Shadow Phantom

Written by Jlargent

Me: Hi folks it's me sorry for the long wait but here it is a Sonic the Hedgehog/ Danny Phantom crossover and here as a special guest is Vlad Plasmus. (boos and hisses emit from a stereo.)

Vlad: Thank you for inviting me here and as always Jlargent does not own Sonic or Danny Phantom so no money cannot be earned from this monstrosity.

Me: Hey! What gives you the right to trash talk my story like that? I worked hard on this. Just for that you'll spend the remainder of this fic in the company of the evil plot bunnies.

Vlad: What?

Me: According to fanfic guidelines I have the right to maim and torture guests just on that sole basis. So get going. (Shoves Vlad out the door into ravenous pack of plot bunnies.) And now on with the story.

Shadow's POV

I awoke to rain pouring down upon me. Funny, the last thing I remember I was re-entering earth's atmosphere I must've blacked out. But by all accounts I should've been burned up in the re-entry I must have used chaos control to slow the decent. I stood to take stock of my surroundings I am what appears to be an alleyway the rain was coming down harder I looked in a dumpster to see if I can find anything to shield me from the rain, all I found was a hooded cloak I quickly put it on and drew the hood up.

Walking around town I noted I was not in Station Square, there were few lights on in a few buildings my stomach growled in protest to wandering around aimlessly I found what appears to be a all night diner fortunately, Ivo provided me money and taught me how to use it. I walked in and approached the counter, the waitress who seemed at least in her early to mid thirties shot me a look but didn't question my being here "What can I get you honey?" she asked as I looked at the menu "I would like a chili dog and French fries and a dr. pepper." as I paid for a newspaper The Amity News was embolden on the front page as I sat down and awaited my order I calmly assessed the number of people inside the diner there were two off duty officers and a couple no older than their fifties the headlines screamed DANNY PHANTOM DEFEATS EMBER curiously I read the article and was intrigued that a mere human have such abilities I made a note to find out how exactly he attained his powers.

Finally my order arrived and having never eaten a chili dog I ordered it automatically seeing as the faker seemed to have a borderline obsession with them I cautiously bit into it and was overwhelmed by the flavor and promptly devoured it I paid for the food and left the waitress a rather large tip and exited the diner I then walked down the street to find a hotel to stay in, suddenly a pair of lights lit up blinding me for a moment my eyes adjusted and saw it was a police car the two officers that I saw at the diner stepped out of the car and had their guns pointed at me Someone must really hate me. I thought.

"Hands up and get on your knees." the first officer ordered he was a little overweight and had thinning brown hair his partner seemed in much better shape and had short reddish brown hair. The younger one spoke to his partner "Hey Bob this doesn't look like any ghost I've seen." the older one sneered "Who cares Dave the mayor will reward us for capturing this freak." I twitched at the word 'freak' for too long in space colony ark the other scientists often called me that behind my back I really hated it. I let the chaos energy course through me as the officers realized that they had made a big mistake.

"CHAOS SPEAR!" I shouted as I launched an attack on the car making it explode the force of the explosion sent them flying forward and they landed a foot in front of me I reached down and picked up Dave by the collar and held him close to my face "Know this human: I am not a ghost I am Shadow the Hedgehog and tonight I was feeling merciful toward you two and if you don't want to end up ghosts yourselves you would leave me alone." with those words I dropped him and continued on towards a hotel. I paid for the room and settled in I seemed more tired than usual, if I hadn't had the energy to use a chaos spear those cops would've killed me. I must've been more tired than I thought I barely remembered climbing into bed and falling asleep.

Me: Well folks that's it for chapter one I'll have more coming soon and I apologize for the long wait but the upcoming chapters are worth the wait.

As always Hoody Hoo!!