Someday soon, I hope to be more then just a shadow

"Roxas. This, is how you screw with people." Axel replied menacingly. I gulped, before he grabbed my arm and dragged me into the elevator, pressing all the buttons.

"Now just watch and learn Roxy." I blinked, staring at the redhead in disbelief.

This won't be to bad…right?

Not long after, the elevator door opened and Marlexia walked in quietly. I saw Axel grin as the door closed, and suddenly I got a bad feeling about this.


Marlexia turned around to face us, and Axel just blinked in confusion. He turned back around, and he grinned again.


Again, Marlexia turned to look at us, this time Axel furrowing his brow and replying with a "What?". Reluctently, he turned around again.


Once again, Marlexia turned around again, glaring at Axel, who again, just blinked.

"Damn it Axel! Stop that!" He spouted.

"I havn't done anything Marly. Got it memorized?" He said coolly. Muttering something, Marlexia turned around again. And as soon as he did…


"Akuseru!" Axel laughed, and as he was getting ready to lunge at him the door opened, and he stormed off. Stepping to the side as he passed, Zexion stepped on, not even bothering to ask. Soon the door closed, and again, Axel grinned.

"Oh I was walking in a meadow, and found a piece of paper, I picked it up and read it, and this is what it said" Axel said in a sing-song voice. Zexion turned around and eyed Axel curiously, the redhead shrugging like he didn't know what he was looking at. I smiled. He turned around, and again, Axel returned to singing again.

"Oh I was walking in a meadow…" Zexion shot his head around again, Axel shutting up, grinning.

"Axel, will you please stop with that annoying singing…" He grunted out. Axel rolled his eyes, and as soon as he turned around again.

"…And found a piece of paper, I picked it up and read it…"

"Axel, I mean it…!!"

He giggled.

"…And this is what it said!"

"That's it!" He yelled, Axel pulling me in front of him, laughing.

"Help me Roxy! The little runt is going to hurt me!" Axel yelled in a girly voice, laughing all the while. I coughed, covering my mouth in an attempt to hide my laughter.

"Axel…god help me…"

The Door open, and as Zexion had balled his hand into a fist, Vexion walked in.

"Zexion. I'm sure whatever these two miscreants have done is not worth your time." He said neutrally. Axel giggled and Zexion closed his eyes in aggravation, briefly throwing Axel the bird before storming off.

There's no way he'll be able to tick Vexion's nerves…

Axel suddenly opened his mouth and let out a seductive moan, my eyes widening. When I turned to look at Vexion, though he didn't turn around, I saw his eyes visably widen. Axel tried to suppress his laughter again as he stifled out another, this time Vexion turning around with a strange look on his face.

"Axel…can you please…"

As he had said that, Axel traced his hand across my cheek, letting out another quiet moan.

"Sorry Vexy…but I don't think I can resist Roxy when I'm like this…"

Vexion, hearing enough, pressed the button for the floor we where on and the doors opened, him running out. Since there was no one waiting on this floor, the doors closed, and we both bursted out in laughter.

"Oh..Oh God! That was priceless!!" He said between fits of laughter

"His face was just priceless!" We both sat there in the elevator, laughing, not even noticing that Xigbar had come in before he spoke up.

"Er..dudes..did I miss something?" Axel and I both looked at each other, grinning.



Xigbar blinked, and we both stood up, our faces straight. Xigbar shrugged and turned around, Axel and I grinning.

"Ding!" I said. Xigbar blinked, looking at me.

Elevators are fun.


Because who doesn't like to have fun with people on the elevator?

Hahh. Drabble. Nothing spectacular…just sheer bordom.