Susan and Caspian enjoyed a beautiful sunrise together cuddled together, enjoying every essence of it

Susan and Caspian enjoyed a beautiful sunrise together cuddled together, enjoying every essence of it. Finally, they decided to go back, they rode back together with Destrier. As soon as they went in the throne room. Caspian was welcomed by Peter's fist, it hit him directly on the face.

"Peter!!" Susan shouted.

"Susan! Aren't you supposed to be gone?" Peter asked surprised running to hug her sister.

"I was supposed to but Caspian stop me…" Susan said.

Caspian's mouth was now bleeding.

"Caspian are you alright?" Susan asked, she ran to him.

"No I'm perfectly alright only a bit blood" Caspian replied.

"Peter look at what you did!" Susan said to her brother

"Peter you should apologize" Edmund said.

Peter walked to Caspian and gave him his hand.

"Friends?"Peter asked.

Caspian took his hand and said "Yes" but Peter pulled is hand and said.

"If you make Susan cry only once I'll make sure you'll be sorry "Peter threatened

"Peter!" Lucy said.

This is how it ends. Susan and Caspian lived happily ever after in case you wondered where Elizabeth is…. Well you could say she's simply got kicked back to the stars

Welll this its all folks i know its kinda sucky well im planing to write a new fanfic about them really soon hope ya support!