I was inspired by the Iron Man movie i watch the other day that I decided to make this story (just to let my ideas out since it keeps bothering me). THis story is a fusion of Iron Man/Totally Spies. And yes I watch TS so what? I hope this story will be as good as it sounds. Flames are not welcome. The characters are belong to Marathon Production. The Iron Man suit belongs to Marvel but the OCs are mine.

CHAPTER 1: The Incident

A boy at the age of 14, sitting on a bench in the park, drinking his soda. He turned his attention to a flying Frisbee in the air, but soon caught by a dog. "Good job, boy!" The dog owner said proudly. "Hmm...I wish I have a dog", the boy said monotonously. Crushing the empty soda can, he attempt to throw it into the bin on the other side of the bench. However, he was unsuccessful as the can hit someone's head. "Hey! Who threw that?" said a dark-skinned girl. The girl seems to be around her teens or near 20s. "Opps, sorry miss. Didn't see you there." the boy apologized. She giggled and said, "That's ok, it's not a big deal anyway." She throws the can into the bin as she stood up and brushes of the shirt from her shirt.

A blond and a red head skate towards the tanned girl, who happens to be her best friends. "Alex are you ok?" asked the red head. "Yeah I'm ok. Just hit by a can that's all" Alex chuckled. "And who's the kid?" the blond asks. Before he could answer, Alex interrupts, "Hey! Be nice to kid Clover! Besides, he didn't mean to throw the can at me". Before the boy could say a word, Clover said surprisingly, "You look familiar...Have I seen you before?". "I'm Jack Irons, son of Walter Irons." the boy said proudly. "You mean the Jack Irons?! You're the richest kid in town but only second to your parents." Sam commented. Jack nodded, smiling proudly. "I heard you're also a genius since your good with mechanics. You're even made your own car!!" Clover pointed out. In her thoughts, she's dreaming about him carrying her around in bridal style. "Not to mention your every girl's dream to have a boyfriend despite of your age..." She thought to herself as she daydreams.

"One thing I wanna know, who are you girls?" Jack asks with a stern face. "My names Samantha but people call me Sam for short." said the redhead. "I'm Clover" the blond girl smilingly said. "And I'm Alex!" said the tanned girl happily. A beeping sound suddenly boomed. It came from Jack's watch. "Hey nice watch!" Alex commented. "Thanks and nice to have this conversation but I gotta run. See ya" Jack said as he wave goodbye to the girls. Clover looks at him with dreamy eyes, drooling. "Hello? Earth to Clover!!" Sam snapped her fingers in front of the blond. "Jeez why you have to ruin my daydream, Sam!" Clover pouted. "Like every hot guy you see? P-lease..." Sam teased. While her friends arguing, Alex is still looking at Jack as he drove away, "For a kid, his sure is cute." She giggled. In his thoughts, "I hate fan girls...".


IRON's Mansion

The gate opens automatically as he drove in and closes. He parked his car in the garage and gets out, locking it with his key. Surprisingly, as he enters, nobody was around. His mother and even the maids are no where to be seen. be he ensures that his parents are home since their car is outside. Suddenly, a scream booms down the hallway. He quickly ran as he tries to find the source of the voice. The voice came from his fathers lab, which is on the other side of the house. As he opens the door, he was shocked to see the place was in a mess. Everyone was tied up, including his mom, being threatened by guns from masks strangers while his dad is being held on the neck by a muscular figure.

"I said DO AS YOU WERE TOLD OR ELSE!!" the muscular figure shouted. The strangers which likely to be his henchmen tighten their grip on the trigger, ready to fire at any moment. "STOP! Hands off of my dad!!" Jack shout as he ran straight to the man and punch him straight on the face. Releasing his father, he wiped the blood that drip from his lips and slowly walk forward to Jack, "So a tough guy huh? Well, you just mess up with the wrong guy, BOY!" He punched Jack on the face, causing him to fall back. He covered his left eye as its bleeding. "Pff! What a weakling!! Lets go back to head quarters and bring the professor and the prisoners to the boss!" the man ordered. All the prisoners including his parents are taken away outside through a giant hole on the wall. Enraged, he quickly took a spanner from the table nearby and throws it to one of the henchmen. The spanner hits his leg and he fell, causing him to press the trigger and several bullets were release. One of the bullets however hit the reactor inside the lab, damaging it.

"Son you better get out of here!!" his father said. "No! I have to save you guys first!!" Jack said stubbornly. "Don't be a fool son! Just save your life! The reactor is going to explode!". Still feeling stubborn, he made a dash to the hole, attempting to rescue his parents. However he failed as the hole was seal up by the henchmen. "That's the end of him!!" said the man as he laughs manically. "Reactor explodes in T minus 10 seconds." said the alarm speakers. Hearing this, he quickly ran as he plans to escape through the front door. As his about to reach door, the reactor explodes. The blast causes him to fling out of the house and he landed on the bushes. He fainted. The explosion injured his right arm and his chest was bleeding.


Well here's 1st chapter. Hope ya'll like it. Tell me if theres any flaw in here. oh yeah, if anyone knows more about Malibu in California,tell me. This story is set in season 5 of TS. Not that I know...