Authors Note: (PLEASE READ) Okay, recently I went and watched 'Narnia: Prince Caspian' and fell in love with the Susan/Caspian romance and decided to write a fanfic on an idea I had. I am brand new to Narnian fics so if I make any mistakes with spellings or character names please point it out nicely. I don't appriciate flames so PLEASE don't send any. I don't have much time on my hands so I don't know how often I will be able to update and every writer knows of that awful thing called writers block which I have had for months on one of my previous stories, so I'm warning you now. Anyways, I love reviews so please tell me what you think of the story--they often inspire me to write and update faster. Also, if you have any suggestions, you are welcome to say so. Oh and I don't know Prince Caspian's wifes name in the books so I will make it up unless someone knows her name and lets me know. This will be UNCANNON just warning you and it IS an eventual Suspian, I promise!

Disclaimer: I OWN NOTHING so please do not sue! :)

Prologue - Departure


Heart beating loudly in her chest, Susan walked up to the handsome Telmarine prince, soon to be the new King of Narnia. In the month that she had been in Narnia, Susan discovered how much she really cared for Prince Caspian, maybe she even loved him. But she knew that they could never be together, Aslan had told Susan and Peter earlier that day that they wouldn't be returning to Narnia. Susan was devastated by this news when she realized that she would probably never see Caspian again.

Now, Susan wanted to say her final goodbyes to him before she and her siblings walked through the magical tree portal and back to England, where Aslan said that they really belonged.

"I'm glad I came back." Susan said once she stood in front of Caspian.

"I wish we had more time together." Caspian said to her in his Spanish accent.

Susan sighed softly and avoided looking into Caspian's dark brown eyes, "We never would have worked anyway." She said.

Caspian looked confused and Susan couldn't miss that pure hurt that was in his eyes, "Why not?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Susan smiled up at him before continuing, "Well, I am 1300 years older than you." She teased.

Caspian managed a smiled and then watched as the love of his life turned to leave with her siblings. Susan was about to walk away from Prince Caspian forever when suddenly she made a spur of the moment decision that would change her life forever. She turned on her heel, ran back up to Caspian and kissed him.

Susan felt herself melt into the Prince as soon as their lips touched. She could practically feel the sparks as he began to kiss her back after recovering from his shock. Susan found herself wanting more and more of him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and sighed against his lips as he wrapped his own arms around her waist, crushing her to him.

After they broke apart Caspian still clutched Susan close to him, as if trying to memorize everything about her, for this would be the last time he would see her. Much to soon for either of their likings, Susan pulled away from Caspian's strong embrace and walked over to her siblings who were all looking at her with sympathetic faces. The moment she stepped from his arms, she wanted to be right back in his strong embrace, but she knew that it was time to leave.

As the four siblings walked through the tree arch, Susan took once last look at her Prince before she passed on through. The look on his face was one of such absolute heartbreak that she almost turned back around and begged Aslan to let her stay. But something inside her made her turn and keep walking through the portal. After seeing the look on his face as she left, she wondered if maybe kissing him was the wrong thing to do. It might have just made things so much harder on the both of them. Now it would be close to impossible to forget Caspian. But at that thought she realized something; she didn't want to forget Prince Caspian. She wanted to keep every memory of him that she could in hopes that someday they would meet again.

The wind slowly swirled around them and the four Pevensie children found themselves right back at the train station, the very train station that had transformed into a cave near Cair Paravel. Now they stood by their bench and suitcases while people buzzed around them as they hurried to get a good spot on the train. Their Narnian clothes were gone and were now replied with their school uniforms.

Once realizing where they were, Susan felt tears spring to her eyes but she refused to let them fall. She tried to make her dark brown hair fall in front of her face like a curtain so her siblings couldn't see her teary eyes.

"Aren't you coming Phyllis?" Susan looked up in surprise and saw the boy that had been talking to her right before she left for Narnia was trying to get her attention.

Peter, Edmund, Lucy and Susan gathered up their suitcases and boarded the train together that would take them back to their 'home.'

'I'll never forget you Caspian, never.' She thought as the doors to the train closed.

"Do you think there is any way we could get back?" Susan heard Edmund say, breaking her from her thoughts.

From the corner of her eye she saw Peter and Lucy look at Edmund in confusion.

"I left my new torch in Narnia." Edmund complained as Lucy and Peter started to laugh at their brother.

But the words hit Susan hard and a roll of jealousy coursed through her. Lucy and Edmund would be able to return to Narnia. But Peter and Susan, they would never return. Susan could only hope that maybe Aslan would change his mind and maybe let Susan be reunited with a certain dark haired Prince, the man who had stolen her heart.

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