so many on his chest. He had been hurt badly, and his masks were no longer there. That mean he has no extra hearts left and he was running on one very weak one. His sudden happiness for his rescue ebbed away as worry replaced it. Kakuzu needed a new heart and quickly. He hoped Hidan's strength alone was enough to heal his body before his heart did give out, or all this would have been for nothing. He cradled Kakuzu's head against his chest, his fingers tracing his shoulder and down his arm. Reaching for Kakuzu's hand he was shocked. Kakuzu's hands were a mess. Bloody and damaged, raw from digging…Kakuzu had dug him out with his bare hands. He worked for three days straight with nothing but his own strength and a half working heart to save him. The more he looked at the injuries Kakuzu sustained, the more emotional he became. He had done all of this. Everything for him. Kakuzu had almost killed himself to save Hidan. Around Kakuzu's neck Hung Hidan's rosary, a testament to how much he was willing to give to save him.

"You fool." Hidan hissed, hot tears sliding down his dirt stained cheeks. "You damned fool." He sat in silence, unable to do much more than cry, his grief, joy, relief, anger and adoration for the man spilled forth rolling down his cheeks and landing on Kakuzu's bare chest. A rumble of thunder, prompted Hidan to look up as the night sky opened up, pouring rain down onto them, washing over dried blood and dirt, washing it away, almost like the physical incarnation of washing away one's sins. Hidan let the tears fall, not sure why he was crying, or rather not able to pinpoint one of the many reasons.

"You always were so stubborn you know…"