Power Rangers: Countdown


(Original Posting Date: March 1st, 2008)

A number of years ago, planet Earth was nearly destroyed. Actually, it's almost been destroyed quite a few times, usually cutting it pretty close once a year on average, but this story is about the time where we came closest to losing everything.

History will remember it most because, aside from the destruction and chaos that accompanied the battle, it was also the moment when the secret identities of the Power Rangers, the heroes of Earth, were finally revealed.

The funny thing, though, is that among the ranks of those protectors were two aliens from a distant planet named KO-35. And it turns out that Astronema, who was leading the charge for Dark Specter's forces of evil, was actually the long lost sister of one of the two aliens, Andros, the Red Ranger. She was also the crush of the second alien, Zhane, the Silver Ranger. The tabloids completely ate that up, as you can probably imagine, and the trio, plus Andros' very human girlfriend, Ashley, fielded interview requests for weeks after things were resolved. Then again, you probably knew about that already.

Everyone also knows about the final battle that took place in Angel Grove, about the last stand against Astronema's troops. After all, it wasn't long until Spielberg brought it to the big screen, casting some of the biggest talent in Tinseltown. Patrick Stewart's presence in the movie as Zordon obviously brought in all the Trekkies for multiple viewings while others flocked in to theaters to see the sizzling chemistry between rising stars Sarah Michelle Gellar as Ashley Hammond, the Yellow Ranger, and Ryan Gosling as Andros. The special-effects and explosion heavy movie grossed a fortune, eclipsing the records set by James Cameron's Titanic.

But there's a lot more to this story than you think you know, and maybe that's for the better, because being aware of it all might keep you from sleeping at night, for a few days anyways, until total exhaustion overpowers those feelings of uncertainty and fear.

The war was fought on many fronts, across the galaxy, but also across our planet. Heroes were born, heroes rose to the occasion, and yet others fell, yet no one knows about their stories and how their actions impacted the outcome of that fateful day.

Until now…

Note: This trailer initially followed Chapter 5, but I thought it might be a nice teaser after the prologue. It only covers part of the story, as it will eventually expand outside of the MMPR era…

Voiceover as text appears simultaneously on black screen(VO): For years they protected us

Tommy: It's morphin' time! White Ranger power!
Adam: Black Ranger power!
Kat: Pink Ranger power!
Billy: Blue Ranger power!
Aisha: Yellow Ranger power!
Rocky: Red Ranger power!

Using their powers to fight the forces of evil

Cut to Jason, morphed as the Red Ranger, hand raised in the air as he calls out: "We need Thunderzord power, now!"

And although they have all moved on to new lives

Cut to Tanya, signing autographs at Empire Records. Cut to Jason, Zack & Trini hanging out at the Surf Spot.

They are always ready to answer the call

Cut to Adam fighting by Carlos' side in Always a Chance. Cut to Justin coming to the Space Rangers' aid in True Blue to the Rescue.

Now, the greatest battle of all time is looming on the horizon

Cut to a view of Astronema addressing her armies of Quantrons and then cut to swarms of velocifighters heading straight for Earth in Countdown to Destruction, Part I

And their - time - is - up

Cut to a detonator counting down its final seconds before flashing twice at 00:00 and exploding.

This June

Cut to Jason holding his cellphone to his ear, the sound of metal screeching against asphalt coming through. "Tommy!" he calls into it in a tone that makes Zack and Trini stop in their tracks and turn towards him, their faces worried and questioning.

Their darkest hour is about to begin

Cut to Kimberly running into her bedroom and slamming the door shut, locking it from the inside. She rushes to the antique chest at the foot of her bed, opens it, empties out all the clothing inside and removes its false bottom. She reaches in and when she stands back up, she holds her Power Bow tightly in her grip.

And it will take everything they have to give

Cut to an unmorphed Jason, standing between the Knasty Knight and the Photomare monster. As the Knight swings his sword, Jason rolls under. He gets to his feet and uses the Knight's momentum to spin him around, wresting his sword from the monster's hand. He then lunges for Photomare and slashes the sword down with all his strength.

Just to survive

Cut to a headstone. As we slowly pan out, we see Adam, dressed in black, walk past it towards a large monument.

Power Rangers: Countdown.