The disturbing light of the sun woke The elder of the twins up, and it was only because he wanted to let his beloved brother sleep he rose. Strangely, their son hadn't come to bed last night, but that didn't worry him too much. The boy was surely downstairs, sulking. When he came down, though, no one was there besides his cat who slept content on Dante's desk. He made his way into the kitchen instead, preparing the breakfast. When everything was done, the food placed on the table along with juice and tea, Vergil made his way into Nero's room to wake up Lucien. The sight there made him smile and lean against the doorframe. Nero laid close to the wall in his bed, his back turned against Lucien's while they both slept peacefully. Not wanting to destroy such an adorable scene, he went back to the kitchen instead, where he sat down in his usual seat with a cup of tea in his hands.

"What a beautiful morning!" Dante chanted, when he entered the kitchen next. "Slept well?" He wanted to know while he stretched out, only wearing a pair of red boxers. "I see you have been busy already." he made his way over to his brother, wrapping his arms around him from behind while he placed a soft kiss on the other male's neck. Vergil smiled widely, offering his neck trustfully to his lover. "Quite excellent, for once. Have you been in Nero's room yet?" He asked, curious since he knew that the man would surely be real proud over their son. He ran his fingers through Dante's hair and gave him a gentle, happy smile. "Not yet." Dante answered truthfully, suppressing a yawn. "Aren't the boys awake already? i didn't notice Nero around when I got up." he turned a bit, kissing his twin on the lips, before he stepped back again, a gentle smile on his face.

Vergil returned the kiss tenderly, framing the man's face with his hands. "They aren't. I'm not sure I want to tell you, but I'd rather make you see for yourself. It's quite adorable, really." The elder said with a grin spreading across his lips. "Is it?" Dante raised an eyebrow, scratching the back of his head before he turned to leave the kitchen. "All right then, I'll have a look..." He glanced back over his shoulder, giving his twin a wink, before he continued to their boys' room. Quietly he opened the door, to shove his head inside. It was dark, and he needed a second or two to realize what was going on inside. He flashed a smile, leaning against the door's frame to watch them a little. Vergil followed his brother out, and when the man leant against the frame of the door, he took the opportunity to slide his arms around the man's waist, nuzzling his shoulder. "Aren't they just adorable?" He asked with a slight chuckle. "They remind me of us."

Dante smiled, snuggling into his twin's embrace, his eyes halfway closed. "When we were younger, yeah... before they separated us..." He sighed heavily, slightly shaking his head. "But I'm glad that it is better than back then nowadays." Slowly, the younger looked at their boys again, just to notice Lucien waking up. He blinked a few times, rubbing his eyes with both fists. Either he didn't notice Dante and Vergil standing at the door, or he didn't care. He sat up, turning towards Nero to bend over him. He glared at the other boy's face, which looked exactly like his own. It was so strange... How could that ever be? Vergil placed a gentle kiss just under his twin's ear, smiling widely as he watched Lucien sit up and rub his eyes in a sleepy motion. He felt a little sorry the boy had woken up, but he didn't mind, since he loved having his boys around him. He didn't bid the boy good morning, though, since he just wanted to savor this moment forever.

Dante closed his eyes, smelling his brother's lovely scent. It was heavenly nice to have him next to himself. Lucien blinked again, hesitantly reaching out a hand to touch Nero's cheek, just to make sure that it was real, and felt like his own. Nero jerked, immediately sitting up while he grabbed the other boy's wrist, making Lucien look at him in shock. Vergil watched the boys closely, more than ready to interrupt them if Nero started up with his temper again, but right now, he was content to just stand there by the door with his brother, and hope that Nero would accept the other boy. Nero stared at Lucien for a few seconds, until the memory dropped back into his mind. He sighed deeply, releasing the other boy's wrist again. "Sorry..." he mumbled tiredly, jumping out of the bed, before he looked at the twins in irritation. "What are you two doing here?" he asked, cocking an eyebrow. Lucien followed Nero with his eyes, untill they met the twins as well. Then he looked down at his wrist, not reall knowing what to do.

Vergil smiled, not leaving his brother's warm body to give the boy a hug. "We're watching you, of course. I wanted to show my darling brother what a nice scene was playing in here. You're both so very adorable when you sleep." He said with a gentle smile. Nero returned the hug shortly, before he shrugged. "I just thought that you two needed some time to talk up there and maybe some more so I didn't want to interfere, nothing more." he said then, cool as ever, before he headed upstairs to take a shower. Lucien stayed sitting on the bed, his eyes settled upon the twins, while he had that confused look on his face again. Dante shook his head. "That's our boy." he said with a sigh, turning towards Lucien afterwards. "Don't you want to stand up?" he asked, giving the boy a soothing smile. Vergil gave Lucien an encouraging smile, moving slightly to let Nero out of the room. "Good morning, Lucien. Did you sleep well?" He asked while petting the lower part of his twin's stomach, loving how the younger's skin felt under his fingers.

"I... I think so..." Lucien said quietly, slowly leaving the bed an walking up towards the twins. Only a step away he stood still, watching them shyly, shis hands folded behind his back. Dante shivered slightly, before a gentle smile spread over his lips again. He took one of his brother's hands, holding it tight while he tilted his head to the side. "Now, how about a nice breakfast, huh? Ya know Vergil's art of cooking by now, don'tcha?" he suggested, looking at the pale boy. "Besides, are you feeling better again?" Dante added, leaning against his twin. Vergil blushed slightly, flattered by his brother's kind words. "Oh it's nothing special, Dante, I have learnt by feeding myself, really." He murmured, grinning as he teased his brother by tracing the skin just under the man's red underwear. He was almost certain the boy didn't understand the gesture anyways.

Lucien didn't understand indeed, he just looked at Dante, who jerked a bit, but then stared at the floor again. "Sounds good." he answered the younger's question, biting his lower lip. Dante nodded, mentally cursing Vergil to hell. He took a deep breath before grabbing his twin's hand, holding it in place before this would lead to more. "It think... we should all head into the kitchen then?" he asked, looking at Vergil with a playful scowl. Vergil grinned, placing a kiss on his brother's neck before interlacing their fingers. "What's the matter? Don't you feel up to playing a little, brother? I think you might need some exercise." He teased, knowing far too well how muscular and fit his brother's body truly was. Dante growled, nudging his brother in the side. "Watch your words dear, or I swear you'll find yourself in chains tonight!" he said with a wide grin before he released himself to escape into the kitchen. Lucien gave than an irritated look, waiting for Vergil to follow his brother.

Vergil just gaped, his eyes dark at his brother's suggestion before clearing his throat, turning his attention back to Lucien. "How about some breakfast?" He asked, sounding cheery while a gentle blush spread over his cheeks, painting them in pretty pink. Lucien glanced at Vergil, only becoming even more irritated. "Y-yeah but... Is everything okay?" he asked, biting his lower lip again. Did he do something wrong? Or what did that sudden change mean? Vergil ran a hand through his hair, grinning. "Oh everything's just perfectly fine, Lucien. He said with a soft voice. "Come on, let's go and eat, yes?" He asked, tugging the boy up before wrapping himself around the youth in a quick hug. "Everything is fine, truly, don't worry." He murmured before drawing the boy out to the kitchen.

Lucien didn't return the hug, but he followed Vergil into the kitchen, where Dante already sat at the table, waiting for them to come. "Took your time, eh?" he teased, leaning back in his chair, just when Nero came downstairs, a towel slung around his neck. "Lucky me, I thought I just missed the breakfast!" he called before entering the kitchen and plopping down on his chair.

Vergil hit his brother upside the head before sliding into his lap, just wanting to tease the man a little. "Oh but you don't think I'm cheating, are you now, Dante?" He murmured with a mischievous grin, tracing his brother's cheek with two fingers. "You know I would never commit such an awful deed." Dante laughed, wrapping his arms around his twin's waist. "Naah never, just meant to tease you a little." he said with a smirk, shaking his head when Lucien sat down as well. "You wouldn't have a chance anyway." he gave the other male a wink. "And now get teh fuck off me, I'm damn hungry, or else I might start with eating you." the devil hunter chuckled, trying to push Vergil off. Nero rolled his eyes as he grabbed a cup of tea. "You're really embarrassing sometimes, y'know...?" he murmured, his face turning red.

Vergil laughed, moving to sit beside his brother. "We're demons, Dante, not vampires or cannibals." He teased, not bothering to reply in how wrong it would feel to even touch Lucien in such a manner that Dante meant. The boy seemed much too innocent and scared. "And please, Nero, how can you find THIS embarrassing? You if anyone should know exactly how 'bad' it can be." Nero blushed deeply, staring at his plate, as if he could read the future from it. "I... uhm... It's just... well you know..." he stammered, seeking for at least SOMETHING to say, but nothing good would pop up in his mind, so he decided to drink some tea instead. Dante chuckled, taking some eggs and toast, while Lucien just looked at all of them in confusion. He couldn't follow that strange situation, it felt as if he was the only one who didn't know anything. He sighed quietly, resting his chin in one hand. Vergil ran a hand over Lucien's head, smiling gently. "Don't bother, Lucien, we're just bullying him a little." He said before diving into the food he'd placed on his plate with unusual appetite and enthusiasm. He found it strange, since he usually wasn't into food at all this early on the mornings.

Lucien simply nodded, before he devoured his breakfast silently. Even Nero didn't feel the urge to talk too much. Only Dante seemed to enjoy a good chat with his brother, but other than that their breakfast was rather calm. After that, Lucien went to have a shower, while Dante helped his brother to wash the dishes, before they followed Nero into the reception. Dante had to open business, but as long as thee was no job they could as well enjoy being together for some time. Finally, Lucien came back, wearing a pair of Nero's blue jeans along with a dark blue hoodie. He sat down on the couch next to Nero, but didn't dare to move too close. Vergil, who once again had snuck his way into his brother's lap, looked at Lucien a while before rising. "Can I talk to you a little, Lucien?" He asked, giving Dante a look that meant that his presence was highly requested. "In the kitchen?" Dante raised an eyebrow, before he stood up after Vergil's look as well. Lucien lifted his head, glancing at the elder for a while, before he nodded. Nero looked at the three of them when Lucien got to his feet. He crossed his arms, but didn't say a word.

Vergil motioned for the boy to sit before taking a place before him, smiling gently. "It's nothing you've done, Lucien, but I just want to ask you something. Have you ever gone to school? Or had any kind of education?" He asked, glancing at his brother to see if he was doing this correctly. Lucien sat down on his usual seat, while Dante stood behind him, one hand gently placed on the boy's shoulder. He nodded towards Vergil, smiling lovingly. Lucien blinked, then shrugged. "What do you mean...?" he asked shyly, folding his hands in his lap. Vergil tilted his head a little to the side, returning his brother's smile. "Has someone ever taught you things like mathematics, spelling, history and geography?" He asked, trying to be patient in his explanations. He was sure that the boy hadn't received proper education, but he hoped for at least a base to work on. Lucien seemed to think about Vergil's words, before he nodded slightly. "Yeah, I guess so..." he answered then, blinking nevously. Dante's smile deepened a bit as he petted the boy's shoulder soothingly, supporting himself on the backrest of Lucien's chair.

"Good! How much do you know? And did you take regular lessons? I'm going to ask you something that you, for now, are completely entitled to say no to, okay?" He said softly, hoping that the boy would say yes. School and a loving family could be the stability that Lucien needed in his life to get it back on track. Lucien chew his lower lip, shrugging again. "I don't know... No... Professor Agnus taught me everything I needed to know..." he said then, glancing at Vergil again, curiosity flashing in his eyes. "What is it?" he wanted to know then, turning around to have a look at Dante too. "I would like you to attend the public school here. I'm currently homeschooling Nero, and I wouldn't mind to do the same with you, but I'd rather see that you get concrete material. I'm not an educated teacher, but I do what I can with Nero." The elder explained with a sigh.

Lucien kept silent for quite a while. He seemed to make up his mind what to do, staring at the table while he did so. Dante exchanged a short gaze with hi brother, shrugging, as if he wanted to answer his twin's silent question what the boy would do or not. After some time Lucien lifted his head again, his eyes settling upon Vergil again. "Normal people... go to school, right?" he demanded to know then, still feeling a little nervous. Vergil nodded. "Most people go to school, yes, but remember, what's normal for us, and for you, might be not so normal to them, and the opposite. As I said, I would not mind schooling you too, but if you'd like, I can talk to the headmaster of Nero's old school, which only lies in a short walking distance from here." Lucien nodded slightly. "I... I could at least try, no?" he said quietly, exchanging a look with each of the twins. Dante nodded, flashing a smile again. "Offf course you would have to hide your arm, you may have noticed that it scares some people..." he murmured with a sigh. "You know, some people are a little strange when it comes to stuff like that."

Vergil nodded, agreeing. "We will help you with that. It's settled then, I'll talk to the principal about you starting, and you can perhaps speak with Nero, if you would like to, and he can explain things that you're wondering about, sounds good?" Lucien nodded again, folding his hands again. "I'll try... my best..." he almost whispered, trying to smile afterwards, but it seemed very unsure. "I just.. don't know what to do most of the time..." he added, slowly shaking his head. "It's okay, you'll soon be fine, trust us." Dante said, nuzzling the boy's hair. Vergil smiled and nodded. "We will help you with everything, and that's a promise." He said, reaching over the table to cup the boy's cheek. "Do you feel scared about it?" he then asked, his thumb brushing over the boy's skin. Lucien sighed deeply, his eyes halfway closed. "I don't know, really... I don't know what I'm feeling..." he looked a little sad, and the twins sure as hell say that he didn't even know what would await him at a normal school.

"Now... let's better get back to Nero, or he'll sulk forever. I can tell he's playing pissed already." Dante said with a sly grin, pointing his head into the direction of the reception. "Besides... Business is still up so I might be needed somewhere." Vergil rose, nodding. He was more than glad to end this conversation. He drew Lucien up into his arms before holding him for a while, just murmuring soft nothings, hoping it would make the boy feel better. "I know it's a lot," He then said, his mouth pressed to the boy's ear. "But it'll get easier." Lucien moved only slightly, leaning into the embrace almost unnoticeable. "I hope so..." he said simply, before they went back to the reception. Nero had his headphones on again, his arms still crossed in front of his chest. If they had secrets, well then! He didn't even WANT to know what they were talking about. Everything had changed since that boy - Lucien - came here. He had the twin' whole attention, and yet they even left him out! At least it felt that way for him. He'd have disappeared into his room, but he feared that Lucien would follow him.

Vergil shook his head as he watched Nero, then he walked up to the boy, tearing off the headphones and kissing him lovingly. "How pissed are you on a scale from one to ten?" He asked, rather amused, as he held the boy's gaze, smiling. Nero glared at Vergil, as if he was about to kill him just a second later, while he tried to get his headphones back. "Eleven!" he growled, crossing his arms again, when he had no chance. "Surprised?" he asked shortly, looking away, even after the kiss. Dante sighed, leaning against the door frame. "Well well.." he muttered with a sigh, having Lucien stand beside him, looking at Nero as if he was an evil dragon, dwelling in a cave. Vergil shook his head again, gave his brother a mischievous look before straddling the boy's lap, framing his face with his hands. "We didn't shut you out of anything, Nero. We were only discussing the bothering subject of school and education. If I'd thought you wanted to join in on that, I would have asked you to." He murmured, his face serious again.

Nero scowled, struggling when Vergil straddled him. "Get off me!" he hissed, his eyes narrowing. "And you're not talking about sending Lucien to school, are you?" the boy demanded to know then, eyes wide in surprise. Vergil simply grabbed the boy's arms and pinned them over his head. "We are. I gave him the choice of home schooling, and he chose. Will you please stop acting like a child now, please?" He murmured, caressing his son's eyebrow with his free hand. "ARE YOU CRAZY?" Nero shouted immediately, trying to get free again, but Vergil was way stronger. "Don't you know how some people treated me there? If you want to break him that quick I could sure help you, really!" he hissed then, his face turning pink in anger. "And hell damn it, let go off me now!" Lucien jerked, stepping back when Nero suddenly spoke up. His eyes widened a bit, as he shove his hands into the pockets of his jeans. Dante gritted his teeth, but he kept silent, knowing that Vergil would take care of Nero anyway.

Vergil's face didn't change, but stayed even, not reflecting the annoyance and anger that had begun to build up behind that calm exterior facade. "We know very well how you were treated, Nero, and I'm terribly sorry about it, but things change, he will not attend among the people in your class, and quite honestly? I'm glad he's going out there a little, so he can learn about the real world, while I am more than satisfied with having you here, where I can easily get my hands on you." Nero tried to get free again, grunting in disappointment when he failed. "It wasn't only my class but the whole fucking school!" he complained, "You are NOT letting him go alone!" For a long heartbeat the boy was shocked about his own words. He didn't want to say that! He had to find an excuse, quickly! "He… he'll only cause trouble!" he stammered then, violently shaking his head. "He can't go there on his own!"

Vergil released the boy's arms and grabbed the collar of his shirt, raising him enough to be able to study the teen's face clearly in the light of the lamp. "If you're worried, go with him. I'd feel much better if you took care of him, Nero, but I'd rather keep the two of you home until you die." Nero stared at his father, his eyes still narrowed. "Only under the condition that we attend the same class..." he growled, biting his lower lip. Lucien looked at the two of them, seeming quite worried, until Dante appeared next to him, placing an arm around his shoulders. "Don't worry, they love each other, they just need their fights from time to time, you know?" the devil hunter said with a grin, nuzzling the boy's hair again. The look Vergil gave the boy was victorious and intense. "Deal. Promise to stop pouting now and let me kiss you properly?" He asked, annoyance seeping through the evenness as his emotions settled down again.

"Naaah!" Nero said with a mischievous grin as he released himself from Vergil's grip. "As for the pouting.. maybe!" he called, ready to exit the reception through the door that lead to their flat. "And no kiss today, now that I have to be pissed about going to school again!" he gave the elder a wink, before the door closed behind him. Dante couldn't help but to laugh. "How about come and get a kiss from your little bro' instead?" he suggested, flashing a smile. Lucien watched Nero leaving, before he decided to follow him seconds later. Vergil grimaced before he made his way over to his brother before tugging him back to the couch to be able to cuddle up in his lap, nuzzling his neck before capturing his lips tenderly. "Love kissing you." He murmured with a gentle smile.