The Perfect Date

Chapter 1


Haruno Sakura was walking and looking up at the clouds, thinking if she should go to her blind date or not. It was almost 1 PM—

WAIT. Sakura going on a blind date?! Haruno Sakura? Sounds pretty logical. But Sakura has a reason behind that…


Uchiha Sasuke was the first to arrive at the meeting place. Kakashi said he was going to announce something important today. His eyes were closed and he was deep in thoughts. Suddenly, the sound of someone's footsteps interrupted him.

Sasuke didn't bother to open his eyes to look at who came.

Sakura sat beside Sasuke, not too far, not too near. Thoughts were also pouring in her mind like a waterfall. Valentines' Day was a week from now. Sakura already had ideas on what to do on Valentine's Day. But she was missing out on one important thing on Valentine's Day: a date.

It probably wouldn't have crossed Sakura's mind a bit too early if she didn't look at the calendar. And if there wasn't a huge, red circle on the day of Valentine's Day.

But everything happens for a reason. And now Sakura was fidgeting, thinking of how to ask Sasuke.

Aren't guys supposed to be the one to ask girls? Sakura thought. But Sakura wanted to know if Sasuke had anyone in mind for a date.

Sakura shook the thought off her head. Why would Sasuke have a date for Valentine's? Sakura thought, He's really not the type of person who would care about those stuff. But Sakura, persistent as she is, couldn't help asking Sasuke.

"Are you busy next week, Sasuke-kun?" Sakura asked. Too direct, Sakura thought. She slapped her forehead mentally.

Sasuke thought, What's happening next week? Today is the 7th of February… Sasuke finally opened his eyes. Valentines, he thought. Sasuke wondered why he remembered it was Valentine's next week. Of course, Sakura always reminded him of what day the 14th is. Valentine's, he repeated in his mind.

"No," Sasuke said.

Sakura was partly-surprised. Sasuke usually rejects her when she asks him on a date or something. Even though literally Sasuke hadn't said "yes" yet, Sakura was already happy. Sakura told Sasuke, "Oh. R-really? If then would you want to—"

Sasuke interrupted, "I meant no, I'm not coming with you."

Ouch. After expecting Sasuke, for some unknown reasons, would actually agree to spend Valentine's with Sakura. "Of course," Sakura thought. "Again."

Sakura thought of an excuse to get out of this situation. "I wasn't going to ask you on a date. I was just going to ask if you had a date for Valentine's. 'Cause I already have one."

Sasuke was shocked. "What?"

Sakura was shocked too. She didn't know where that came from. But a part of Sakura loved the look on Sasuke's face when she said that. Better stick to it. Sakura thought.

"Y-yeah, of course. I already have a date." Sakura said. "So, do you have one?"

Sasuke thought of what to answer. "No." he said.

"Oh, too bad then." Sakura smiled.

Sasuke thought of something. "Really, huh? So who's your date?"

Sakura was caught off-guard. She thought of an answer. Come on. Any random guy. Think, Sakura, think!

"Why can't you answer my question? Maybe you don't really have a date after all." Sasuke smirked.

Sakura was still thinking of a guy. Damn it. Why can't I think of any guy? ANY GUY?! Then it hit Sakura.

"I can't tell you. Nobody should know." Sakura said.

"And why not?" Sasuke asked.


"Because what?" Now, instead of Sakura annoying Sasuke, Sasuke was now trying to corner Sakura and annoy her. And he was enjoying it.

"B-Because…it's none of your business." Sakura replied.

"Why? I just wanted to know who." Sasuke said.

"I've already told you that I can't tell you." Sakura insisted.

Sasuke was quiet. Sakura let out a sigh of relief. I finally got out of that, she thought.

Sakura thought wrong.

"I'll just see on Valentine's then." Sasuke smirked, again. But deep inside, he wanted to know who Sakura's date was. And heck, once he does, he's gonna beat the hell out of that guy.

Meanwhile, Sakura's world came falling down. Sakura didn't really have a date. She was going to ask Sasuke. Stupid. Why did I have to say that? Sakura repeatedly told herself. Now I have to find another date.

Naruto came. "Oi, Sakura-chan, Sasuke. I met Kakashi-sensei on the way, and guess what, he told me to tell you guys that meeting's cancelled. I think he was given a mission or something. Anyway, I'm going to eat ramen. Bye!" he said. In a second, Naruto was gone.

Sasuke stood up. He left without saying a word.

Sakura was still there. She was making an imaginary list of guys who she could have as a date on Valentine's.

Neji. No, if he's not busy, he'd probably ask Tenten. Sakura crossed him out of her list.

Shikamaru. Temari or Ino. Another cross-out on her list.

Choji. No, he probably doesn't take these things seriously. But even if he did, all they'd probably do was eat.

Kiba. He probably doesn't take it seriously too.

Shino. No, his bugs freak Sakura out.

Lee. Never. With a capital N.

Sakura was out of guys she could have as a date.

Then, it hit Sakura, again.

"Of course!" Sakura said.

With that, Sakura left and headed to Ichiraku.

Sakura stopped in front of Ichiraku. She saw Naruto sitting there, and eating ramen. As usual.

Sakura sat beside him.

"Oi, Sakura-chan. What're you doing here?" Naruto asked.

"I'm gonna eat, duh." Sakura answered.

"Oh, right." Naruto said.

"Actually, I'm still kind of full. Naruto, can I ask you something?" Sakura said. She was hesitating at first, but she knew she had to.

"Eh? What is it, Sakura-chan?"

"Uh, wanna do stuff with me next week?"

"Eh? Why next week?"


"Oh, yeah." Naruto said, scratching his head. "Good thing you reminded me, Sakura-chan! Hinata-chan asked me out on Valentine's and I still have to buy her something. What do you think would she like, Sakura-chan?"

"Oh." Sakura sighed. I should've known, she thought.


"Oh, uh, maybe flowers or something. I think she would appreciate anything nice from you, Naruto."

"You think? Ah, well. I'll just go buy her something later."

"I'll be going then." Sakura said, standing up.

"You sure you don't want to eat, Sakura-chan?"

"Yeah. I'm not hungry."

Sakura strolled around for a while. Maybe I should just go tell Sasuke I don't have a date. Sakura was headed home when she saw a piece of paper on the road.

Sakura picked it up. It read:

"Dateless on Valentine's? But are desperate for a date? No need to walk around with a pathetic frown! Date-expert Mister K is willing to help you, at no charge! Yes, you read that right! At no charge! Just go to the benches near Konoha Gates at 1 PM tomorrow! You can keep on going on blind dates until you find the perfect one for Valentine's."

Sakura found the paper weird and just crumpled it and placed it in her bag.

When Sakura reached her house, she went to her room, sat down on the bed, and sighed. She took off her bag. She opened her bag and she remembered the weird flyer she found a while ago. She read it again.

Sakura thought of something, again. Why not try going on this blind date? I really need a date to show Sasuke. This is going to be really stupid, but I need a date. Sakura thought.

But on the other hand, Sakura was trying to push off the idea of going on a blind date. I should just tell Sasuke instead. And if I said I was lying, then my Valentine's day would be a big disaster.

What should I do? Sakura asked herself.

Then, a light bulb lit up in Sakura's mind.

to be continued...