Characters and background info:

I had been calling it "The Summer of Misery" since November, since the day I was told my mother was getting married to Jack. Of course I don't call him jack; I call him jackass because that's what he is. He was a cruise line director meaning he was rich and never home, but when he was he would make my mother go head over heels for him and the only thing he ever said to me was 'Hey Kid."

The wedding was going to be on a beach in cape cod, Massachusetts because my mother thought it would be 'quaint'. I hate that word, and I was being forced into a hideous yellow silk dress that made me look fat and had a few too many flowers and ruffles. So she rented a cottage on a private beach in a rich neighborhood, and told me we were going the whole summer.

The only bright side was that I was allowed to bring my two best friends Adam and Tiffany. I had known Adam since I was born, only because he was a few months older. We were neighbors and he was like a brother- I knew absolutely everything about him. He was 16, born December 22nd, had brown surfer styled hair and sea green eyes. He was taller than me and loved anything athletic, mostly skateboarding.

We met Tiffany when we were 13, she saved me from a bully in the girls room and ever since we formed a special bond. She was the craziest person I knew. She is older than me only by two years making her 17, and born October 14th. She has long strawberry blonde hair that has slight waves and brown eyes, and she is obsessed with dance. That girl takes dance classes like every day, but I don't mind if it gets out some of that energy then ok.

My sister was coming along too, since she was the one taking the car. Her name is Miara and she has been gone for most of the year at her first year in college in Boston. She is really smart and usually the calmest of the family. Sometimes we get along but not usually. She's never met Jack, so this summer will be hard for her too, especially when she sees the dresses we have to wear. Ughh.

Me, I'm Heather. I'm 15 years old and born August 1st. I have light blonde hair that come down to right below my chest, and darkish blue eyes, and im a horseback rider. Theres really not I can say about myself, except im the biggest Jonas fan out there, I promise. I love that band to death, there music just puts me in a good mood.