The World Begins With Neku

COMPLETELY REWROTE After getting some major writing tips and getting all of the secret reports I'm rewriting the story. All characters are not created by me but belong Square Enix. This story will probably span more than 40 chapters, each named parts, to not get mixed up with each "Chapter" in the Game. You probably need some background knowledge on TWEWY (the world ends with you) before reading this. The first paragraph has spoilers.

Part One

Chapter 5: End

Day 1:

Neku collected all of the secret reports, he beat the Composer, and he stood in front of Joshua with a gun in his hand for the last duel. Ten seconds counted down. He raised the gun, but lowered it. He couldn't kill his partner. Joshua decided to let Neku live. The change he saw in Neku made him see good in people. He grew a little attached to Neku. A little more attached to Shibuya. By playing in the game, instead of watching it, he saw what he hadn't seen before. No one knows for sure what it was…but it doesn't matter. He brought everyone back to life, including Rhyme. They spent the next seven days resuming their normal lives. meeting everyday, after school, at Hachiko, and became great, lifelong friends. Today was one of those days. Just…a little more eventful than usual.

Neku was asleep in his bed when his headphones exploded with sound, because "Someday" was on. "No!" He yelled, in complete panic, and a girl shrieked. "Who's there?" He sat up. "Oh yah…Shiki." He let out a breath of relief.

"You said I could stay here until my parents stopped fighting, remember?" She explained, wondering if he woke up screaming every morning.

'I wonder what I dreamed about.' Neku thought, scared of whatever was making him extremely sweaty. But he decided to just forget about it. "Sorry, takes me a couple seconds for the real world to come back to me when I wake up… Wait, am I late for school?" He asked.

"Um…you dropped out of school to…" "Oh yah, sorry." Neku interrupted. He felt incredibly stupid now. 'I left my school to transfer to Beat, Shiki, and Rhymes school.'

"So, Neku, when are they going to let you in?" She asked, slight anger in her voice because Neku was a little forgetful. 'good thing he's only like this in the mornings.'

"They're going to think about it and look at my record, they said they'll get back to me next week. 'Good thing I don't have anything bad on my record, except for fighting that snobby little silver haired brat in the second grade…' " He explained, a little angry himself, because they couldn't just let him in…and it was almost summer.

"That's great Neku! Soon we can be together all the time! Whoops I mean, Beat, Rhyme and I can. 'Did I just say that?!' " She thought, blushing slightly.

"Uh…right.…" He replied, blushing a little too, scratching his neck. 'What? Why am I blushing? I don't like her…she's not my type! I guess it's just cause she's a girl. "Shiki, remind me again why your parents are fighting?" He asked, changing the subject.

"Oh, the usual." She said. Neku could tell she didn't want to talk about it so he just said "Yah…" 'No I don't, actually, I don't remember my parents. Or siblings If I had any.' Neku thought. It haunted him, that he couldn't even remember his old family. All he remembered were the people he hung around (or mainly despised), and his everyday life. Shiki could see Neku didn't understand, and remembered she had never talked to him about it. Only about Eri, she realized.

So she explained. "Oh I haven't told you have I? My parents are divorced, and they're arguing over who I get to stay with this summer." "Oh okay."

"OMG Neku! It's 9:00! How can you sleep in so late?" Shiki exclaimedafter looking at he clock. 'I don't have to go to school, its called a vacation! And talk about mood swings!'

"I'm meeting Eri at 12 at 104! I have to get ready! I don't think I have enough time! This is all your fault!" She yelled, in an accusing state of mind.

"Right…how is it my fault you didn't wake up earlier? And if you wanted me up earlier…you could have woke me up. ' Why the hell do you need to get ready? You look great! I mean, fine.' " Neku was pretty pissed off by now.

Shiki thought about it, and apologized. "So do you want to come with me?" "Um…" As any other guy, he obviously loathed shopping. Especially in female department stores. Namely Ten-Four.

"Oh come on Neku, It'll be fun!" She didn't know why, but she always enjoyed his presence. 'How is shopping for clothes fun?' "We can go to the arcade or the skate park or the movies or bowling…oh I know! We can grab some snacks and hang out at your favorite place…Udagawa! I know how you love CAT!" She said, knowing she could get him into it.

He sighed. "I…I guess there's nothing better to do. 'Plus, I guess it'll count as expanding my world. I don't want to stay here forever and end up going emo.' He still didn't want to get out of bed though. Actually, he had forgotten he was still in bed.

He looked around the room. He had a CAT styled bedspread, posters of all the latest bands, a huge pile of dirty clothes on the floor, the sleeping bag on the floor where Shiki had slept, a portable gaming system and a small TV with a video game system. There was also a small sink to the right of the room, and two doors that led to bathrooms. It was a one room apartment/house whatever it was. As big as it sounds, it was literally a little hotel room. Why Neku wondered, did a one room house have two bathrooms?

"Alright Neku get dressed so we can leave." Shiki interrupted his thoughts, as she had caught him staring at the wall for what seemed like forever. " "I am dressed…"

"Well, then take a shower!" Shiki yelled, not wanting to lose the argument over nothing. "With you here? Are you crazy?" He exclaimed, and thought about the time she fixed his button.

"Neku, you can't go out without taking a shower! You have two bathrooms you know."

" Alright fine." He agreed. 'Just shut up already! And why am I even embarrassed, its not like I like her!'

"And don't gothrough my stuff!" He yelled. "Oh look, it's teddy bear under your bedspread!" She laughed.

"I told you not to go through my stuff!" He screamed. "I was kidding, wait, there is one under here! It's a cat in a cute little red sweater!"

Sound familiar? Yah, CAT started making video games, clothes, and yes… stuffed bears. Don't forget toothpaste! Of course, those didn't sell for long, no one wanted to buy cat food flavored paste. Come to think about it, Mr. H's café was way more popular than it used to be.

She continued. "And all of the pins I gave you!" She said, surprised. "Why me?" He murmured. Shiki was pretty sure she heard him bang his head on the wall a couple times.

So after she was done looking through his stuff, went into a bathroom and did who knows what girls do in there until he got out of the shower and yelled at her for going through his private stuff, and getting things everywhere in his bathroom (stuff he didn't even know he had) ,they headed out. Read and review please.