I'm back :) Did that sound like something from a bad horror movie? I hope not. Well, if you read the authors note I added in Thirteen Reasons Why, then you are aware that this is the sequel. Surprise? Yeah, I know, I said I would never do a sequel. But I lied.

I'm not so sure how this will turn out so don't hate me. Please?

I've decided to base this about twenty years after the wedding I described in Thirteen Reasons Why. (Though it's not essential that you read the other story, it may help.)

This is also in Edward's point of view, which currently terrifies me. I've never done a whole story through Edward's eyes so don't be too harsh?

I've blabbered enough.

Please enjoy?! :)

I Love You

(Edward's POV)

I watched sullenly as she removed the ring from her pale finger. When it was off, she toyed with it in her palm for a moment, frowning.

"Do I have to?" She questioned for the fifth time.

I felt the thrill sweep through me when her stunning eyes set on mine. To call the exquisite irises golden, ocher, or topaz, would be a crime. They were not one color, but a combination. The colors glinted as the light hit each beautiful speck and shade.

"Yes," I answered, glancing back at the black ribbon of road ahead. "I don't think it would go over very well with the other students if we claimed to be both sixteen and married."

I peered at Bella out of the corner of my eye. She had folded her arms across her chest and was watching as the rain made unadorned patterns on the dark window.

"You get to be seventeen," she accused sourly.

I chuckled softly. Her irritation was irrational of course. Our altered ages was due to the simple fact that my seventeenth birthday had fallen in June, while hers was in the middle of September, just a few days away.

"And I'm older," she added exasperated.

I glanced at her while turning into the school parking lot, raising an eyebrow.

She caught my glance quickly and grimaced. "Well, physically," she mumbled.

I smiled at her as I pulled into a parking space, twisting the key out of the ignition. "Physically?" I questioned suggestively, turning towards her and leaning forward. Her eyes widened at the expression, unhidden – especially to her – in my eyes. "What ever are you referring to?"

I touched my parted lips to the corner of mouth, breathing in her heavenly scent. Her breath caught and I brought my lips together, pressing them against her skin before pulling away.

She glared at me, her beautiful full lips pressed together thinly.

I laughed and reached forward, capturing the ring in my own hand. I tilted my palm, watching the gold band catch the light. I kissed it gently before placing it in my pocket.

I turned back to Bella, chuckling, amused at her aggravated expression.

"It's just seven hours, my love," I reminded her softly, smiling as I reached forward to grasp her left hand. I smoothed my finger tip over the seemingly bare skin of her left hand and my smile faltered.

"You're just as upset as I am," she accused, a small smile tugging at her lips. Her vivid eyes clawed into my own and my body seemed to contract under her gaze.

"Damn it, Bella," I cursed under my breath as I struggled to look away.

"Oh," she gasped, snapping her head towards her own window. "Sorry," she whispered.

The power she had obtained through her change never failed to amaze me. The dominance held within those gaudy eyes of hers was inconceivable. She had the power to pull you in, to make you feel like time had stopped. And with these potent orbs she could look into somebody's eyes, and know the exact emotion coursing through their veins. Every speck of happiness, sorrow, and pain, was free to puncture my angel at anytime it wished. Was it so ironic that all of these human feelings flew straight to her motionless heart?

I always did tell her she was too perceptive.

"I'm sorry," I sighed, reaching forward to pull her chin back towards me. She let her eyes follow her chin reluctantly. "I'm just not used to it yet," I whispered. I twisted in my seat and pulled her towards me so that she was seated on my lap. I let my lips attract to the smooth skin of her neck, consequently avoiding her commanding eyes.

"I know," she mumbled, letting a happy sigh escape her lips. "I'm not either."

Though Bella had been changed nearly twenty years ago, she was still startled when she meet the eyes of strangers and was suddenly invaded with their deepest feelings. The expression upon her face whenever this happened was unnerving, for me at least. I would never really understand the effect that these emotions had on her, knowing that her mind was, and forever would be, concealed from my own endeavoring mind.

The smallest bit of insight I had received was when Bella and I went on a human trip for the first time. Esme and Carlisle had needed groceries to keep up our human façade, and by then, I had assumed Bella was ready. We stepped into the grocery store, cautiously as Bella tensed against the scent. "We can leave," I had told her quietly. But without even glancing at me, she strode into the small store. We had just reached the aisle that contained can foods when a woman passed us. She was clutching a crying baby to her chest and her hair was snarled mess. She sang to the baby softly, but her thoughts were multiple pools of misery. I had glanced at Bella, wondering how her power would respond to the woman. When I met Bella's eyes, I didn't need her power to know that the woman's feelings were mirrored there. I had gasped as Bella's hand clutched at the hard skin of her motionless chest.

That's when I knew she could feel it.

She denied it for months, claiming it had just been the shock of being able to detect the woman's pain. I knew better.

I was pulled back into the present when Bella pushed her forehead against mine, angling it so that my eyes had no escape.

"I love you, you know," she reminded me softly, narrowing her eyes thoughtfully, as if sensing something in my eyes.

"I love you, too," I smiled gently, pressing my lips against hers.

She smiled and spoke against my kiss. "I love you more."

I pulled away quickly. I was positive that the bewilderment was clear on my face as I gawked her. "You can not possibly be serious," I breathed.

Neither one of us had tried to argue upon the endless "who loves who more" for a while now. I had assumed it was because the point I had proven twenty years ago was still relevant now. It was impossible to love another creature more than I loved Isabella Marie Cullen. It was just a simple fact.

"Oh I am very serious." I stared at the challenge burning in her vibrant eyes.

I hardened my expression, narrowing my eyes at the innocent honesty, clear on her beautiful face.

"I'm a vampire now," she reminded me, a dangerous smile thinning out her lips. "That means I have the same amount of power to love as you do."

I could hear the sound of the school bell – more like a buzzer – shriek inside the small building.

I stared at Bella, my eyebrow raised. She was still on my lap as she smiled and brushed her fingers through my untidy hair.

"Regardless," I said finally, reaching up to capture her hand in my own. "Vampire or not…" I kissed her hand softly. "I love you more."

Her expression became cynical and she pulled her hand away from my kisses. I tried to hide my smile.

Suddenly her expression shifted, and her full lips appeared thin again, pressing together to contain her new found enthusiasm.

"Bella," I warned, abrutly feeling a sense of dread twist my features.

"I'll prove it to you." She decided, smiling angelically as the unpleasant feeling of déjà vu settled in my body. "With thirteen reasons why," she continued, seeming oblivious to my discomfort.

I didn't answer, my mouth pressed together in a thin line, though my lack of participation seemed trivial.

"Thirteen reasons why… what? You ask?" She smiled mockingly.

"Bella," I hissed ominously through my teeth. But she silenced me with a kiss.

She laughed as she pulled away, struggling to compose her expression. She finally bit her lip and ran her fingers through my hair once more, as she said, "Thirteen reasons why I love you, of course."

Just in case you weren't aware, I made this title I Love You because it's the sequel to Thirteen Reasons Why ... I Love You. Get it? Haha, I thought it was clever :)

Anyway, please review, please? I don't think I can beg enough. It terrifies me to post this!