I walked into th kitchen and Emmett was sitting at the counter. I started to make myself a sandwich (Edward, Carlisle, and Esme were out hunting, Rose was in her room, Alice was shopping and he had dragged Jasper along with her so Emmett was "babysitting" me). He stared at me disgustedly.
"What, Emmett?" I asked.
"How do you stand eating that?"
"How do you stand drinking blood, Em?" I countered
"Touché" he snapped, still looking revolted.
"Would you stop that?!" I asked.
"What? Your precious Edward doesn't like what you eat either!! I've seen him making faces!!"
"Well, at least he does a good job hiding it. And I bet I could convince him to like human food"
"Oh, you're on!!" Emmett replied heatedly.
"Name a food. Any food and I can guarantee you by the end of the week you can ask Edward weather he likes that particular food and he will reply yes. Starting when he gets back. I wager 50 bucks"
"HA!! You can kiss that 50 bucks goodbye!" Emmett shrieked. He crossed the huge kitchen in 3 ling strides and quite literally ripped the refrigerator door open. He held the door out at arms length. "Woops" he said sheepishly "I'll have Rose fix that before Esme and Carlisle see it." I giggled as he surveyed the items in the fridge door. Suddenly his eyes lit up. "Chocolate Sauce" he said triumphantly
I rolled my eyes. Naturally he would pick the most delicious thing in the planet. Idiot. This is going to be easy.
"This stuff is pretty gross" Emmett said as I though that last notion. "Oh. And by the way you can't tell Edward of the bet. He has to actually like it. We can tell him afterwards. Believe me, I will know if you do".
"Oh really?" I said "Is that so?"
"Yes. It is so" he replied
"And how is that?" I queried.
"Well 1st of all, you'll be radiating guilt and Jasper will suddenly start apologizing for things like thinking Rose is sexy. Trust me, been there, done that. And second of all, you'll blush." He added the second point mockingly.
I growled. Edward was really rubbing off on me, Jacob, too, I guess.
Emmett laughed and held out the bottle of Hershey's syrup to me as Alice walked through the front door with about a million bags and a very distressed and annoyed looking Jasper in tow. "
"Hey, guys" she sang "Did you two have a good time?"
"Yes. Very" Emmett cackled scaring even himself a little, as it seemed, because he grasped a now very relived looking Jasper and said "I'll fight you best out of three."
"Alice?" I said, making a snap decision "I need your help. And don't even try to see this, I'm pretty much making stuff up as I go along."
"Okay" she said slowly.
"Well I kind of made a bet with Emmett".
She groaned. "Well?"
"I bet I could make Edward like chocolate syrup"
"Good luck with that, Chocolate is atrocious."
"Okay, well I kina wanted to butter him up. And I was thinking…"
"Nightclub!!" she exclaimed
"Yes?" I winced, hoping I wouldn't have to rethink my judgment on Alice's mental stability.
"Yay! I'm glad you're finally seeing things my way!"
End Chapter.