Summary: Thanks to dobe here the eight of us all getting thrown off to an island! Far far FAR AWAY! Nothing that works! We'll be stuck here for three stupid months! No shelter either. Survival is the only way to survive. And this is all NARUTO FAULT!

Island Paridise

By: Bloodropiris


Haruno Sakura-18

Hyuuga Hinata-17

Hyuuga Neji-19

Nara Shikamaru-18


Uchiha Sasuke-18

Uzumaki Naruto-18

Yamanaka Ino-18


Naruto: What?! My fault?!

"Naruto! Stop! We're going to get in trouble!" Sakura whispered in a harsh voice. It was dark out and it was the winter snow dance. Naruto had gotten a perfect idea!

"Ne, Sakura-chan are you cold?" Naruto asked Sakura. Sakura looked at him and placed her cup down.

"You know I am a bit cold, why?" Sakura asked. Sakura saw Naruto do his grin which translate to 'Hey-let's-do-something-outrageous-but-try-not-to-get-caught?'

"Wai-wait! You know what Naruto? I don't feel really that cold anymore." Sakura forced on a smile while really trying to say, 'GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME, NARUTO! IF YOU GET ME IN TROUBLE I WILL KILL YOU!'

But the next thing Sakura sees is Naruto, herself, Sasuke('Oh! Sasuke what are you doing here?), Hinata, Ino, Shikamaru, Tenten and lastly Neji.

"Okay, everyone over here." Naruto making a hand gesture to come by him. And so everyone did knowing what is going to happen afterward.

"Okay! We're here!" Naruto yelled. They follow Naruto and found a hole.

"Dobe, how's a hole going to warm us up?" Sasuke asked him. Naruto huffed and tsk Sasuke with his finger.

"This is a fire pit."

"Why's a fire pit doing here?" Ino asked him now.

"Do you guys want to be warm or not?!" Everyone just sighed and let Naruto continue. After lighting it up everyone gather around and got warm.

"Um...Naruto-kun, are you sure we can do this? We won't get in trouble right?" Hinata nervously asked the blond boy. He got up.

"Of course, Hinata-chan!" Naruto placed his hands over the fire.




"AHHHHHHHHH! MY ARM! MY ARM! IT'S ON FIRE! AHHHHH!" Naruto started to run around with an ash on his sleeve. Being stupid Naruto ran toward the dance.

He sighed in relief when the tiny ash was off of him, but...

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" Yelled a male student running for his life.

"KYAAAA! FIRE!" A female student yelled.

"RUN! FIRE!" Other students started to run for their life as well.


"So, I heard there was a fire last week at the Winter Snow Dance?" Tsunade-sama, the principal asked, but knowing the answer.

"IT WAS NARUTO'S FAULT!" All the students yelled pointing their index at the blond Uzumaki who was smacked in the middle.

"NANI?! My fault?" He asked pointing to himself. The seven students nodded. "NANI?!" He got up making the chair behind him fall, "IT WAS YOU GUYS THAT SAID YOU WERE COLD! SO IT'S NOT MY FAULT!"

"Idiot!" Sakura smacked him on the head, "You're the one who asked US!"

"Ouch! What was that for!" Naruto cried in pain, "Well, it's not my fault you agreed!" Naruto said in his defense.

"You would have dragged us anyways, Naruto" Shikamaru commented. Naruto was about to say something back when Tsunade-sama spoke.

"Why don't you guys go on vacation?" She suddenly blurred out.

"What?" All the eight students said at once, in confusion.

"Vacation, yes. You know, to lose all your stress. I know a place. My treat! It's not far from here. It's a sunny place so you guys won't cold at all." Tsunade-sama gave a smile, "Your choice too. One month, two months, three months?"

"Hm..." Everyone thought now.

Hm...A sunny place to lose stress? That would be a good idea! Sakura thought.

A sunny place? It must be the beach! Of course I'm going! Time to tan! Ino sang in her head.

Um...I wouldn't mind to get away from the winter blues, Hinata thought.

Sunny place? No way. Sasuke thought.

Sure. Tenten thought quickly.

Vacation! ALRIGHT! No need for school! Naruto yelled in his head.

No way, Neji thought.

Too troublesome. Shikamaru thought with a groan.

"No." The guys said not including Naruto.

"YES!" All the girls said with Naruto.

They glared at each other.

"Well, majority rules. You guys are going!" Tsunade-sama declared.

"YAY!" All the girls shouted including Naruto. While the other boys just groan and Tsunade-sama quickly turned around.

"Oh, yes how long are you guys going stay? One month, two months, three months?" She asked.

"THREE!" The girls shouted.

"Good." Tsunade-sama answered back leaving with a sly smile.


"Okay we're almost there!" Tsunade-sama said to them in the back. All the girls and Naruto was so happy and excited!

Not seeing Tsunade-sama face she smirked, but it suddenly changed.

"OH NO! Something's wrong with the plane! We'll have to land on that island to see what wrong!" Tsunade-sama guided the pilot to land on the island.

When they came out Tsunade-sama threw all their belongings out.

"Hey! Tsunade-baa-chan, what are you doing?!" Naruto panicked.

"Making room for me! You guys just stay out here with your things until we're done. Oh, yeah here." She threw them a suitcase. Naruto looked at it and Tenten read out loud.

"HOW TO SURVIVE ON AN ISLAND FOR THREE MONTHS! WHAT THE FUCK?!" Tenten shouted. Everyone's head looked up at the flying private plane.

"WHAT?! TSUNADE-BAA-CHAN, WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!" Naruto shouted. Tsunade-sama opened the window and shouted down to them,

"This is your punishment for the fire and all the other things through out high school! Pick you up in three months!" She waved back with a grin.

After the plane was in no sight everyone turned to Naruto.

"NARUTO!" Everyone growled knowing that all the trouble they had gotten to this year was all because of him.

"ITS NOT MY FAULT!" He cried.

A/N : Okaii, sorry for not writing for like a year. Sorry. I kinda got addicted to this place for a few months. I no it's a bad excuse, but I guess I have bad writing habits. I'm sorry for that. I'm now going to try to go through my stories and fix them. Maybe just small things like words and grammar. I'm not sure if I'm going to re-write them or not.