Here it is! The final installment to my story. Thank you all for being SO patient and sticking through until the end! I thank my Getties for their support through everything. I hope you all enjoy! Please leave feedback, I like to know what you all like and don't like so I can help make the best stories for you all! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own anything Ugly Betty related

Epilogue: The Surprising Triple 'S' Threat

Time never seemed to go so slow yet so fast all at the same time. Places change, seasons change, trends change, and people change. Change for the better, or change for the worse. All hoping to grow with each and every passing moment that passes along in life. For Betty Suarez, things had been changing more and more for the better as she continually reached for the future that she strived for. Continually she worked, her writing abilities growing with each piece. And now, she moved her way up to Editor in Chief at Hot Flash. Even though the magazine isn't exactly what she thought she would do when she got out of college, she couldn't imagine leaving now after investing a few years there. Claire practically became a mother and her and Betty worked well with one another. And even though Betty didn't work with Daniel anymore, she still saw him often enough and they would catch up.

Stretching in her desk chair she turned to look at the clock and noticed that it was almost the end of the day. Her eyes darted slightly lower down from the clock at the frame that hung on her wall. It was a reminder of how far she came. Her first article that spurred her writing career even further. Three years ago it changed her life in every possible way. A smile tugged her lips as her eyes fell upon the familiar green pickle that accompanied the article. Of course, the picture did not do justice for the man that stood there also. Her first full spread article was a full editorial report about the ever exponentially growing sandwich depot of one Giovanni Rossi.

She sighed, letting her thoughts drift to the man that she loves with every fiber in her body. Every sense was always heightened as each and every single fiber was lit on fire each and every single day. Three years later and she still felt like every kiss was the first: leaving her completely breathless. Once they reconciled their differences and finally gave into the feelings that were evident between them, the relationship became so deep.

Anxiously looking at the clock again she saw it was almost 5:30. Gio had called her at work earlier at lunch and asking her to meet him at the sandwich shop that he had opened up three years ago when she gave him the spot. It wasn't surprising to Betty that Gio asked her to stop by, she usually would stop down so that way when his shift ended they could walk back to their apartment that they live in. Regardless, Betty still was anxious because she knew she would be seeing Gio again and be in his arms one more time and enjoy every aspect that she has with him.

Jumping from her desk and grabbing her things she finally left. It was Friday after all, and she just wanted to start the weekend. The walk to the sandwich shop didn't take long at all. Her phone rang and she grabbed it from her bag.

"Hey Hilda, what's up?"

"Betty! I just wanted to see if I got a hold of you. Are you still coming over tomorrow night with Gio for dinner? I'm trying to get a head count so Papi and I know how much food to make."

Betty sighed. "Why wouldn't we be coming over? We'll be there. Gio mentioned something about going to his parents house first since he had to drop something off, but then we were going to come over."

"Okay okay, Sheesh! Can't a sister just ask? What are you guys doing tonight?" Hilda asked curiously.

"I'm not sure," Betty said thoughtfully as she made the final turn to the sandwich shop and smiled when she saw it within sights. "Gio wanted me to stop by after work. So I guess he has something planned. Anyway, let me go, I'm pretty much there."

"Okay okay! Well you have fun! Call if you need anything. Can't wait to see you tomorrow," Hilda said excitedly as hung up the phone.

Betty shook her head before pushing the door open in the deli. The familiar little ding of the bell went off signaling her arrival. She didn't see Gio right away so she sat down at one of the tables. A voice breathing huskily into her ear jolted her from her thoughts, "I thought you would never get here."

Betty involuntarily took a deep breath and allowing herself to be engulfed by his smell and automatically because entranced by his raw sex appeal. She smiled as Gio kissed her cheek before turning and walking to the door, turning the sign to show that it was the end of another day at the shop. He walked back over the table and sat down opposite Betty with a little smile on his face, his dimples popping out.

"Why you are in a good mood," Betty said teasingly.

"Why wouldn't I be? It's Friday, I get a chance to close my shop early, and I get you to myself for 3 whole days!" Gio said with a wink.

Betty flustered and started blushing, "Gio!"

He chuckled as he got up and took off his apron. He started walking towards the counter to drop it off but instead surprised Betty by continuing around towards the condiments. "What are you doing?" she asked.

"I figured instead of going out to dinner, I would just make us some 'wiches here. It's a lot easier. Plus I know how much you like my sandwiches," Gio said un-phased as he started grabbing some plates and got to work.

"You always make a good sandwich. If I didn't like them, do you think I would have stuck around this long?"

Gio took his opportunity and threw over his apron hitting her square in the head. He chuckled and she saw him putting the finishing touches on her sandwich. She couldn't tell what he did, since he hid behind the display. He picked them up slowly and walked them over carefully, a slight edge in his steps but a smile on his face. "Here you go, one Suarez for the eater."

"Suarez?" Betty asked cautiously as she looked at the sandwich. He nodded toward the sandwich and she took it from his hands and peered at it. There was the infamous baguette with turkey and the numerous amounts of sun-dried tomatoes that she liked. She laughed remembering the first time they me. "Finally decided to give in and realize that more than three sun-dried tomatoes does wonders for this sandwich?" she said jokingly as she pushed his shoulder.

He smiled and looked down, slightly bashful, almost reminding Betty of a long ago time when he walked her home from the middle school dance. He looked up in her eyes and Betty was almost taken aback at the intensity of the look that was there. The desire to swallow her whole almost. "Well, I wanted to dedicate a sandwich to what started my five year plan and really got it underway. I owe it all to you."

"Me?" Betty said meekly.

"I will never forget the first day I met you Betty Suarez. You helped me to see the potential and what I strive for in this life. I came up with my five year plan, and so far, I have been following that through and through each and every single day." He took a pause as he pulled a chair closer to her and grabbed her hand.

"So what is left for you to accomplish for your five year plan? Besides having the largest condiment bar for your sandwich emporium?"

"I can't believe you remember that," he said amazed.

"I remember everything Gio. You helped to push me to be the woman that I have become and how my career is going the direction that I want."

"And what about other aspects of your life?" he asked as he looked deep in her eyes and stroking the back of her hand with his thumb.

"Everything," Betty said simply. She saw him take a deep breath and smile before squeezing her hand to slightly pull away. "What about you Gio? Have you accomplished everything you wanted?"

"Almost," he said nonchalantly.

"Almost? What else do you want to accomplish?"

"Well, I slightly did, I wasn't kidding with 'The Suarez' sandwich name. I wanted something up in my deli to remember your name."

"Why would you need to remember my name? You see me all the time. Are you telling me you are going to forget everything about me?" she said jokingly.

He grabbed her sandwich before lifting the bun. And there, on top of all the condiments and squished between the two pieces of bread was something that made Betty's heart stop and yet speed up at the exact same moment. It was as if she died and was born all in one moment with a flood of emotions that she never once expected to feel. A small gasp left her mouth as she looked at him speechless.

"So what do you say B? Are you going to help me finish my five year plan? Say that you will be Mrs. Betty Rossi," he asked as he grabbed the ring from the sandwich before grabbing both of her hands, awaiting her reply.

She stared at the ring that sat there in his palm of his hand before turning her gaze up to his. "Yes," she said quietly and full of emotion. "Yes Gio, I want to be Mrs. Betty Rossi!" she said with a smile before the tears started streaming down her face.

A huge smile broke out across his face before he took her left hand and slipped the ring on her finger. There sat the most elegant yet simple diamond ring she had ever seen. But it fit her perfectly. Gio couldn't have done a better job at picking a diamond that would scream 'Betty; while it was worn.

Gio pulled her up from the table and into his arms, crashing his lips to hers and catching Betty off guard. His lips devoured hers as all of the passion and love that they shared for one another was transferred. The whole ambiance swallowing them whole as they got lot in the kiss, not caring that they were in the middle of the shop in front of a window that anyone on the street could look in and see what was going on. Betty gripped her fingers into his hair to pull him closer. Reluctantly, Gio tore himself away to catch his breath as he still held her close.

"You just made me the happiest man Betty Suarez," he said simply. "What do you say that we head out of here and head back home?"

"That sounds great. I can't wait to tell my family the good news!"

Gio chuckled, "I'm surprised Hilda didn't say anything to you. I asked Papi's permission the other night after work. Obviously, Hilda needed to know what was going on and found out. I figured she would have blabbed in a second."

"That sneak!" Betty screeched. "She called me right before I got here wondering if we were still stopping by tomorrow and she was all giddy on the phone. I figured it was something that was going on in her life! She just wanted to see if you proposed already."

"That's family B. My family has been fussing the past few months wondering when I was going to do it."

"You've had the ring that long?" Betty asked surprised as she turned her head up to look him in the eye.

"Yea. I wanted to wait for the perfect time, and I wanted to ask for permission. And today, I woke up before you and watched you sleep, and all I wanted more was to know that it would be like this forever, waking up next to you."

"Gio….." Betty said softly before placing a hand on the side of his face.

He smiled before getting an evil glint in his eye. "So can we get out of here? I think we have plenty of celebrating that we have to do and to show you just have happy I am." He winked down at her, allowing for the meaning to sink in.

She smacked him slightly on the arm. "Let's go home fiancé."

Betty squealed as Gio lifted her up and flung her over his shoulder. He walked outside carrying her that way before placing her down and kissing her passionately again right outside on the sidewalk. She pulled away and Gio took his opportunity to lean in and nibble her ear. "Live a little. You know you want to, and if you are going to be married to me, you better start loosening up."

She sighed and responded back to his kisses, ignoring the scenery that was around, the whistles and the catcalls that could easily be heard all around her, and the general busyness that the street held. Instead, time slowed as she savored every moment. She slid her hand down and squeezed his ass, satisfied with the deep moan that came from Gio. Three years ago Betty never would have been so daring, but the man in front of her changed her. He affected her so deeply and led to her finding who she truly was. And she knew that she couldn't be more excited to see how much more she grows and how her and Gio's relationship grows with each and every passing moment that they spend together.

Betty Suarez remembered Claire Meade telling her that she was going to have to take risks both in work and in life, and Giovanni Rossi helped her to accomplish the many things. And now that she was the future Mrs. Gio Rossi, she knew it was worth it all to get out of her comfort zone and break free of the mold that had held her captive for so long.

Even more so, which Gio didn't even know, Betty had accomplished almost all of her 5 year plan because HE was a part of it. And him proposing was the second to last thing she wanted to accomplish in the 5 years. He helped her strive for her dreams and goals and knew that more was to come. And hopefully Gio can help her to reach even further. Because she was ready to take the risk and take care of others in her life than just herself.

And as they made out passionately on the side of the street, she couldn't help but feel giddy and full of love. Betty knew that everything she wanted was right here in front of her.

Betty Suarez was ready to have it all.

Okay! Look for in the next few weeks my next story. It is going to be a lot more angsty, I've had the idea in my head for a while now. Thanks again! Leave reviews! Viva La Getty!!