DISCLAIMER: I don't own One Tree Hill, I got this idea from a YOUTUBE video by

I wish I owned OTH and James Lafferty I hope you enjoy this story and for all my other readers now that I finished classes and am on summer vacation I should be able to update more so keep your eyes out.



Brooke Davis – is the daughter of Victoria and Russell Davis, she has a younger half brother from her mother. He was put up for adoption at birth by Victoria in order to save her marriage. Brooke never knew his name so never knew him but she recently discovered his name and hometown which is ironically Tree Hill and she plans to get to know him. She is a 22 year old fashion designer C/B and is the president and head designer, main offices in New York City, NY but she lives in her hometown Tree Hill, North Carolina and has a boutique there. She is engaged to her high school sweetheart Lucas Scott. She is best friends with Haley James.

Haley Bagard James – is the daughter of Lydia and Jimmy James. She has 5 brothers, she is the youngest child. She is the 22 year old High School English teacher at Tree Hill High School her old High School, she lives in her parents old home in Tree Hill, North Carolina. She is single and is best friends with Brooke Davis and Lucas Scott. She has one son James Lucas Scott born when she and her first love Dean Winchester were in their first semester as freshman in college. He was killed before James was born and Dean had already left Haley saying the baby was a mistake and he wanted nothing to do with it. Haley had always planned to name her first son James so instead of changing that she decided to give him the Scott last name with Brooke's, Lucas's, Karen's and Keith's blessing. He is Lucas's and Brooke's godson as well as "nephew."

Lucas Eugene Scott – is the son of Karen Roe Scott and Dan Scott. His step father is Keith Scott, but the man is more a father to him than Dan at least in Lucas's eyes. He has a half sister from his mom and Keith's marriage named Lily Roe Scott, and a younger half brother from the same marriage named Logan Anthony Scott. He is the 22 year old Tree Hill High School Assistant Basketball Coach for the Tree Hill Ravens, he is also a bestselling author having written a novel about how his father abandoned him and how the love of his life Brooke Davis helped him to overcome it as well as his best friend since kindergarten Haley James. He shares a house overlooking the pier with his fiancée Brooke Davis in Tree Hill, North Carolina. He has a half brother Nathan Scott but only found this out recently he is planning to write his next book about it. He has yet to meet Nathan as he just took the position at THH. When he was in high school he took his team to the State Championships all four years and his jersey was retired after he left.

Peyton Elizabeth Sawyer – is the adoptive daughter of Anna and Larry Sawyer. She recently discovered this when her adoptive mom came back into the picture. She is the 18 year old head cheerleader of the Tree Hill Ravens Cheerleaders and has an on and off relationship with Nathan Scott. She is artistic but also has a thing for music both of which she got from her adoptive mom Ellie. She has a younger brother a miracle child for Anna and Larry born two years before Anna was killed in a car crash. Her younger brother is named Adam Larry Sawyer.

Nathan Royal Scott – is the illegitimate son of Dan Scott, he was raised with only his mother although his father did come around and helped out financially. Two years ago Dan married Deb Lee, Nathan's mother. They are happily married. Nathan is the 18 year old Captain of the Tree Hill Ravens. He is Lucas's little half brother but does not have any full brothers or sisters yet.

Jake Jagelski – is the adoptive son of Ronald and Charlotte Jagelski. He is the biological son of Victoria Davis although he does not know that yet he only knows he was adopted. He is 18 years old and plays basketball for the Tree Hill Ravens he is best friends to Nathan Scott.

Antwon "Skillz" Taylor – is the 22 year old son of Charles and Mariann Taylor. He is married to Bevin Mirskey. They has a four month old son named Charles Antwon Taylor and a two year old daughter named Natalie Bevin Taylor. They own a house near the school, he is an assistant coach to the Tree Hill Ravens as well as teaches gym at Tree Hill High School.

Bevin Mirskey – is the 22 year old daughter of Natalie and Robert Miskey. They have a four month old son named Charles Antwon Taylor and a two year old daughter named Natalie Bevin Taylor. They own a house near the school, she works as the new secretary for Mr. Turner at Tree Hill High School.

Extra Info:

Karen and Dan dated in High School, she became pregnant. He went to college but helped out as much as possible. They married the summer after senior year of high school and Karen opened her own Café. Dan cheated on Karen when Lucas was just over 3 years and 3 months old with Deb Lee. She divorced him he helped out with Lucas but also finished school and opened his own car dealership. Deb became pregnant and Dan was there for her as well more so than Karen only because Karen was financially stable and had Keith who she began dating when Lucas was 4 and a half. Dan lived between Tree Hill and Wilmington, North Carolina so that he could be 

there for both his sons, as Lucas lived in Tree Hill and Nathan in Wilmington. He dated Deb for many years but she would not commit to him as she was weary that since he cheated with her he would cheat on her.

Anna died when Peyton was 10 and Adam was 2. I'm not sure if in real tree hill story if Peyton was 9 or 10 so I made her 10.

Extra Characters:

Lily Roe Scott: 10 year old daughter of Keith and Karen Scott, younger half sister to Lucas Scott and older sister to Logan Scott. She is "dating" Adam Larry Sawyer. She plays for Tree Hill's first ever junior girls' basketball league as well as a junior Tree Hill Cheerleader for Adam's Junior Basketball league. She has brown hair, blue eyes, is tall for her age skinny and has a nice tan to her.

Adam Larry Sawyer: 10 year old son of Anna and Larry Sawyer, younger brother by adoption to Peyton Sawyer. He is "dating" Lily Roe Scott. He plays for the Tree Hill Junior Basketball league. He has brown hair, green eyes, is tall for his age and also has a nice tan to him, he has an athletic build.

Logan Anthony Scott: 5 year old son of Keith and Karen Scott. He is the younger half brother to Lucas Scott, and younger brother to Lily Scott. He plays in Little Dribblers, he has brown hair, blue eyes, is smart and tall for his age.

James Lucas Scott: 4 year old son of Haley James and Dean Winchester though he does not know about his biological father. He loves to play basketball and hopes to play basketball for his uncle Lucas one day. He is best friends with Logan and plays in Little Dribblers, he has blonde hair, blue eyes, is smart and tall for his age. He and Logan look very similar apart from their hair and many people mistake them for twins but this is mainly because Dean was adopted by the Winchesters from the Roes meaning he and Karen were related. James looks more like his uncle Lucas though than Logan does.

Natalie Bevin Taylor: 2 year old daughter of Bevin and Skills Taylor. She is best friends with Logan and Jamie. The two boys are like her older brothers they watch out for her. She is the older sister to Charles Antwon Taylor. Has long wavy brown hair, blue eyes and has the same spirit as her mother.

Charles Antwon Taylor: 4 month old son of Bevin and Skills Taylor. Is the spitting image of his father but is a quiet child.

Assembly: Tree Hill High Auditorium

Principal Turner: Good morning students. We decided to have a welcome assembly to welcome a few new teachers. We welcome an old raven player, Tree Hill High Alumni Mr. Lucas Scott as the new assistant coach to our head coach Bryan "Whitey" Durham.

Lucas stood up nodded to the crowd then took his seat.

Principal Turner: Mr. Scott will also be teaching a creative writing course. Joining the coaching staff for our Ravens is another Alumni and old raven player Mr. Antwon "Skills" Taylor. Coach Taylor will also be coaching regular gym for the girls and boys who are not in any other sport.

Skills stood up nodded to the crowd then took his seat.

Principal Turner: We have a new English teacher as well but as she has first period off and also had to go on a small errand I will just tell you her name and then we will begin with regular classes. Our new English teacher is a former raven cheerleader, was head tutor all four years of high school and is obviously a Tree Hill High Alumni, Ms. Haley James. Now everyone get to class.

All the students went to class, Haley arrived just in time for her first class of the day after dropping Jamie off at his first day of Pre-K. Haley walks in wearing a button up blue blouse and a modest skirt her hair is short brown and wavy. She has on light make up.

"Welcome class my name is Ms. Haley James and this is English 4" says Haley as she begins to write her name on the board.

"Damn Ms. James looking fine" says a boy in the back as he high fives his buddy.

"Yea if more teachers dressed like you do I'd definitely pay more attention in class –hell – I'd STAND to attention" chuckled another boy as he bumps fist with the first boy.

"Boys that is no way to speak to a teacher or a woman for that matter, I'd appreciate an apology" says Haley speaking to the whole class not knowing which students spoke out.

"Oh sorry Ms. James didn't know you liked your compliments to be given face to face," laughs the first boy.

"Oh yea I'll leave the next one for when we are in bed" laughs the second boy again the boys bump fists.

"Look gentlemen we don't speak that way in my class now what are your names, I'll need to give you both a detention" replies Haley.

"Well Ms. James my name is Quentin but everyone calls me Q but you can call me –(in a high pitched voice)—"oh Q"" laughs Quentin.

"I'm THE Mr. Nathan Scott Captain of the Tree Hill Ravens," smirks Nathan. "But you can call me Christopher Columbus Haley because I'll discover your "Americas"" laughs Nathan he smirks at Q and then turns back to Haley. Haley looks flustered at the room who is all laughing at her and she quickly makes her exit.

Mr. Turner having heard about what had happened spent the rest of the day monitoring Haley at work with the students hoping to give her the confidence she needed. Haley walked to the gym at the end of the day with Jamie who had been dropped off by Brooke's assistant for Haley.

Haley walked up to Lucas and Whitey both of whom shared a hug with her.

"Tough day Miss James" asked Whitey.

"Yea only in my first class though I was sexually harassed by two of my students from my senior English class" replied Haley with a huff and a grim face.

"Oh yea what's their names" questioned Lucas with a look that said I'll deal with it.

"Those two" pointed Haley to Q and Nathan as the two walked into the gym suited up for practice.

"Hey Ms. James you miss us already" said Q.

"Yea teach I thought we were meeting at your place after practice" laughed Nathan.

"Don't you worry Miss James they won't be giving you any more trouble I'll make sure of that" said Whitey.

"Yea Hales we'll take care of it" said Lucas to Haley as he gave both of them a hug.

"Boys" Whitey addressed his team as Haley and Jamie walked off "which of you have English 4 with Miss James" he finished.

Five of the boys raised their hands including Q and Nathan.

"Good now to teach you how to respect your teachers we are going to run until we feel you have learned better. Anyone who disrespects a teacher will run 50 laps per word of disrespect, anyone who sexually harasses a teacher will run 100 laps per word and anyone who disrespects or sexually harasses a teacher in our presence is off the team" says Lucas.

"Now all of you can give us 150 laps before we begin practice for Quentin's and Nathan's lapse of judgment concerning Miss James" said Whitey. The team began running while Skills who had just arrived, Lucas and Whitey discussed positions, plays and all around the future of the team.

"Mommy what were those guys talking about" asked Jamie when Haley and he were leaving the parking lot.

"Nothing baby they were just being the children they are" replied Haley.

"Was daddy ever like that" he asked.

"Yea honey he was sometimes at first" Haley replied.

"Mommy I know you said daddy is gone forever but do you think I could ever have a daddy" Jamie asked with his eyes full of hope.

"Someday baby you will I promise" she replied sadly. They drove to their apartment where they both began to do their work.

"Honey I'm home" called out Lucas 4 hours later.

"Broody finally – what took so long" she asked.

"My ass of a little half brother and his best friend" he replied.

"Oh yea? You've never called Logan that before he must've done something bad. So what did he do" questioned Brooke.

Lucas laughed "Wrong half-brother remember the one I found out about recently Dan's other son" Brooke nodded "Yea well he is the captain of the Ravens an awesome player could be better but he's an ass. He verbally sexually harassed Haley today as did his friend" he finished.

"That little prick there goes his thanksgiving invite" replied Brooke.

"Funny yea I haven't exactly told him we are related and not sure I want to yet either" said Lucas.

"Yea that will be a bit awkward. How about I fix dinner and we have a nice quiet evening alone" suggested Brooke.

"Sounds like heaven Pretty Girl" he said. She began to cook as he came over to help.

"Man is Miss James hot" said Q as he shot the ball at the rivercourt.

"Oh yea she is if I was only a few years old" said Nathan as he shot.

As Nathan's ball swished in the net "A few years older man she's hot and definitely single, why not now" replied Q.

"She won't chance her career for a couple of seniors even if we are 18" said Nathan.

"You want to bet" laughed Q.

"Sure what's the bet" asked Nathan.

"I bet you by the first game I can have Miss James in my bed" replied Q.

"Yea right what do I get if you can't" asked Nathan.

"How about a hundred bucks" questioned Q.

"Works for me but if you can't you have to publicly announce that you aren't man enough for any older woman at the quad" laughed Nathan.

"Alright no worries because I definitely will" smiled Q.