I was walking through the mall with Bella when her wandering eyes fell upon a girl who was dressed in all black, but somehow fashionable and almost pretty like Bella. She just looked like she screamed Badass. Bella squinted, then jumped up and down and howled. Howled? Yes, howled. Miss Badass looked around almost looked like a ghost was beckoning her. She looked at Bella, then to me, then to Bella with a smug smirk on her face.

Still my favorite huntress I see. Wow, she snagged a good one. Oh! They look pretty serious...

Her thoughts, they couldn't be about Bella. She had no previous boyfriends, right?!

Bella tugged me to come with her. We ran up to Badass.

"Vicki, what the hell? Why are you here, who's maintaining Catscratch without you?"

"Bella, Oh. My. God. Hi to you too?" She laughed.

"Vicki, why didn't you call? I missed you so much, how are my little kittens doing without their momma cat as they loved to call me."

"Not as good as you babe. We manage. So who have you gotten those ravenous claws into this time?"Vicki replied smugly, entertained.

"Of course, you can't be as good as the teacher can you? And this is Edward, my fiancee." The gleam in her eye when she said 'fiancee' was enough to make my dead heart beat.

"Edward Cullen, pleased to meet you Vicki." My politeness was really just an instict, a hundred years of this, there's no going back.

"Charmed, I'm sure, Mr.Cullen." she replied, mocking my politeness. Then she playfully punched my arm and got a stupid grin. "Vicki Kinney. What's up?"

"I'm just enjoying a date with my soon to be wife, you?" She seemed pleased enough with me.

Aw, what a sweetie pie. Justin should act like that more, like maureen does with amee.

Huh? Girl on girl. Oh, well she must have some interesting friends. Most girls are practically swooning by now, she must have experience with men.

"Well, I guess I would have to say having a reunion with my bestfriend. And momma kittie."

"Uhm, 'Momma Kittie'"? I asked nervously.

"Bella, didn't you tell him about catscratch, and your kittens and how you were the best st-"

"No! I didn't, it's not something I tell everyone I meet."

Why is she embarassed, I'm pretty proud of the fact that we were, and probably the best dancers ever to cross catscratch.


"Vee, do you want to come have dinner at-"I cut Bella off.

"My house?"

She looked bewildered. "Uhm, yea, sure."

I swear to God if he tries to cheat on Bella with me... wait, Bella's way prettier than me. If he does anything I don't like, I'll have to drag Bella back to New York with me.

New York? What about Phoenix?