Finally a new Naruto Story. This is really AU; no one acts like themselves, lol. Beta'd by the amazingly lovely Nai, who also owns the OOC Genko Akenai, both of whom I adore. Yes, I'm still working on all the other stuff, and I think I've got my muse working a little. I hope. Nai liked it; I hope you all will too. n.n
WARNING: This story contains rape, man-on-man sex, violence, some swearing, and general unpleasantness. This first part is the most graphic; the rest of the story is a little more restrained.
"Did you hear? Mizuki's got a hot one…"
Kakashi glanced sideways at his team mates, his expression, as always, hidden behind his scarf. He didn't talk much; there wasn't much for him to say to the people he played with. He played games with them, trained with them, fucked them and let them fuck him, but he didn't talk to them.
"He says this one'll let you do anything to him." His teammate grinned ferally. "Says he's a hot piece of ass."
"Shit." One of his other team mates said, sighing. "Wish I could find me a puppy."
They all laughed-except for Kakashi, who stood silently.
"Well, you're in luck." The team mate who'd spoken first leaned in conspiratorially. "Mizuki says he'll share. He's invited me over tonight, and he told me to bring some friends."
Kakashi wasn't sure how it happened, but he found himself being dragged along with the rest of his team. He didn't want to go; he wasn't interested in Mizuki's 'hot piece of ass'. They ended up in one of the less reputable parts of town, at a cat house that specialized in male prostitutes. Kakashi hadn't ever been there; when he wanted sex, he usually got what he needed with his team mates. The old woman silently ushered them into the back, looking a little sour-as well she might, Kakashi thought. This Mizuki had probably rented the room, but he probably wasn't renting any flesh for the night.
Mizuki turned out to be a silver-haired, sharp featured boy around eighteen. His 'puppy' was a tanned boy around sixteen with a horizontal scar across his face. The scar looked cute; Kakashi, who wasn't usually into scars, thought it made the boy's face look finished, somehow. The boy sat silently, naked except for a leather collar and a pair of leather wrist cuffs, on his knees, his head bent.
Mizuki grinned when he saw them come in and greeted one of Kakashi's team mates by name; his eyes skipped over the group, and Kakashi stepped back, faded into the background-something he was good at-and Mizuki didn't even notice he was there.
Mizuki fisted his hand in Iruka's hair and pulled his head up, ignoring the wince of pain on the younger man's face. "Say hello to my friends, Iruka." Mizuki purred. Iruka, still caught in Mizuki's grip, mumbled something and Mizuki growled, clearly unhappy. "Be more polite, Iruka." He said, yanking the boy's head back further.
Iruka mumbled something else, and Mizuki seemed satisfied. "Well…who wants to be first?" he asked, a smirk on his face.
One of Kakashi's team mates stepped forward eagerly. Mizuki released his hold on Iruka, who crawled forward and undid the man's pants, his fingers pulling his half-hard cock from his pants. Iruka took the man into his mouth, sucking and licking, and the man made a groan of pleasure. "God…Mizuki, his mouth is so talented."
"I know." Mizuki said, laughing. "He's fucking good at blow jobs."
Iruka sped up. Mizuki walked over and pushed the man to his knees, then shifted Iruka's body to pull his ass into the air. "Come on, boys. Don't be shy."
One of the other men stepped forward and Mizuki handed him a tube of lube. Grinning in excitement, the man slicked his finger and slid it into Iruka, making Iruka gasp around the cock in his mouth. The man pumped his finger into Iruka's ass, then slid in a second, twisting them. Iruka started to make soft sounds of pleasure, sucking harder at the man's cock.
"Don't be so careful. You're not going to break him." Mizuki said, sounding peeved. Throwing Mizuki a glance, the man shrugged and undid his pants, stroking his cock until it was hard. He coated it with lube, and then pressed himself into Iruka. Iruka moaned around the cock, tears springing into his eyes, but he kept sucking. The man smiled and started to buck, sliding in and out of Iruka's ass with muffled moans of pleasure.
Mizuki had palmed his cock out and was stroking it, watching the men fuck Iruka's mouth and ass. Kakashi, watching, had to admit it was hot; Iruka was a beautiful boy, and he was taking the cock all the way into his mouth. The man grabbed Iruka's head and started rocking into his mouth, fucking him hard, and the man in his ass sped up, slamming into Iruka with enough force to shove him forward to meet the first man. By now, everyone in the room except Kakashi was stroking himself. Suddenly the man fucking Iruka cried out, slamming into him one last time, and Iruka moaned, nearly choking as the man in his mouth came hard. Cum dripped out of the corners of Iruka's mouth and he licked his swollen lips, coughing.
The two were quickly replaced. The scene repeated itself, Iruka growing more and more dazed as he was repeatedly taken, sometimes hard, sometimes gentle. Mizuki took his turn, slapping Iruka's ass as he fucked him hard, his pleasured groans almost growls. Kakashi just leaned on the wall, ignored and forgotten, his unease growing. Iruka was about to pass out, but the men kept going, and it was coming to resemble rape more than a willing gang bang. The man in the back fisted his hand in Iruka's hair to keep his face up so the man in the front could fuck his mouth, ignoring the tears that streamed down Iruka's face, and the coughing gags he was making as cum once again slammed into his throat.
Finally, they were done. Laughing, the men kissed Mizuki and Iruka, who had collapsed onto the floor, his body trembling and cum dripping out of his mouth and ass. Mizuki walked out with the group, saying something about paying for the room.
Kakashi walked over to Iruka and knelt down. Iruka whimpered softly, clearly thinking Kakashi meant to take his turn. Tears were streaming down his face, but Iruka was too exhausted to really cry.
"Why do you let him do this?" Kakashi asked the prostate form. He was angry; angry at Mizuki, for forcing Iruka to do this, angry at his team mates for participating, angry at Iruka for allowing it happen-and angry at himself, for not stopping it. He reached down and lifted the man from the floor, holding him in his arms, and left, taking the window and the backstreets. It was hard with Iruka in his arms like a dead weight, but he wasn't a star athlete for nothing. He reached his house and let himself inside, kicking his sandals off, then carried Iruka to the bathroom. Iruka was in a semi-conscious daze, clinging to Kakashi and clearly unaware of what was going on. Sighing, Kakashi lowered him to the ground and propped him against the wall, holding him up with one arm while he stripped himself. Then he manhandled Iruka into the shower, cleaned him carefully, dried him, and pulled him into bed. Tucking the sheets around them both, he wrapped his arms around Iruka and fell asleep.
Iruka woke slowly, aware that he was warm and safe and being held. It took a moment for his brain to engage; when the memories of the past night kicked in, he whimpered and sat up, catching the glint of silver in the moonlight. Turning, he started to slide out of bed, but was stopped by a pale hand on his arm.
He turned, intending to yell at Mizuki, but was stopped immediately. This was…not Mizuki…
"Lay back down." Kakashi said sleepily, peering at him blurrily. "It's not morning yet."
"How…" Iruka gasped. He had no idea how he'd ended up in Hatake Kakashi's bedroom. Naked. He tried to pull his arm away, but Kakashi tightened his grip and tugged him back.
"I took you away and cleaned you up and brought you here." Kakashi said, yawning. "You're safe here; you should sleep."
Iruka stared at the man, his eyes wide. Finally, he licked his chapped lips and whispered, "Why?"
Kakashi sighed and tugged again, and Iruka let him pull him back down. Kakashi firmly arranged him, stretching him out and pulling him against Kakashi's chest. "Because you shouldn't be used like that. No one should be used like that. I couldn't stop it, but I couldn't leave you there, either." He said, sounding tired. "So I stole you."
Iruka lay stiffly, his head whirling. Finally Kakashi sighed and wrapped his arms around his body. "Go to sleep, please?" he said, stroking Iruka's back gently. "We can talk about it in the morning."
Iruka closed his eyes, willing himself to relax. That sounded like a good idea…he was hurt, tired, miserable and confused. Morning sounded better than right now…
Iruka woke again, blinking at the ceiling. The sun had just risen. This wasn't his room, which wasn't unusual, but it wasn't Mizuki's either…
He turned his head and gaped at the sight of Hatake Kakashi, his face bare, sound asleep next to him. Iruka stared at the beautiful face for a long time, and then silently sat up, untangling himself from Kakashi slowly. The older boy didn't stir. Rubbing his face, Iruka sat on the edge of the bed, staring out the window at the morning sky. Finally, he rose, borrowed some pants and a shirt from Kakashi, and walked towards the door. Before he left, he hesitated; it felt wrong to just leave, but…
He turned back and grabbed a random scrap of paper. Scanning it, he saw it was a grocery list. Flipping it over, he grabbed a pen and wrote a short note to Kakashi, then placed it on the counter. Satisfied, he turned and slipped out of the house, shutting the door firmly behind him.
Kakashi woke slowly, turning in his bed. After a moment, he sighed and opened his eyes. The tanned boy was gone; the spot where he'd lain was cold. Sitting up, Kakashi glanced around the room, then slid out of bed and stumbled to the bathroom. Coming out, he headed to the kitchen and put on the teakettle, then noticed the piece of paper propped up on the counter.
I'm truly grateful for what you did last night. I'm sorry to leave, but…I have to think about some things, and figure some stuff out. I'm…confused, and hurt, and…I don't know what to do anymore. Mizuki loves me. He says he loves me. That was the first time he's ever done anything like that to me, and….I don't know what to do. I promise Ill come talk to you soon. Please don't be angry at me…
PS I borrowed some clothes. I'll bring them back washed and folded.
Kakashi stared at the note for a while, then balled it up, tossed it in the garbage, and went to make his tea.