Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto
Can't Let Go
The trees always look so much nicer in spring, don't you think? Always so much greener, brighter and altogether much fresher. They are very interesting to stare at as well, I can speak with experience. Because that is what I was doing.
"Sakura-san, are you listening to me?" The man I was with finally broke through my daydreaming.
"What? Oh, err… yes, of course I am" Even I don't believe that.
The man –I can't remember his name for the life of me- got up from his seat across the table from me.
"Look, I don't think this is going to work" He said, a slight amount of pain in his eyes.
"Why not? Everything was going so well! Please don't go!" I have to say, pleading like this is becoming a habit, as much as I don't like to admit it.
Even before I went out on the date, I knew things wouldn't work. Nothing ever works. I get that from everyone I have ever dated. It's actually quite freaky how they almost repeat exactly the same words. I just haven't been able to take the hint yet.
"Sure, if you call that going well. You weren't looking at me and I'm positive you have no idea what I have been saying for the last half an hour." Ooh, he's kind of got me there.
Hey I know, let play a game. I'll predict the future and show my amazing talents as a psychic.
Here goes: I know there's someone else, Sakura
"I know there's someone else, Sakura"
I'm obviously not the one you want, so I'm going to just go and stop wasting my time
"I'm obviously not the one you want, so I'm going to just go and stop wasting my time"
"I'll see you later, OK? I don't want us to stop being friends"
Oh, I got the last bit wrong, damn.
I watched my date walk away, again, and I was alone on my table. You've probably guessed that this is a usual occurrence, and you're right.
I couldn't stand the pitying looks I got from the other people in the restaurant, so I left as well.
It's pretty sad that a 21 year old woman can't get a date that lasts more than half an hour, but then again, I'm a pretty sad person. I haven't introduced myself yet, have I?
My name is Haruno Sakura, originally from Konoha, Japan, but now residing in Tokyo studying medicine at the university. It was always going to happen, my Dad is a brilliant doctor and ever since I was young I've been able to remember a large amount of facts. I was a bookish type of person and wanted to follow in my Dad's footsteps.
I'd just fade away into the crowd by not being very interesting if not for my hair.
It's pink.
I'm not joking; my hair is naturally pink (although almost no one believes me).
I can blame my parents for my odd shade of hair, as my Dad is a redhead, and my Mother has such blonde hair that it is almost sliver. Mix them together, and hey presto, you have a daughter with pink hair.
I'm 21, like I said before, and my birthday is the 28th March. My interests include reading, becoming a doctor, hitting people and mainly just being pathetic in love. I am about average height, if not slightly taller and I suppose you could call me slim.
Not to mention I have an abnormally sized forehead.
That's about it; you now know basically everything about me. Oh, except one thing.
I used to be best friends with Uchiha Sasuke.
Please don't scream as my ears are already damaged enough.
No, you can't get me to take you to meet him.
No, you can't get his autograph.
I don't have any of his clothes or anything creepy like that so just don't ask.
Come on, I mean, seriously, does no one understand the meaning of 'used to be'? I haven't seen that man in three years, and haven't spoken to him longer.
I suppose it's the most exciting thing about me, to most people at least.
In case by some miracle you don't know who Uchiha Sasuke is, I'll give you a bit of background information.
He appeared on the charts a couple of years back shocking crowds with his amazing and unique voice, just after he had left school, and has since become a major star in Japan with his band Hebi. I don't know how he did it, but he managed to get his degree whilst juggling his music career at the same time. Then again, he was always a genius, even when we were young. I'm sure Mikoto-chan… I mean Uchiha-san would never let him get away with wasting his education.
However, I'm sure he has already wasted it; he's a rock star, everyone knows what they're like.
I'm being very stereotypical here, and I'm sorry to those rock stars that are unfortunate enough to be accused with rumours that aren't true.
Oh no, every time I think of the Uchiha, I start feeling all depressed. I think that ice cream is needed.
Whilst I was wrapped up in my thinking, I didn't notice that that I had already arrived at my apartment. If you can call it that.
I'm a student, meaning I don't have that much money to spare, although I am very responsible with the stuff I have got. My apartment consists of a single bedroom, a living room slash kitchen and a bathroom. Nothing to fancy, but it gets me by.
Just wait until I become a world famous doctor, saving thousands of lives everyday and earning a fortune.
Ah, it's good to dream.
I opened the door and went inside, and was surprised to see that the light was on.
"I must have forgotten to turn it off when I went out" I murmured while scolding myself for wasting electricity.
I dropped my bag lazily on the floor and went to go hang my coat up.
"Ice cream time" I giggled crazily as I headed to my kitchen.
Just before I went through the door, I heard a noise of someone moving, in my kitchen!
I grabbed the closest object, which happened to be a large medical book lying on the shelf.
As I skilfully entered, I could hear the thief groaning. I tiptoed up to him, and found he couldn't see me as he had his head buried deep into my fridge, (I swear, I should have been a ninja or something, because he didn't have a clue that there was another person standing right next to him!)
"Get out of my house, you thief!!" I yelled as I whacked the man on the back with my book.
It gave me quite a bit of pleasure to see him yelp in pain and fall to the floor.
"I'm going to call the… Naruto? What on earth are you doing here?!" I had just noticed the mass of spiky blonde hair that was lying face down on my floor.
"Oh, Sakura-chan, must you always be so mean to me?" Came Naruto's slightly muffled response.
"Get up, you idiot" I said, annoyance creeping into my voice as I pulled him up.
Naruto slowly stood up, (I think it was to try and make me feel guiltier, it wasn't working) and faced me so I could clearly his bright blue eyes.
I put my hands on my hips and said "Care to tell me what you are doing in my apartment at this hour?"
Naruto rubbed the back of his head while grinning nervously as he said "Well, you see, I kinda ran out of ramen and I thought 'Sakura-chan might have some' and so I… Hey Sakura-chan, why is your face going all red?"
"You break into my apartment at 10 o'clock…"
"Technically, I have the spare key…"
"AND you stole my spare key just to get some ramen?" I said very darkly.
"Yes?" Naruto squeaked before I punched him in the head.
"I might have forgiven you if it was my company that you were seeking, but RAMEN! I'm going to KILL YOU!" I roared and proceeded to chase him round my (small) apartment.
This is a very regular event, as Naruto is constantly finding new ways to annoy me.
We look like we hate each other, but we are actually very close. After Sasuke's so called betrayal Naruto and I only had each to turn to. That's right; Naruto was one of the Uchiha's best friends as well.
The three of us had known each other basically from birth, (Sasuke the oldest, then Naruto, then me) because our parents were all great friends.
After chasing Naruto for a while, I ran out of energy and flopped onto the chair next to me. Naruto seemed relieved that the scary side of me had calmed down, and sank onto the couch.
"There was also another reason I came here" Naruto said quietly, very out of character as the guy just seemed to always be cheerful.
"I thought you might want to see this" He continued, chucking a screwed up paper ball at me.
I rolled out the paper ball complaining to Naruto that he should take more care with thinks, and he simply shrugged.
On the paper there was an advert for an upcoming concert.
Hebi's concert at Tokyo University.
Uchiha Sasuke was coming here.
Oh damn
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