Authors Note: Well this story basically reflects on my feelings at the moment; hyperactivity caused by boredom. You know, when you get so bored that you have to do something about it, so you start messing around and doing random things to entertain yourself. Basically when you get so bored, stuff you'd normally find stupid suddenly becomes a whole lot of fun… or is it just me?
When Boredom Strikes
Chapter 1: We're Off To See The Leader!
It was a beautifully sunny day outside. There wasn't a cloud in the sky, the grass was a lush green, and small, cute, fluffy animals ran around enjoying the unusually good weather. This would be wonderful news for all villages. All except for one that is, and as fate would have it, this was the village that was 'suffering from sunshine'.
"Okay, correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure this is Amegakure, un." Deidara said looking over at his wooden partner, Sasori.
"No, for once you're right." Sasori said dryly.
Deidara ignored the back-handed compliment. "So… why isn't it raining? I mean, it's not even cloudy, un." Not that Deidara particularly missed the humidity; it made his hair go frizzy. It was just very odd and he was very curious.
"You'll have to take it up with the Leader. He's the one in control of the weather around here." Sasori replied.
"Great idea, un!" Deidara grabbed Sasori's wrist and dragged him off in the direction of the Leader's tower. "Let's go, yeah!"
"You got me to say that on purpose didn't you, because you're too scared to go on your own." Sasori sighed, depressed at being out-smarted by the blonde.
Deidara just smiled enigmatically in response.
"All this sun…" Kisame whined to his partner. "It's drying my skin out."
"…" Itachi replied. Fortunately for Kisame, he had long ago learned to understand the Uchiha's silent pauses. It translated roughly as 'well, what are you going to do about it?'
The two continued to leisurely stroll around the village in silence, enjoying their time off from missions (well, one of them was enjoying himself anyway). It was a regular occurrence of the Uchiha/Hoshigaki team, as they claimed it helped them to improve on their teamwork. It must have had some affect on the pair because they're the only partnership in the Akatsuki that can go for more than a minute without arguing. Even Zetsu was prone to the more than occasional disagreement between his two sides.
"Ahhh! I can't take this anymore! I'm going to see the Leader!" Kisame decided. "You coming?"
Predictably, Itachi's reply was "…". Kisame understood this to mean 'might as well.' However, Kisame suspected there was a subtle undertone of 'this should be vaguely amusing. You're going to get your ass kicked for complaining.'
Zetsu was worried. Being part plant, he relied on the rain to get the water he needed. It was part of why he had joined the Akatsuki in the first place, because in Amegakure he could rely on a consistent rainfall pattern. Except with the week of continual sunshine, it was causing him serious problems; he was beginning to wilt.
"Tobi, I'm going to see the Leader. I'll be back later." Zetsu explained to his 'shadow'. Wherever he went, Tobi followed him, begging Zetsu to let him join Akatsuki, even though there wasn't a space available. If Tobi didn't stop annoying him soon, he wouldn't be responsible for his actions.
"Ohhh! I'll come too, Zetsu-san!" Tobi volunteered unnecessarily.
"No. That's okay." Zetsu replied hurriedly. "I can go on my own." Zetsu finally had the chance to escape his 'shadow' and Tobi wasn't going to take it away from him.
"You don't have to go on your own, Zetsu-san! That's what friends are for!" Tobi said happily. "And Tobi really wants to meet the Leader!"
"I really don't mind…" Zetsu was beginning to panic. Trying to get rid of Tobi was like trying to shake off your arm – impossible (unless you're Kakuzu but that's a different story).
Tobi looked down, seeming like he was about to burst into tears at any second. "Tobi understands, Zetsu-san. I thought we were friends but you don't think of us that way. I can tell you don't want me to go." Tobi said in a quiet, melancholy tone.
"What was your first clue?" Zetsu's black side muttered.
His white side was more sympathetic however. "Okay Tobi. You can come." He sighed.
"Yey!" Tobi started to leap around happily.
"-But…" Zetsu interrupted Tobi's celebrations. "You have to remain silent, not cause trouble for anyone, and under no accounts beg the Leader to let you join Akatsuki."
"Okay Zetsu-san." Tobi chirped. "Tobi can manage that. He will make Zetsu-san proud of him."
They both started the short journey towards the Leaders current residence, Tobi skipping happily at Zetsu's side.
"Please God, don't let me live to regret this." Zetsu prayed quietly. He wasn't the religious type, but where Tobi was concerned, he suspected he was going to need all the help he could get.
"Hidan." Kakuzu attempted to gain his partner's attention.
"Hidan." He tried again a little louder but there was still no reaction.
"Hidan!" He all but yelled with still no acknowledgement from his partner, who was currently sat only a few feet away from him.
Kakuzu sighed. Desperate times called for desperate measures, and this was definitely desperate times. "Hidan, I've given what you've said a lot of thought and I've decided that it makes sense. I want to convert to Jashin."
Hidan looked up from his prayers, wondering if he'd misheard. He'd dreamt about having a fellow follower of Jashin as a partner in Akatsuki for as long as he'd been there, and now it was finally coming true. His life-long dedication to his God wasn't all in vein after all. "Really?"
"Hell no!" Kakuzu sneered. "But while I have your attention, we have a more important matter."
"A matter more important than Jashin-sama doesn't exist." Hidan said, sulking at having being deceived by Kakuzu.
"Maybe not to you, but for the rest of the world, there is. It's stopped raining." Kakuzu stated.
"No shit Sherlock." Hidan muttered.
"So, what are we going to do? This is a crisis!" Kakuzu said, his calm countenance starting to disappear.
"If you say so." Hidan said losing interest. He returned back to praying, not wanting to listen to Kakuzu's oncoming tirade.
"If it's not raining, then no one's going to buy umbrella's, and if no one's buying umbrellas, no one's selling umbrellas and that includes us! What am I going to do with 1,000 umbrellas!" Kakuzu stressed.
"Donate them to charity?" Hidan suggested not really caring. He was trying his hardest to concentrate on praying.
Hidan had finally given up on praying. It was proving impossible whilst his partner was yelling, and when people interrupt Hidan's praying, he gets extremely angry. "SHUT THE HELL UP!" Hidan roared. "I DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT YOUR FUCKING UMBRELLAS SO BE QUIET AND LET ME FUCKING PRAY!"
Kakuzu had reached his limits also. He took a kunai out of his weapon's pouch and sliced through Hidan's neck, removing his head, and splattering blood everywhere in the process.
"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO THAT FOR? THAT REALLY FUCKING HURT!" Hidan screamed in rage but was unable to retaliate due to being separated from his body and his scythe.
"Shut up and listen to me." Kakuzu hissed. "We are going to get the money for the umbrellas no matter what. In order to sell them, we need it to rain. So, who here has control over the weather."
"The Leader, asshole!" Hidan snarled.
"Bingo! Which is why you're coming with me to discuss business." Kakuzu explained. "That is, if you ever want to be reunited with your body."
Hidan hated this. Every time they had an argument it always ended in him being beheaded and Kakuzu using it to threaten him. And of course, he had no choice but to go along (he'd tried biting him before but that just resulted in Kakuzu removing his teeth, and that was something he never wished to experience again). "Fine. I'll go with you." Hidan muttered. "But as soon as I get my body back-"
"-You're going to be eternally grateful." Kakuzu finished sweetly. "Let's get going then, shall we?"
He didn't wait for a reply and started walking, swinging Hidan's head around by his hair, seemingly oblivious to the cursing and screams of pain.
In the leader's tower, Konan was having troubles of her own. She suspected that she knew the reason behind the recent outburst of sunshine, and she was going to be the one who had to deal with it.
"Konan!" She heard Pein shout from his office.
"I'm coming!" She replied, not moving from her comfortable spot in front of the TV.
"NOW!" He demanded, using his telepathic connection jutsu to make sure she heard her orders.
"Alright, alright." She muttered, slowly dragging herself up and walking as slowly as possible to Pein's office. She eventually reached it and knocked softly on the door; half hoping he wouldn't hear her.
"Come in." She heard his voice instruct.
She walked in and stared at Pein, not quite sure what to think. He was sat on top of his desk. Important documents that he had been working on were spread out across the floor untidily to make room for him as he sat cross legged, his chin resting in his cupped hands. Oh God, it couldn't be… not again!
Her suspicions were confirmed by his next words.
"Konan." He began seriously. "I'm bored."