A/N: Thought I would try a crossover that keeps in line with where both series ended. This takes place about 16 years after Chosen and approximately 19 or 20 after Deathly Hallows. The main characters from both verses are around the same age and anyone who died in either series should remain so.

A/N: My apologies for the severe delay between postings; I have no excuse other than a lack of motivation to write and I've also gotten caught up in reading some wonderful fics on the site rather than writing my own. So here's a nice long chapter for your reading enjoyment. I've also decided that it would be wise to find a beta-reader to, at the very least, bounce some ideas around with and further my creative thinking process. If you're interested, please let me know!

Summary: After defeating the First in Sunnydale, Buffy Summers and the remaining players from the Sunnydale gang made it their mission to locate all of the new Slayers that were popping up all over the globe. They re-structured the Watcher's Council from the inside out and have been working for the last 16 years to train the new Slayers, equipping them to go back home with a Watcher and protect their homes and surrounding areas without worrying about the entire world. After Harry succeeded in killing Voldemort, he entered Auror training and quickly rose through the ranks to become Head of the Auror Department. Things have been relatively quiet in the Wizarding World; however, he and his compatriots occasionally run into a few Death Eaters who are bent on the total destruction of Muggles. A new threat is beginning to rise, putting both Buffy and Harry and their loved ones in danger. This is nothing new for either of them, but when the two worlds collide, will it be enough to stop the return of an old foe?

Disclaimer: I do not claim any rights to or ownership of Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Harry Potter and subsequent stories or characters. No copyright infringement is intended on either works of creative genius. Buffy the Vampire Slayer is the property of creator Joss Whedon and Harry Potter belongs to JK Rowling.

"It is our choices...that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities." Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Kings Cross Station; The Hogwarts Express

Kings Cross Station was bustling as usual the morning of September 1st. The moment Buffy and the rest of her reinforcements had arrived in several different cabs, they had dove out of the cars, grabbed their luggage, and raced through the noisy train station, leaving their poor cabbies standing on the sidewalk looking quite confused. Awaiting train passengers watched in amazement as several young ladies ran through the crowd carrying several suitcases that looked far too heavy for them to manage. Even more amazing was the fact that the petite blonde leading them was managing this while running in heels.

"Platform 9 ¾," Buffy muttered to herself looking up at the signs labeling the train platforms. "7…8…9…10…Giles! There's no 9 ¾!" Buffy shouted over her shoulder drawing the attention of one of the guards.

"9 ¾, I ask you," the guard mumbled, "every year we get people looking for platform 9 ¾."

Buffy ignored him and leaned against the wall between platforms 9 and 10 with the intent of waiting for her longtime friend and former Watcher. A moment later she lost her balance and before she could stop herself, she had fallen backwards through the wall. "Huh. Well, that was graceful," she muttered, picking herself up off the ground and brushing off her stylish, yet affordable, jeans. A loud whistle blew and Buffy's head jerked in the direction of the sound. "Wow." A large, gleaming red locomotive bearing the words "Hogwarts Express" loomed in front of her, witches and wizards young and old rushing around to board the train.

"Pretty impressive, isn't it?" A voice said from beside Buffy.

"Oh!" The Slayer jumped and turned to see Harry Potter standing to her left. "Very," she agreed, and then gestured to the wall behind them. "Um, how did I-?"

"It's kind of like a magic portal," Harry explained. "A gateway from the muggle world to our world, if you will. It's actually pretty clever, if you think about it."

Buffy nodded and frowned, perplexed. "Except for people thinking you're completely off your rocker when you ask them where platform 9 ¾ is."

"Well, yes," Harry agreed, watching distractedly as more young and obviously strong girls entered the gateway, "that would be the downside. Can I help you with your things?" He moved forward and gestured towards Buffy's bags.

Also rather distracted, but not by the young and attractive females, Buffy looked at him, confusion settling on her features. "Huh? Oh, um, it's not really necessary," she finally replied. "I can handle it."

"That's not what I was asking," Harry told her, smiling gently. "I know you can handle it; I was trying to be a gentleman. My wife tells me I should work on that more."

"I think I'd like to meet your wife," Buffy responded with a grin. "She sounds pretty great."

"She is. May I?" Harry gestured towards her bags again, well aware that the train was about ready to pull away from the platform. "We really should hurry and get on the train."

"Oh! Yeah!" Buffy made a move towards the largest bag, but Harry had already beaten her to it. She stifled a laugh as the dark-haired wizard tried to lift her duffel bag, but she had packed it with so many things it would take only someone with the strength of several men to lift it. Fortunately, such a person was standing nearby. "Here," Buffy said, taking hold of the duffel and lifting it with a tiny grunt. Feeling rather sheepish, Harry took hold of the two smaller bags and flung them over his shoulder, dragging his trunk behind him.

The last of the passengers were boarding the train as Buffy and Harry hurried towards one of the doors. Buffy threw her duffel onto the train and Harry followed suit. Just as the train began to slowly pull away from the platform, a breathless voice cried out behind them. "Buffy! Wait!"

"Giles!" The sixty-something Watcher was running full boar towards the train, his rolling suitcase bouncing along unsteadily behind him. "We can't stop the train! Run faster!"

Now Giles knew the train wasn't really moving all that fast, but he certainly didn't want to miss it because he had no idea how he would get to Hogwarts if he did, so he leaned forward and dug in, finding a new speed. Buffy was leaning out of the door, holding onto the rail with one hand and stretching the other one out towards Giles. When he finally reached her, Buffy leaned out even further and took hold of his hand, grasping it firmly in her own. With a look of unspoken agreement, Giles nodded and took a flying leap, allowing Buffy to pull him onto the train. He doubled over, gasping for breath, holding his right shoulder as he had felt it pull out of the socket when he had made his daredevil jump onto the train.

"You always were one for the drama," Buffy joked weakly. "Man and I thought I was late all the time."

Giles managed a feeble smile, still clutching at his shoulder, and tried to straighten into more of an upright position. When the pain became too much, he gasped sharply and blinked back tears that had sprung to his eyes. "Bloody hell," he hissed through clenched teeth.

Buffy laid a hand gently on his back. "Giles, are you okay?"

"My shoulder," the Watcher groaned. "I think you pulled it out of the socket."

"Oh, God. Giles, I am so sorry! Do you want me to fix it?" Buffy moved to take hold of his arm, ready to move the offending shoulder back into position when Harry stepped forward and reached into his robes for his wand.

"Here let me," he offered. "I'm not great with healing charms, but I can at least do something for you until we get to Hogwarts and you can have Pomfrey fix you up." Giles gave a weak nod and Harry pointed his wand at his injured shoulder, muttering a quick "Episkey." Giles gasped in shock, but slowly straightened and rotated his shoulder slowly, testing out his range of motion.

"That's brilliant," he said in amazement.

Harry shook his head, placing his wand back in his robes. "That's nothing. You should see what Madame Pomfrey can do. She once had to re-grow all the bones in my arm in one night." Giles and Buffy both gaped at him and Harry chuckled awkwardly. "It's a long story. Anyway, shall we see if there are any compartments left?"

Buffy and Giles quickly agreed and followed Harry down the narrow aisle of the train, dragging their luggage behind them. Every so often, Buffy would peak into a compartment to see if girls had gotten safely on the train. Things hadn't gone exactly as planned with the whole boarding scenario and she wanted to make sure everyone was present and accounted for.

They finally found an empty compartment at the back of the train where Buffy tossed her things and left Harry and Giles to sit and chat about the upcoming year. "I'll be back in a bit," she told them as she slid out the door. "I just want to make sure everyone is on the train." She slid the compartment door shut and began strolling down the aisle, pausing in front of each compartment to check for a Slayer or two. The newest additions to the Slayer team, Amare, Fionna, and Emery were sitting and talking comfortably with Bryanna few compartments down from the one Buffy was sharing with Harry and Giles, no doubt questioning her about training and the life of a Slayer. About halfway down the aisle, a commotion caught Buffy's attention and she quickened her pace, lengthening her stride.

"What's going on?" Buffy asked, frowning as she surveyed the situation.

Rona and Mena, the new recruit from Durmstrang, were both facing a young boy with white blonde hair. The two Slayers both held menacing looks on their faces; Rona in a comfortable self-defense stance and Mena pointing her wand at the young man in question. A young boy, who looked exactly as Harry might have at the age of twelve or thirteen, stood a few paces back, holding out his wand. Buffy could barely make out a young girl with thick, curly red hair that had fallen around her face sitting with another boy who had dark red hair and freckles.

"Buffy," Rona nodded in recognition. "We were just taking care of a little pest problem here."

"You can't protect your blood traitor sister forever, Potter," the blonde sneered. "Father says a new power is rising and nothing your fantastic hero of a father can do will stop it. You and your family are going to meet a sticky end someday."

Buffy placed a firm hand on the blonde's shoulder and put just a little more pressure than was really necessary. She felt him wince under her grip. "I don't like it when people threaten my friends," she said in an ominous undertone. "I can guarantee you that at least three of us here can scare you senseless without blinking an eye." He turned around and gawked at her with tear-filled sky blue eyes. "Now run along back to your friends before I give you something to really cry about," Buffy gave him a shove out the door, causing the boy to stumble slightly before he practically ran to his compartment. "Who was that?" She asked, now turning her attention to Rona, Mena, and the three other people staring at her in amazement.

It was the boy on the seat who spoke up first. "Scorpius Malfoy," he said bitterly. "His dad and my dad have been rivals since their first day at Hogwarts. Scorpius felt the need to continue the tradition."

"Scorpius?" Buffy giggled through an ill-disguised snort. "What, did somebody lose a bet?"

"Well, his dad's name is Draco," the boy with the black hair piped up, "so you take your pick at which one is worse."

"That's Draco Malfoy's son?" Buffy replied incredulously.

"You've met?"

"Briefly, yeah," Buffy nodded, holding a hand out to introduce herself. "I'm Buffy Summers, by the way. And you are?"

"Albus Potter," Harry's double shook her hand. "And that's my older brother, James, and younger sister Lily. They were named for our grandparents."

"And who were you named for?" Rona asked, staring at the younger boy, her light disdain shown in her expression.

Albus scowled at her for a moment. "My full name is Albus Severus Potter. I was named for two of the best headmasters Hogwarts has ever seen. I am very proud to carry the name my parents gave me."

Rona blinked a few times and shrugged. "That's cool. Don't be offended; I've just never heard a name like that before. It's very…unique."

Albus' expression relaxed and he offered a small smile. "No problem. I probably shouldn't complain too much since you just stood up to Malfoy. Any enemy of his is a friend of mine."

Buffy chuckled. "I can see you guys will be fine here. Rona, keep an eye on these kids, will you? I'm going to make sure everyone is on the train."

"Aye, aye, Captain," Rona mock-saluted. She waited for Buffy to begin her walk down the aisle of the train and then slid the compartment door shut. "You guys cool?" She addressed the young red-head girl who had been watching everything in silent awe.

"Yeah," the one called James answered for them. "Who was that, anyway?"

"Who, Buffy?" Rona asked, taking a seat across from the Potter kids. "She's head of the new security for Hogwarts."

James and Albus exchanged looks and frowned at Rona. "Why can't the Auror's provide security? And what do we need security for anyhow? Hogwarts is one of the safest places there is, with all of its protection charms."

"Well," Rona answered slowly, "I don't really know what an Auror, or whatever you said, is, but I think whoever runs the school just wants to be cautious. Not all magic-people are good, you know."

James nodded. His family knew that better than anyone. "But why now? What makes this year more special than the last fifteen?"

It was Mena who spoke up this time. "Can't you feel it?" She looked intently at James who sat directly across from her, her voice quiet and fervent. "Something is coming. Something is coming and unless we do everything in our power to stop it, we're all going to die."

James, Albus, and Lily all gaped at the two newcomers in fear and disbelief. Mena and Rona exchanged looks and shrugged. Turning back to the Potter's, Mena smiled benevolently and simply said, "What?"


Uniting against a common enemy had brought the Potter's and the two Slayer's together and they soon found themselves laughing over a game of chess between Albus and Mena, of which Albus was soon to be declared the winner. He moved his last piece and grinned across the board at Mena. "Checkmate."

Rona and Mena both groaned as they watched the last of Mena's chess pieces essentially disintegrate under Albus' attack. "I have never met anyone who could beat me at chess," Mena finally said, smiling at her opponent. "You are a worthy adversary."

James exchanged an amused glance with Lily and winked at her. "I'm fairly certain no one says that anymore, unless it's a bad guy in a movie." Although the Potter's had grown up in the wizarding world, both of their parents had wanted them to have a good grasp of how things worked in the Muggle world as well. As a result, James had become somewhat of a movie buff. Nonetheless, the two newcomers both gave him a look and a slight blush crept up the back of James' neck to the tips of his ears. "Sorry," he began to explain, but Lily pointing at him and giggling caused him to lose his train of thought.

"You're blushing, Jamesie!" Lily giggled and pointed again. James clapped his hands over his ears and looked at Mena and Rona, completely mortified. As for the Slayers, they had both covered their mouths in a weak attempt to stifle giggles of their own. Albus looked at James as well and didn't bother hiding his own bemused expression.

"Ah, yes, the Weasley curse," Albus nodded knowingly.

Rona frowned at him. "I thought your last name was Potter."

"It is," Albus agreed, "but our mother is a Weasley."

"Still not getting it."

"Please forgive my brother," James cut in, his ears and neck now only a light shade of pink. "He has a tendency to skip over the important parts. The Weasley's are one of the last pureblood wizarding families in Britain. Not that we particularly care, mind you. Our grand mum and granddad are also a couple of the biggest blood traitors to date."

Rona nodded, understanding the family background, but still confused about something else. "What does that have to do with this curse though? Is it something the new security should be looking into?"

James laughed and shook his head. "It's not that kind of a curse. Pretty much anyone with Weasley blood has the misfortune of blushing to the tips of his or her ears when we're embarrassed, humiliated, or otherwise."

"Ah," Rona nodded sympathetically, "so there's no hiding it, huh? Everyone can tell."


"That sucks."


The conversation continued like this for the rest of the train ride. Rona would ask a question, which James or Albus would answer; Lily would make a side comment to Mena and so it went, back and forth until a Ravenclaw prefect poked her head into their compartment to tell them they were nearly there and to please change into their school robes.

Rona watched in amusement as James and Albus donned their Gryffindor robes, and Lily and Mena both put on simple black ones. She was eternally grateful to whoever she needed to be grateful to that she wasn't required to wear those robes. As a Slayer, she needed to be able to move freely and gracefully in a fight and those things would only slow her down. Hopefully Mena would be able to ditch them on patrol.

Not long after they had changed into their robes, the train slowed and finally stopped with a gentle lurch. James and Albus helped Lily with her trunk, while Rona and Mena each grabbed their own things and followed the rest of the students off the train. The two Slayers looked around the train station and waved at their fellow Slayers as they de-boarded. Amare, Bryanna and Emery all stood a pace behind the older girls, although none of them really felt completely in their element yet.

Just then a loud voice boomed over their heads causing all the Slayers and first years to jump. "Firs' years, this way! Come on, then, follow me!"

Buffy, Harry, Giles, Willow and Xander had been standing guard at the entrances to the train, making sure all of the girls had made it in one piece. After the last student had exited the Hogwarts Express, they exchanged glances, confirming that everyone was here and accounted for. A large crowd of first year students had gathered in front of a very large and gruff looking man who was smiling kindly down at them. "Excuse me," Buffy said, trying to gently push her way to the front. "Sorry, excuse me." A few first years obligingly moved out of her way and Buffy was finally able to make it to the front where she looked up at the giant in awe.

"Whoa. You're really tall," she finally managed. Well, now, that was a Blinding Flash of the Obvious.

The giant chuckled throatily. "Yes miss, I guess I am at that. The names Hagrid. Rubeus Hagrid; Keeper of Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts and Care of Magical Creatures professor."

"Well, um, Hagrid, was it?" Buffy waited as he nodded in affirmation. "I'm Buffy Summers. I'm sure someone has told you about my coming?"

Just then, Harry walked up next to Buffy. "Hey, Hagrid," he said, grinning. "Did you get my owl?"

Hagrid nodded and clapped Harry on the shoulder, who fought to keep his knees from buckling. "So she's one of them, 'eh? Doesn't look like much."

Buffy glared at him indignantly and Harry laughed, catching the expression on her face. "I assure you, Hagrid, all of these girls are much more than they seem. Now, are they to take the boats with the first years or are they riding up in the carriages?"

Hagrid looked down at Buffy and frowned. "The school is a migh' better lookin' when you see it from the boats," he started, "but I'm afraid I don't have enough room. Will you take 'em to the carriages, Harry?"

Harry nodded and turned to Buffy. "Come with me," he said.

Buffy turned around and beckoned to her group. "Um, Willow, Xander, Giles, everyone, come on! We're following Harry!" Once she saw everyone had heard her, she turned to Harry and frowned. "Harry, what are we supposed to with our stuff? Should we take it with us?"

Harry shook his head. "No, leave it here. It will be brought up to the school."

"Oh." Buffy shook her head in disbelief before calling out to the Slayers. "Hogwarts Security, leave your things here at the train station!" It had been decided a few days before they left that Buffy and the rest of the Slayers would be undercover, keeping their true identities top secret unless the students would be in danger not knowing who they were.

Willow, Xander and Giles walked up to Buffy, expectant looks on their faces. Willow smiled as she noticed a few of the students exchanging glances at Buffy's mention of security. So far, nobody knew about the rising threat that was potentially Draco Malfoy and so saw no need for extra security at Hogwarts. Once the rest of the Slayers; Amare, Emery, Bryanna, and Mena, all new recruits, Bryanna, Bernadette, and Cassidy, who had all been around for the last several years, and Rona and Violet, two of the original 'Sunnydale Slayers', had joined them, Harry led the new "security team" towards the carriages where the older students were also boarding.

Buffy, feeling both the need to be in charge of her team as well as completely out of control of the situation, walked a step behind Harry, meanwhile, trying to take in the sights and sounds around them. The sun was barely visible over the horizon and the stars twinkled in the darkening sky. The leaves in the trees rustled gently in the breeze and an owl hooted softly from the branches above them. Buffy was so engrossed in her surroundings that she didn't notice what was connected to the carriages until she heard a loud, collective gasp behind her.

"Blimey! What are those?" It was Cassidy Bristol, a fourteen year old Irish girl who had discovered her calling just a little more than a year ago. The youngest of three children, her parents had originally had a difficult time accepting their daughter's destiny until seven months ago. Cassidy, on the other hand, had always known she was different from other girls and had been thrilled when her parents finally let her go train at the Council.

Harry turned around to see the young red-head, who looked remarkably like Ginny, pointing at the horse-like creatures in front of the carriages. The older slayers as well as Willow, Xander, and Giles were also staring at the beasts in wide-eyed amazement. Amare, Emery, and Fionna; however, simply looked in the same direction as the others, but it was clear that they could not see what the others could. "Ah," Harry replied awkwardly, "those are called thestrals."

Buffy immediately relaxed into a defensive stance, her eyes narrowed as she regarded the creatures. "What are they? How do we kill them?"

Xander placed a gentle hand on her shoulder and Buffy stiffened slightly, but turned to look at him. "Down girl. I don't think these things are a threat, right Harry?"

Harry nodded to confirm that Xander was correct. "Thestrals are invisible to anybody who hasn't seen death, so it would make sense that the majority of you can see them. I couldn't until my fifth year at Hogwarts, and I thought I was going mad because all of sudden, I saw something my friends could not. They get a pretty bad rap because of it; a lot of wizards think they're bad omens, but they're actually dead useful for knowing how to get from point A to point B."

The eldest Slayer's eyes softened as she tilted her head and regarded the ominous creatures under a new perspective. It wasn't fair really; that these thestrals had such a bad reputation just because they were visible only to those who had 'seen death'. Whatever that meant. Buffy certainly could identify with being misunderstood, though. She had felt that way for much of her life. Buffy gave the thestral standing before her a sympathetic glance then nodded brusquely to let the others know it was okay to go aboard the carriages.


Once the returning students as well as Hogwarts new 'security staff' had boarded the carriages, they headed toward the school at a moderate pace, giving the newcomers and opportunity to view their surrounding. Buffy, Willow, Xander and Giles had taken one carriage, while Dawn and Bernadette Aldridge, a fifteen year old Slayer from France had entered another, much to their dismay, with two very unpleasant students, Scorpius Malfoy and Aldis Zabini; Harry had joined his children and Mena Emerson in another, and the rest of the Slayers scattered among the students. More than once, gasps could be heard along the row of carriages from the various members of Hogwarts security at the incredible sights that met them along the way. Harry laughed as Mena kept sticking her head out the carriage window and turned this way and that, trying to take everything in.

"This is amazing! The journey to Durmstrang was quite beautiful," Mena said breathlessly, "but it was nothing compared to this!"

"If you like this," James told her laughingly, "wait until you see the actual school."

A few carriages back, Dawn fought the urge to roll her eyes at the snobbish young boy in front of her. She and Bernadette had taken one of the last carriages and had found that they were less than welcome by its occupants. Scorpius Malfoy had given them both a disdainful sneer before turning to his companion who seemed a bit more amiable. "I can't believe the sort of riff-raff they're letting into the school," Malfoy complained to the elder student as Dawn and Bernadette took their seats. "I mean, honestly, you'd think the Board of Governors would place restrictions on the types of people they allow in."

The other student shook his head slightly and glanced at Dawn and Bernadette warningly. It was not wise to make such opinions so obvious upon the first meeting; they would need to tread carefully among these newcomers. "My apologies," he said benignly. "Mr. Malfoy here forgets his place."

Dawn nodded, offering a tight smile before holding her hand out to the young man before her. "Dawn Summers. And my companion here is Bernadette Aldridge."

"Aldis Zabini," the young man replied, taking Dawn's hand and firmly shaking it. "This boy at my side with the overly large mouth is Scorpius Malfoy."

Malfoy glared at Zabini, clearly annoyed at being referred to as a boy. He would argue that point with the older boy later. The elder Slytherin had taken him under his wing upon entering Hogwarts two years ago and Malfoy had begun to look up to him as an older brother. Deciding to follow Zabini's lead, Malfoy leaned forward and also offered his hand. "I apologize for my behavior before. I wish for a fresh start, if you are amiable?"

Dawn stared at him in shock; she had never heard anyone his age speak so formally. She reluctantly took his hand and nodded warily. "Yes, I suppose that would be agreeable."

Scorpius withdrew his hand and sat back, eyeing the younger girl seated next to Miss Summers. Bernadette had sat silently the entire exchange, her legs crossed gracefully at the ankle, hands placed gently on her lap. "Does she speak?" Scorpius asked suddenly, surprising the carriage's other occupants.

"I beg your pardon?" Dawn asked affronted.

"She hasn't said a word since you guys joined us," Scorpius defensively replied. "I thought maybe she was mute or something."

Dawn shook her head, hardly able to believe that this young man, no, child, would dare to speak to an adult this way. "I assure you," she told him coldly, "Bernie is not mute. And I would appreciate you keeping your inane comments to yourself for the remainder of the trip. It would do you well to learn to keep your mouth closed and your opinions to yourself." Dawn huffed angrily and turned to her younger companion. They bowed their heads close together and spoke quietly to one another, effectively blocking Malfoy and Zabini from their conversation for the rest of the trip to the school.

In the front carriage sat Buffy, Xander, Giles and Willow, all of whom were taking in the sights surrounding them with quiet amazement while trying to carry on a conversation regarding their plan for the school and their Slayers. "Do you think it was the right choice?" Buffy asked worriedly. "Coming here, I mean. Should we have just kept out of it and minded our own business?"

Giles patted his Slayer's hand gently and shook his head. "Buffy, you are the leader of this faction and we trust you implicitly. I believe that we will be able to assist Mr. Potter and his wizarding associates in this endeavor." And hopefully help Willow regain some of her control. He hadn't voiced it to anyone, but Giles had been doing some research and making contacts at the school, hoping that someone there would be able to help the Wicca center herself while they were there.

The carriages finally came to a stop and everyone exited to find themselves standing at the gate of a very large, very impressive castle. Buffy gasped loudly and spun around to find Harry standing behind her, grinning widely. "So, what do you think Miss Summers? Is the school to your liking?"

Buffy gaped at him for a moment before punching him in the arm, ignoring the loud "ouch" he offered. "It's a castle!" She finally exclaimed. "You told me it was big, but you never told me it was a freakin' castle!"

Harry laughed at her, still rubbing the sore spot on his arm. "Shall we? We'll need to get seated for the Welcoming Feast and the Sorting before the first years arrive."

Buffy looked at Harry questioningly before asking, "Sorting? What's that?"

"I forgot, I hadn't told you. The Sorting happens at the beginning of each year; it divides the new students into their houses where they'll stay for the next seven years of schooling. The Headmistress and I both thought it would be wise if the girls were also sorted so that each house could be assigned a few bodyguards."

The eldest Slayer nodded in agreement. That would certainly make her job of assigning the girls varying tasks a bit easier. She turned around quickly when she heard someone calling her name. "Buffy, come on!" Xander was shouting over the rising din of the returning students.

Harry politely offered his arm, which Buffy took gratefully, and they walked briskly to the entrance of the school, ignoring the less-than furtive glances and whispers at the sight of the famous Harry Potter escorting a woman who was not his wife. Harry placed his hand on the door and opened it, gesturing grandly as he lead the Slayer and her companions inside. He was about to officially welcome them to Hogwarts when Willow suddenly gasped and stumbled backwards, placing her hand against her heart.

"Wills!" Buffy and Xander cried out in alarm, rushing to their best friend's side. The Wicca hit the wall with force and tried to regain control of her now erratic breathing. Harry watched in alarm as her normally copper red hair darkened and blue veins began to appear on her hands and face.

"Willow, are you okay?" Buffy asked softly has she tried to get her friend to look at her.

Willow looked up suddenly, and Harry gasped loudly at her onyx eyes which glared at Buffy murderously. "What's it to you, bitch?" She snapped angrily. "Lay off!"

Xander then placed a hand gently on her shoulder and Willow turned her wrathful gaze on the man who had been there for her through everything. "Fight it, Will. I know you can. Don't let the magic take over." He stared unblinkingly into those pools of blackness, his own brown eyes offering nothing but love and compassion. "Come back to us. We love you."

Willow blinked and staggered away from her friends, sliding against the wall and sat heavily on the floor. She looked up at Buffy and Xander, the recognition returning to her eyes somewhat, though they had not regained their bright hazel color and shook her head, trying to clear it. "It's so hard," she whispered tightly. "The pull of magic is so strong. I just want to let go."

"You can't," Buffy knelt down next to her best friend, "it isn't time yet. We don't want to let the students in on all of our secrets on the first day, do we?"

Willow smiled weakly at her friend's attempt at a joke and closed her eyes, breathing deeply. In…out…in…out…Focus on the white magick you possess, she could almost hear Althanea's voice guiding her in lessons from long ago, it is all connected. Find your strength in the earth; let it center you. Willow slowly opened her eyes and looked tearfully at Buffy and Xander, all traces of darkness now gone. "I'm sorry," she told them plaintively. "Maybe I should return to Council headquarters so I don't endanger anyone."

"I've never heard such a ridiculous suggestion," a voice came from above them. Buffy hid a grin as she looked up to see Giles standing there, offering a hand to Willow, which she took gratefully. "You will do no such thing," he told her in a voice that brooked no argument as he helped the red-head to her feet. "You will remain here and we will determine what exactly is affecting your magic so negatively."

Willow nodded slowly, agreeable however somewhat reluctant. "Okay," she meekly replied. "It would be nice to get my magic back under control. I don't like the feeling that the dark side is going to take over again."

"Quite understandable," Giles said, looking down at her sympathetically.

Once it had been determined that Willow was no longer absorbing the magic within the walls of Hogwarts at such an astonishing rate, Harry led Buffy and Dawn to the doors leading into the Great Hall. Willow, Xander and Giles followed close behind and the Slayers could be heard speaking in hushed voices, amazed at every new thing they encountered. Before Harry opened the door to the Great Hall, he turned around to face the young women, and few men, who had so willingly offered to help when they knew nothing about what they were going to face in the next few months. "Before we go in," he started, "I wanted to offer my gratitude to you all for coming. I can't tell you what a difference it will make to have competent people fighting this battle." Buffy grinned at him, knowing what a fiasco the last war had been. "Ah, but enough of that. When we go into the Great Hall, anyone seventeen and under will join the first year students to get Sorted. Don't worry about having any type of magical ability; the Sorting just determines in which House you will belong for the next several months."

The Slayers turned and whispered to each other furtively. "House? What does he mean house?"

Harry smiled at them all kindly before opening the doors to the Great Hall and allowing them all inside. "Welcome to Hogwarts, ladies and gents," he said, sweeping his arm in a grand gesture and smiling widely at the reactions from Slayers, Watchers and Wicca. The best by far was from Xander who had emitted a loud yell and a "Great googly-moogly!" Harry laughed loudly, while Buffy and Willow just shook their heads in fond exasperation at their friend who still kept his youthful charm and humor. The Slayers filed in behind them and headed in the direction Harry had pointed out to them, standing and waiting nervously to be Sorted.

Several professors who were seated at the head table suddenly ceased their conversations to watch the newcomers, wondering what made these girls so special that Harry Potter would employ them to protect the students. Minerva McGonagall sat in the seat reserved for the head of the school, feeling awkward in this place still after so many years. She and the heads of each house knew the identities of the women standing respectfully before them, but at this point did not feel the need to share all of the facts with the other professors. When Draco Malfoy became more of a threat, she would then disclose the rest of the information.

A moment later, the doors opened again, and they all watched as the older students walked in and took their seats at the varying tables. Several of the returning students were looking curiously at the young women who stood at the center of the Great Hall and whispering loudly to each other, clearly not caring if they were heard or not.

"Who are they?" A boy with light brown skin and dark, shaggy brown hair turned to another boy sitting next him.

A few tables over, a girl about fourteen or fifteen leaned over to her friend whispered loudly, "They look to old to be first years. What are they doing here?"

Finally, after much hushed conversation, the doors opened and a very tiny man walked through, followed by the first year students, most of who seemed to tower over him. Dawn placed a hand over her mouth to stifle a chuckle and whispered, "He's so cute!"

They watched curiously as the dwarf placed an old hat on a three-legged stool and stepped aside. He then turned to face the students and spoke in a high squeaky voice that made the girls giggle softly. "First year students, when I call your name, you will please come up and place the Sorting Hat on your head. Once you have been Sorted, go join your table and wait until the Sorting has finished to begin eating."

Headmistress McGonagall took this opportunity to stand and address the rest of the students. "I'm sure you're all wondering," she began in her Scottish brogue, "what these young women standing next to the first year students are doing here. It has come to our attention that Hogwarts has become lax in its security and while there is no foreseeable danger at the present time, we do not want to be caught unawares. As such, these girls will be providing extra security as well as attending a few classes with you to learn some rudimentary magic. While they are here, I expect that you treat them with respect and offer help should they require it. Once the first years have been Sorted, the security team will also partake in the Sorting Ceremony so that each house is provided with its own protection."

The students' eyes the gathering of young women with a more interested eye. What on earth made these girls so special that they could offer better protection than the wards currently around Hogwarts? And what exactly did they need protection from? Allowing her charges a moment or two for speculation, McGonagall lightly rapped her wand on the table to regain their attention.

"We also have a few new professors, for lack of a better term, joining us this year. While they are not professors in the true sense of the word, I ask that you all treat them as such. First, I would like to introduce Miss Buffy Summers," she gestured towards the petite blonde who stood and smiled benignly at the hundreds of faces staring at her curiously. "Miss Summers will oversee the activities of Dumbledore's Army as well as teach a class on Wandless Defense. Standing next to her is Miss Summers' younger sister, Dawn, who will assist in the Wandless Defense class and may appear time to time in Ancient Runes." Several of the older male students gave Dawn an appreciative glance, to which she responded with a slight shake of her head and an icy glare. Let there be no mistake: Dawn was not interested in a relationship of any kind with someone half her age. She was there to help and to teach, nothing more.

"Miss Willow Rosenberg will serve as an aid in Defense Against the Dark Arts, Potions, Charms and Transfiguration. She is not a traditional witch; however, she is very powerful and knowledgeable in her own right. It would serve many of you well to seek after her wisdom." At this, Willow blushed to the roots of her dark red hair, but stood gracefully and nodded her acquiescence at the students who were respectfully applauding. The applause died down and Willow returned to her seat, turning her attention back to the Headmistress.

McGonagall gave a slight nod towards the Wicca and looked in the direction of the dark haired man seated next to her. "Mr. Alexander Harris, while having no magical powers of his own, will primarily help Professor Hagrid in Care of Magical Creatures as well as with the grounds keeping duties. You are not, under any circumstance, to take advantage of the fact that you can perform magic while he cannot. Is this clear?"

The majority of the students nodded while several turned to whisper to each other. Since when did they let Muggles into Hogwarts? Seeing that he had garnered such a reaction, Xander stood and smiled brightly. "Um, I know no one has said anything yet for their introduction, but I thought you all should know a little something about me before you jump to conclusions." The whispering ceased and all eyes were focused on Xander who chuckled awkwardly. "Well, this is in no way awkward," he muttered. "Okay, first of all, it's Xander not Alexander. I probably won't respond to Mr. Harris either. Secondly, I'm not as defenseless as your dear Headmistress made me seem. I have been fighting evil since I was fifteen years old. I've been around magic and I've fought just about every kind of demon you can imagine and probably more. I've even helped save the world from imminent doom more times than I'd like to count. So I'm not a helpless mortal by any stretch of the imagination," Xander concluded gravely before offering a cheeky grin. "Besides, if you mess with me, there are several women here who could kill you before you pulled your wand out."

The headmistress barely held back a smile of her own as she saw several students gulp nervously. "Lastly, I would like to introduce Mr. Rupert Giles. Like Mr. Harris, Mr. Giles does not have any magical powers; however, he can perform some basic spells and incantations. He is also an untapped source of knowledge and I'm sure that if you are in need of some assistance on class papers, he would be more than willing to impart some of that knowledge to you. Now, let us continue with the Sorting."

With that, the first years and Slayers watched in silent awe as a tear in the hat that the small bearded man had earlier placed on the stool suddenly opened wide and the hat began to sing. A smattering of applause echoed through the Great Hall and by the looks on the new 'professors' faces, they were suitably impressed not only by a singing hat but one that had quite a vocabulary as well! The tiny man stepped forward (Professor Flitwick, they had been told during the Hat's song), unfurled a long scroll and began to read from it. Everyone clapped loudly as

Addison, Schuyler was sorted into RAVENCLAW,

Finch-Fletchley, Abigail was sent to HUFFLEPUFF,

Finnegan, Ethan went to GRYFFINDOR,

Goyle, Blake…SLYTHERIN!

Finally, Professor Flitwick called out "Potter, Lillian!" And James and Albus both applauded heartily as their sister took her place on the stool, allowing the hat to fall down over her eyes.

"Ah, yes, another Potter," a raspy voice startled Lily and she jumped in her seat.

"Um, yes. Lily," she thought politely at the Hat.

"Named for your grandmother, I'm sure," the Hat replied. "Now, let us see what's inside this head of yours…Hmmm…you are fiercely loyal, aren't you? Not a bad mind either, with cunning and bravery to match…I haven't had this much difficulty since your father came to Hogwarts, dear girl! It seems that you are suited for any of the Houses."

Lily was stunned into silence at this. The Hat had had a difficult time Sorting her dad? He had never told her. What had he done in this situation? The Hat had put him into Gryffindor, she knew that, but she wondered if that was where she belonged and said as much to the Hat.

"Hmmm…yes, Albus Dumbledore often thought that it is our choices that define who we are rather than the decisions made for us. Your father was given the choice between Gryffindor and Slytherin and he chose Gryffindor. You have a similar decision to make."

The youngest Potter frowned thoughtfully under the Hat. "But I have four houses to choose from! How will I know?" The Hat remained silent. Obviously, the choice was entirely up to her. Having been fairly sheltered from the world and the need to make important decisions for a large majority of her life, Lily did not feel entirely prepared to make a judgment that could affect her entire future. Nonetheless, she sat quietly and pondered her options for a moment. "If I have to make the choice, with nothing else to guide me, then I guess I should stick with my family, right?"

"If you are certain," the Hat replied, "then it better be…


Not really listening, everyone at the Gryffindor table began applauding and whooping loudly before someone asked loudly, "What did it say?" Suddenly, the applause ceased as soon as it had began and the Hall fell completely silent. The Hat had never tried to place someone in two houses before. Not immediately realizing what had just occurred, Lily had jumped down off the stool and started running towards the place her brothers had saved for her but froze when the reality of the situation hit her and turned back to look at the Hat, her expression a mixture of confusion and accusation. How could it put her in this position?

Professor McGonagall stood and cleared her throat awkwardly, which wasn't really necessary as the Hall was so silent you could have heard the quietest of noises. "Well, Miss Potter, take a seat then. Either table will do. We will discuss later how exactly you should proceed." Lily nodded and hurried towards the Gryffindor table, sitting between her brothers who both leaned in to give her a hug and whisper comfortingly to her.

The Sorting continued in normal fashion after that and finally Hugo Weasley was Sorted into GRYFFINDOR! It was now time for the Slayers to find their place among the Hogwarts students. Professor Flitwick withdrew another roll of parchment from his robes and began to read from it.

Aldridge, Bernadette! The French Slayer hurried forward and everyone waited with bated breath. "RAVENCLAW!"

Bristol, Cassidy became a HUFFLEPUFF!

Drummond, Fionna was called and she walked purposefully towards the stool and sat down, waiting for the Hat's verdict. To say that everyone who knew her was surprised when the Hat finally yelled "SLYTHERIN!" was an understatement. Fionna shrugged and walked to the table where her housemates sat. She would puzzle that one out later.

Emerson, Mena was then sent to RAVENCLAW!

Hainsworth, Brianna became a GRYFFINDOR!

Sende, Amara went to HUFFLEPUFF!

And Taggart, Emery joined GRYFFINDOR!

As Emery went to join Brianna at the Gryffindor table, the Headmistress stood once more and waited for the students to quiet down. "At last, the part of the evening many of you have been waiting for. Before I allow you to tuck in; however, I must review a few basic rules that many of you seem to forget over the summer break. Magic is not to be performed in hallways, the Forbidden Forest is off-limits to everyone, and should anyone wish to peruse the list of forbidden magical items, please speak with our caretaker, Mr. Filch. Now, please, tuck in!"

Suddenly, the empty platters that sat before them were filled to the brim with all varieties of meats, breads, puddings, and several foods that Buffy, Dawn and Xander had never seen before much less tasted. Buffy laughed in delight at the sight of all the food magically appearing in front of her and immediately reached for the large bowl of mashed potatoes. Not to be outdone, Xander piled his plate high with chicken, sweet potatoes, pumpkin pasties, and a pudding that was oddly green in color and began eating with gusto. They were so engrossed in their delicious meal that they hadn't noticed Harry join them at the table.

"A bit peckish, are we?" He asked teasingly as he reached for a couple of rolls and placed them on his plate. "You know, there was food on the plane."

Buffy jumped and swallowed a large piece of steak before turning to glare at Harry. "I'm a Slayer, remember?" She retorted in an undertone. "I metabolize things a lot faster than most people."

Harry nodded. The House Elves were in for a lot of extra work this year what with eight Slayers running around Hogwarts. Good thing they were getting compensated for their work or Hermione would blow a gasket.

"Where have you been, anyway?" Buffy asked as she speared a carrot and popped it in her mouth.

"Checking the wards around the school," Harry answered quietly. "I need to make sure everything is still holding the way it's supposed to."

"I assume everything is ship-shape," the Slayer responded equally as quietly. They couldn't risk students overhearing their conversation; although in this racket, Buffy was certain they could have been yelling and no one would have paid them any mind. "Since you're here eating and not running around trying to repair the wards, I mean."

"So far, so good. Hopefully they remain that way."

"Well, it's a good thing this place has so many powerful witches and wizards so that it's not all completely up to you to take care of it if things do go haywire," Buffy smiled. "Besides, I know one Wicca who can throw up a shield like it's nothing. And her protection wards are practically impenetrable."

Harry was about to open his mouth to tell her that these particular wards were of his own making. They contained his personal magical signature and if any other witch or wizard were to try to improve upon them, said witch or wizard would be in for a nasty shock. Just as he began to speak, however, Buffy cut him off and said something that shocked him into silence.

"I almost forgot," she said excitedly waving her fork around in the air. "You missed some excitement with the Sorting thingy earlier."


"Your daughter was Sorted into two Houses. Does that happen very often? Because by the way people reacted, it seemed like it was kind of out of the ordinary."

Harry gulped audibly. Two Houses? Was that even possible? Which two? Merlin, please don't let it be Gryffindor and Slytherin. "Er, no, that is a bit of an anomaly. Do you remember which two by chance?"

Buffy frowned for a moment. She was absolutely terrible with names and now Harry wanted her to remember which two Houses Lily had been Sorted into? "Uh, well I think it came out in a combination of the two but I don't really remember the right names for them to begin with," she finally answered.

Harry nodded in slight exasperation and turned his attention towards the Great Hall where students were eating and chatting amiably with one another. He focused on Lily's magical signature and sure enough, she was there, sitting between her brothers at the Gryffindor table. So she had been chosen for his old house, but what of the other? Where else would the Hat have thought it suitable for his only daughter to go?

She certainly was a bright little thing; forever curious and getting her hands on new books that Auntie 'Mione would bring for her. Even Al would ask her for help on one report or another because she had such a knack for finding the most obscure knowledge. Yet she had a cunning streak a mile wide, Harry had to concede to himself. She would never intentionally harm someone, but she certainly thought things through better than Harry ever had. And she was fiercely loyal to those she held most dear. Harry rubbed his eyes in frustration. His Lily was well-suited for all of the Houses; there was no way to make a distinction without speaking with her about it directly.

Lily must have felt her father's eyes on her, for she turned around and having spotted him, waved energetically. Harry immediately wiped the strained look around his eyes away and waved back at her, smiling widely, hoping he looked at least a little encouraging. Apparently it worked, because she turned her attention towards James and whispered something in his ear, pointing at one of the professors seated down the row.

"Who's that, Jamesie?" Lily asked, pointing at a man who looked about forty. His mildly thinning hair was dark blonde and he wore it off is face in low ponytail he had gathered at the nape of his neck, and he had bright green eyes that weren't nearly as piercing as her daddy's, but they were interesting in their own right. His face was very lightly tanned, as though he had spent a little time outside under the protection of an umbrella and some Muggle sunscreen, and Lily could see a light dusting of freckles across his cheeks and nose. The professor wore a distinct look of displeasure as he ate his meal in silence, almost glaring out at the noisy students. "He doesn't look very happy."

James looked in the direction Lily was pointing and nodded knowingly. "Professor Donnchaidh? He's the Transfiguration professor."

Lily nodded slowly, processing this information for a moment. "Why's he look so grumpy though? I thought all the professors like to be here."

"You know, Lily-bug, I'm not really sure," James confessed. "I think he mostly does it to scare the students; especially you firsties."

Lily turned to regard the professor again and tilted her head as though trying to gain the measure of the man by simply looking at him. After a moment, she looked back at James and told him, in utter seriousness, "I don't think he's so bad. I bet he's just a giant teddy bear underneath that frown. Maybe he just needs a hug."

James and Albus, having been listening to the exchange between his siblings, laughed heartily at this. When Lily frowned at them angrily, James gave her a quick squeeze. "We're not laughing at you, Lily. If anyone could get that man to crack a smile, it would be you. Who could resist your charm?"

Lily's expression relaxed and she returned to eating her dinner, finishing with all the gusto of a boy twice her age. Noticing she was drawing looks from the students sitting around her, Lily shrugged and popped a pumpkin pasty in her mouth. She couldn't help it if she was hungry, and besides that, she was nervous about being placed in two different Houses. Being nervous always made Lily hungrier than usual.

At last, Professor McGonagall stood up and rapped her wand on the table. "It is time you all were off to your Houses! Prefects, please lead the First years to their dormitories." She paused for a moment as the bedlam resumed and younger students scrambled to follow the older ones to their homes for the next seven years. "Miss Potter," she called just loudly enough for the students closest to the staff table to hear her, "please stay behind so we can discuss your arrangements."

Lily swallowed nervously and nodded, showing that she had indeed heard the headmistress and began walking towards the staff table. Albus gave her a light, encouraging pat on the shoulder. "Do you want us to wait?" He asked quietly and shrugged when she shook her head no.

Harry got up from his place at the table and went to join McGonagall, wondering how exactly they were going to handle this. When Lily reached them, she was smiling bravely, but Harry could see the nervousness and slight fear in her eyes. Was she afraid that he would be mad at her for being chosen for two of the houses?

There was no time to ponder this as McGonagall leaned forward in her chair and looked at Lily with a mixture of curiosity and confusion in her expression. "Ah, Miss Potter. It seems you have presented us with quite a conundrum here."

Lily frowned along with Harry, although for different reasons. Lily wasn't entirely certain what a conundrum was; she was smart, but not a genius for goodness sakes! And Harry couldn't believe how much McGonagall sounded like Albus Dumbledore. She would be offering them Lemon Drops in no time!

Noticing Lily's look of confusion, the headmistress tried to amend her words. "Having been chosen for both Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, you leave us with a bit of a problem. I can either tell you where I think you would be suited, or you can have the choice. What would you prefer?"

"I don't know," Lily shrugged. "The Hat said the same thing, and somehow, I ended up in 'Gryffinpuff'. Maybe you should just create a new house, just for me."

"Can I make a suggestion?" Harry interjected, seeing his daughter's frustration and wanting to end the conversation so she could find a place to belong. Although, that probably wouldn't happen tonight, given what he was about to say. "Why doesn't Lily spend a few weeks in each House and then decide which one is best suited to her liking? It's not every day a student has the opportunity to get to know the students in the different houses on such a personal level and if I know my daughter, she will want to make an informed decision."

McGonagall seemed to consider this for a moment and affirmed this suggestion with a nod. "Does this seem agreeable to you, Miss Potter?"

"Oh, yes, Ma'am!" Lily agreed emphatically. "I think it's a wonderful idea!"

"All right, then, why don't you begin your first few weeks at Hogwarts with the Gryffindors so your brothers can keep the watchful eye on you that I am so certain they have been instructed." The headmistress smiled at the young girl's sudden exuberance. "Be off with you then!"

Lily nodded and bounced on her toes as she thanked Professor McGonagall and gave her daddy a hug before turning and practically running out of the Hall. She had just reached the door when she turned around and signaled Harry with a loud yell. "Hey, Dad? I don't know how to get to Gryffindor tower!"

Harry laughed and shook his head, jogging to meet up with his little girl who was growing into a fine young lady. He held open the door for her and offered his arm which Lily took gracefully and they strolled together through the halls of Hogwarts laughing as Harry told Lily of many of his less dangerous adventures during his time as a student. At last, they reached the portrait hole and ignoring the Fat Lady's cries of excited recognition, Harry gave the password, "Phoenix Tears," and the portrait swung aside. After more hugs and reassurances that she would do just fine on her own, Lily scrambled inside and went straight to her dorm, hoping her things were waiting for her, because she would have liked nothing more than to put on a nightgown and go to bed. Much excited laughter and conversations dictated this would not be the case and Lily was finally able to succumb to the arms of sleep another two hours later. She never moved the entire night.