Been a while since I've uploaded and I wanted to do something a bit more adult and this seemed to be the perfect story to try with so let me know what you think. More is coming!



Because I Was Bored Chapter One

Kagome cried out in frustration at the white haired half demon. Her shriek caused his dog like ears to lay flat against his head. They'd been together for a while now, she was seventeen now almost eighteen and never had she screamed at him like that.

"What the hell!" He yelled back his ears perking back up in hopes she would use her normal sweet-toned voice.

"You are just the lowest of the low Inuyasha!" She yelled, he saw it in her eyes before the words even left her mouth. "Sit boy!" He slammed face first to the ground the force equal to Kagome's anger.

"What the fuck?" He mumbled into the dirt as he listened to her walking away her small frame hardly making any noise. He thought back trying his best to understand why she was so angry and for the life of him he couldn't figure out what caused the small miko's anger. Yeah he had visited with Kikyo but he was sure to keep a nose out for Kagome's unique smell and nothing had caught his attention last night. He grumbled picking his dirt covered body off the ground and grumbled again mulling over whether or not he should go after the girl. After a few moments pacing he stomped after her his gold eyes filled with determination, he wouldn't let her just get away with being a bitch for no reason.

Kagome ran through the forest her rage destroying the small branches in her way. Forgetting for a moment she was in ancient Japan surrounded by demons she screamed into the sky letting the whole world know of her heartbreak. Finally the tears fell freely as she collapsed against a tree. Inuyasha didn't know she had been there, she knew because she had been working on ways to hide her scent from him. Last night she had only to stay downwind from him, the stupid dog had no idea. Kikyo however knew exactly where Kagome had been hiding and just as before she made sure Kagome had a show to watch. Kikyo could sense the girl's shards she kept hidden in the pocket of her green skirt when Inuyasha had stepped through the line of trees the dead woman glided to him sliding her cold arms around his neck and pulled him into a kiss. He moaned when she slid her tongue into his mouth making sure he would remember her taste. Turning him she locked eyes with Kagome a silent challenge of who could win the half demons heart. When Inuyasha's clawed fingers tangled themselves into the elder miko's hair pulling her closer Kagome walked away. He had promised to leave Kikyo alone, they knew something wasn't quite right with her. Being dead had not done wonders for her mind.

Kagome knew she would most likely never capture the heart of the half demon it was a miracle that his first love had come back to life. Who could resist that temptation? She walked away her heart barley beating. The next morning Inuyasha had the audacity to ask her "what has your panties in a bunch?" she couldn't contain her anger after that. He was too stupid to find her scent in the forest and too dumb to know Kikyo was playing a game with him as the main piece. Barley able to contain her anger she screamed in his face her rage reaching its max. The argument had landed her in her current situation, alone and lost in the forest. Hugging her knees to her chest against the large tree she cried until her body could shed no more tears. At the same moment a curious fox demon made his way through the forest intrigued by the scream of bloody murder he had heard moments earlier.

He found the source just as her tears ran out and the rage began to surface. Mumbling to herself she reached into her pocket and threw a small bottle with pink shards in them. Youko smirked, this lonely girl had shards of the sacred jewel. Taking these from her would be like stealing from a child. Jumping down from his perch atop a tall tree he landed just a few inches from the miko who squealed in surprise. She looked at him eyes wide then she saw his ears. They were so much bigger than Inuyasha's, white and fluffy they were so tempting to the young girl she wanted to know what they felt like. Youko looked at the girl confusion on his face, one moment she was crying as if facing death and now she seemed to be looking right past him. He couldn't help the look of confusion on his face so for a moment they just stood in silence. Seeing the bow and arrows strapped to the girls back Youko knew he wouldn't get too far if he just picked up the jewel shards from the ground and tried to run. She was upset and he could smell the magic of her miko power on her. Those two things together would not end well for him if he pissed her off.

"Hello young one, what has you so upset this beautiful evening?" Youko purred stepping closer, instantly he saw the girls eyes flick to the jewel shards on the ground behind him. He smiled playing dumb to the valuables. "I heard your scream and made my way over thinking someone may be in danger. What could possibly make one scream so loud?" She chuckled to herself as she stood using the tree to prop herself up. Kagome knew she needed to make her way around the new demon to her bottle of shards. Youko took the moment of her distraction to really look her over.

'Perky…' He thought eyes on her chest then he noticed exactly how strange her outfit was. If she raised her arms he knew he'd be able to see the pale skin of her belly and he realized with a slight gust of wind he would be able to see her womanhood. Nearly growling with excitement he took another step forward. Hearing his movement Kagome quickly made her way around the demon kicking the jewels to be nestled between her feet. As gracefully as she could Kagome reached down and slid the bottle back into the pocket of her skirt.

"So fair maiden why were you crying?" He asked again turning around slowly, he knew what she had done his large ears were not just for show.

"Boy problems." She laughed uncomfortably fiddling with the hem of her skirt unbeknownst to her showing off more skin. Youko couldn't deny his attraction to her when he felt his pants tighten as he became hard.

"What sane man would dare cause you problems?" He asked moving slowly closer on instinct Kagome backed away, she didn't even know this demons name and so far anything with white hair just caused her problems. When her back hit a tree she just looked at him with wide eyes, he took the chance to move pinning her and her weapons to the tree. His hands started on her shoulders and slowly trailed down her arms to press firmly against her hips pulling them close to his. She gasped feeling his arousal.

"I…I don't even know your name!" She protested as he began kissing her exposed neck and taking deep breaths to commit her scent to memory. He knew this wouldn't be the last time he'd be seeing her, not after he got what was in her pocket. She would come looking for him, he growled in anticipation of the game of cat and mouse.

"My name is Youko." He whispered in her ear making a small moan escape her. "And yours?" He pulled back for a moment to look her in the eyes.

"K-Kagome," She stuttered, he smiled at her hesitation but she couldn't lie to his nose. He could smell her arousal the spicy sweet scent made him hungry for her. He laughed to himself when another scent caught his attention. A half demon was watching from just beyond the tree line, he could smell a faint hint of him on her.

'So you are the bastard that makes beautiful women cry…If you're going to spy I'll give you something to watch.' With that thought he crashed his lips down on Kagome's making her moan loud into his mouth.