"Damn it Al! What did I tell you about the gun?" Ed yelled at his brother.

"Sorry, brother, but Lieutenant Hawkeye told me to carry it."

Edward sighed and shook his head. He couldn't believe that the Lieutenant would allow his baby brother to have a gun when he was sealed in armor that was easy to fix.

"I have to say, Al, that gun doesn't really suit you." Havoc said, resting his chin on the blonde's head.

"Oh! Hi Lieutenant Havoc! What are you doing here so early?" Al asked the other in a somewhat high voice.

" Me and Hughes decided to spend the night yesterday." He told the younger man, jabbing his thumb behind him to show a somewhat worried man with dark hair and green eyes coming down the hall.

"Oh! Did something happen last night? Maybe I should stay over and help. Is that alright with you brother?" Al asked.

"It's nothing to worry about, Al. Why don't you go home and we'll call you if anything comes up?" Hughes said, walking past, Ed and brushing his hand against his ass.

The eldest Elric scowled as his face flushed. "Damn pervert man, dog, thing." He muttered under his breath.

Al looked at his brother then at Jean and Maes. He had never seen the three alone anywhere even at the house, so he was a little curious as to what was going on.

"Brother…Are you keeping something from me?"

Ed adverted his gaze and bit his lip. He didn't want his brother to know what exactly was going on, but he knew that it'd have to come out sooner or later.


"Ed, Havoc, and I are all gay, Al…Well at least Ed and Havoc are. I'm the bisexual one out of the three of us." Hughes told the armor that stood in the door way.

"Wha--?! Ed! Your gay and you didn't even let me know?"

"I'm sorry, Alphonse…I didn't know how to." Ed told his brother, hanging his head low.

"I swear you can be so stupid at time, Ed. You're my brother. I could care less about your orientation as long as you're happy." He told him with a sigh.

Edward's eyes widened at what his brother told him, delight running through the teen's body.

"But I can't see why you had to choose two. And why in the world did they have to be so much older than you?"

The teen chuckled and bit his lip. He didn't really know how to answer that question.

"I don't see what age has to do with it, Al." Hughes told the armored brother.

"It's a hell of a lot better than him being paired up with that damn bastard Mustang." Havoc muttered under his breath before walking away from the conversation and up the stairs.

"Ah. Did I say something wrong?" Alphonse asked, worriedly.

"No, no. He's just a little grumpy is all. I'll go see what's bugging him, please stay. I don't want Havoc and I to get in the way of you two's talk." Hughes said with a small smile.

"I-it's alright. I have to go to the library right now anyway." Alphonse told the older man, before walking away from the house.

Ed said goodbye to his brother and closed the door with a sigh. His golden eyes looking at Maes' green ones. He was relieved that his brother knew about his secret, but now he knew how Havoc felt about what had happened between Ed and their commanding officer.

Now he just wondered what was going to happen next…