Flippy…The Babysitter

Flippy…The Babysitter?

Whoa, hello! I'm gonna put this out straight…I am NOT new to the ways of fan fiction, I know this place like the back of my…brain, and I AM NOT A STALKER, I just have nothing to do in my spare time. I just really like The Happy Tree Friends is all. BTW, if you care, this was my first ever written HTF story.

Oh yeah, I DO NOT own HTF… if I did, there'd be a lot more smooching going on!

1 Finding the right animal

Pop panicked, crossing Giggles's name on the phone book, unfortunately she had been stabbed repeatedly by office supplies and crushed under a desk, "Ugh, why so early?" he groaned, now all of the girls in Happy Tree Town where dead, including Cuddles, Toothy, Russell, and surprisingly Lumpy.

He looked at the other names, Sniffles was good and all-but…the last time he helped him- Pop shivered in disgust, he had not trusted Sniffles much since that incident.

Handy? Handy was a construction worker with no hands, he was more 'handicapped' than actually being 'handy', no way was he good for this job.

The Mole? Pop sighed, and called- it was worth a shot.

On the other side, Mole heard the ring, but as he went to pick it up, he tripped over the cord- and then, somehow knocked a glass of water on the plug ins, when he noticed the phone was unplugged, he plugged it back in- and well- you get the idea. Back at Pop's house, he put his phone back on the receiver and gave another sigh, "I guess he isn't there," he said quietly- and looked on, he then found Splendid's name…

Well he was good for the job, he picked up the phone…but he suddenly remembered something, and put it back down- Splendid didn't even notice kids in a cloths hamper, plus he'd seen the way he 'saved' people, "pretty careless if you ask me," he thought.

Pop looked at Mime's number, he raised an eyebrow and shook his head; Mime was only good for entertaining kids, not caring for them.

He then saw Disco Bear's number and shivered in disgust, he didn't want his kid hanging out with a pig…dog…bear- Disco Bear whatever, he didn't want Cub picking up any weird habits.

Nutty was completely out of the question too, Pop worried what junk that maniac might feed Cub- or starve him of.

He then merely chuckled and shook his head seeing Shifty and Lifty's number, heh, yeah right. He sniffed, and saw the last number… Flippy?

He thought about this for a moment, he had only heard about the things he had done- and how certain things tented to 'set him off' and go 'violent' and in a 'killing rage'. However, he had never actually met him, and never killed Cub, plus- he was a bear!

So he picked up the phone, and dialed! At Flippy's house… Flippy was writing in his dream journal- when suddenly the phone rang, he brushed it off and wrote some more.

"Come on, I'm not giving up!" Pop growled waiting. Flippy eyed the phone when it rung again, he rolled his eyes and got up to get it.


"Hi, this is Pop-is this Flippy?"

"It is…I think this is the first time we talked…are you the bear with the kid?"

"Yes- he's Cub, and that's actually why I called."


"See- I have this urgent business to take care of and I can't take Cub along…so I was wondering if you could baby-sit him…?"

"Me?! Uhm, sir, what about Giggles?"

"Got crushed,"


"Poisoned ,"


"Got eaten,"




"He accidentally killed Cub once,"


"I'd rather not talk that one,"

"Disco-," "Never! I need and I'm choosing YOU Flippy, I'll give you however much money you want!"

Flippy sighed and looked around at his fancy decorated home, "I'm sure I've got enough money, sir,"

"Please, Please Mr. Flippy, I really need to leave in one hour, and I trust you… how busy are you anyways?,"

"Not very busy- It's just that, well…how do you know I won't kill your Cub?"

Pop raised an eyebrow at the strange but depressing question, "…I'll make sure I lock up things that might set you off…Hows that?"

"Fine, oh- and don't worry about paying me, I've always wanted a kid, so it's free,"

"Thank you! And you can come by- er, right now? Heh, sorry about the late notice,"

"It's okay, I'll be there as soon as I can- oh, and when will you be back?"

"3:00 AM,"

Flippy gasped, "That's pretty late, uhm, early,"

"But I know you can handle it, you're a tough guy, well, goodbye," and Pop hung up.

And that was the first chapter, hoped you liked it, my friend said she did, but she has ADHD, so I have no idea.