I just realized something that makes me want to kinda cry…This story, Famous Last Words, was a year old on June 3, 09. OME! I couldn't believe it. I HAVE to finish it. It needs to end. So here ya go. One more chapter and an epilogue to go.
Thank you…for your support and ideas:)
Why wouldn't she freeze? Damnit!
Edward was withering in pain and I could be of no help.
Jane. Freeze. Don't move. Move away from Edward.
Right then, I knew things weren't going to go right.
Things were going to go very wrong and I couldn't stop them.
I thought back to my first day ever having Edward in my life. The way he glared at me like I was some sort of spawn from Hell. When I first rode in his car. Our first kiss. Me, seeing his room for the first time. James, and Jacob, and loving, and hating.
I cried out in frustration and loss.
Suddenly, Jane froze in mid air.
Edward lay still on the ground, while my heaving breathing filled the room.
Everything was quiet in the house as far as I could tell. That could either be a good thing or a bad thing.
Suddenly, Edward sprung off the floor, growling. He looked around for Jane, and seeing her frozen, he took action.
Without a glance towards me, he tore our head board into long pieces and grabbed a box of matches. He started a fire against my protests. He was going to set the house on fire!
"Edward-" I tried.
"Jump out the window, Bella," Edward said, gravely.
"No, Ed-"
"Bella." His tone said it all. Something was not right. My dead heart turned into stone at the glance he threw at me.
I looked away while he dismantled Jane. I couldn't make myself watch.
As soon as I smelt the rising smoke I turned around to face him, my face crumpling in pain.
He took two steps towards me and grabbed me by my waist.
He kissed the top of my head and he ran us out the front door. I turned to look back at the Alaska house. The flames were the only light in the desolate, dark, snowy, place, but this light didn't look hopeful.
It looked ominous and forbidding.
I had no voice to ask Edward what had happened, so I stayed silent and thought of the worst.
He cradled me against his chest, saying that he loved me and that he was sorry.
He was always sorry when he had no reason to be. I should be the one saying sorry. Could vampires go into shock? I didn't know.
He ran us far into the forest and it seemed he was running for hours.
I finally had to break the silence and the torture I knew I was putting Edward through.
"Where-where are we going?" my voice cracked out.
Edward's head snapped down to look at me, relieved. "We're going to the Denali Coven's house," he answered, kissing my forehead.
As soon he had told me, I saw light flickering from a few yards away. He ran up to a huge outline of a house and without stopping went through the door.
I hadn't had time to prepare myself. Maybe that's what Edward was trying to do, running that long. It never took that long for him to get somewhere. Maybe he thought my question had been the "ok" for him to proceed.
What if someone had died? It would have been my fault. I cringed against Edward's chest and he brought me closer to him.
I heard low murmurs as we entered a room. I couldn't bring myself to open my eyes, too afraid of the outcome.
The talking ceased when we entered and Edward froze.
I knew I couldn't stop the inevitable, so I quickly cracked my eyes open.
I scanned the room quickly, trying to find each face that mattered to me.
Emmett, looking far too somber, but alive, all the same. One down.
Alice. I almost cried. She was here, sitting with Jasper. They were safe.
Carlisle and Rose were whispering in the corner. A smile almost lit my lips until I realized Esme was nowhere to been seen.
"No-where? Where is she?" I shrieked.
Alice looked pained for a moment before opening her mouth then closing it.
"Edward-" I looked up at him to see his face crumpled in pain.
I hadn't looked at Carlisle close enough to see the pure anguish in his face.
"She's- we can't find her," Edward choked out.
"What-What does that mean?" I asked, as Edward sat us down on the couch.
How can you lose a vampire? How can you not be able to find your own mother?
"In the middle of the fight she ran out after Marcus. We found his body, which is a good sign, but we can't find…her," Alice murmured.
"Well, then, let's go look," I said, standing.
"The Denali Coven is out now. We've been looking for hours," Emmett spoke out.
Rose and Carlisle had said nothing, both in too much pain.
It was then that I realized why Edward had been running that long. He had been looking for Esme while I was being a baby. I had done nothing. Helped no one.
I got a sharp glare from Jasper after that thought.
I looked down, ashamed.
I glanced up at Edward who was staring at me. I touched his cheek, softly and tried to say with my eyes that I was so sorry.
"The Volturi is gone?" I asked, looking away from Edward.
"Yes." Rose answered, shortly.
"What now?" Jasper asked.
"We wait," Carlisle answered.
And wait we did.
Review…it would be the smart things to do;)