I've been gone for a long time. I went to Branson, but I would've had more fun if I was with my friends instead of my mom, my brother, my mom's friend and her son, because they're boring to hang around with. Anyway, here's part 2 with the deleted scenes!

Chapter Twelve

-- (Deleted Scene One):

And now, for your viewing pleasure…

Cheese and Chocola are going to sing!

Everything was dark until a spotlight sun upon Cheese. He had on a black T-shirt, a pair of jeans and small black tennis shoes. A rock band was behind him, getting ready to perform a song. Soon enough, they began to play some music.

(Song: Home)


I'm staring out into the night,
Trying to hide the pain.
I'm going to the place where love
And feeling good don't ever cost a thing.
And the pain you feel's a different kind of pain.

(He had a microphone in his left hand as he sang. A dark blue spotlight shinned upon him.)


Well I'm going home,
Back to the place where I belong,
And where your love has always been enough for me.
I'm not running from.
No, I think you got me all wrong.
I don't regret this life I chose for me.
But these places and these faces are getting old,
So I'm going home.
Well I'm going home-

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, time out", Chocola pushed Cheese out of the way as he was dressed up like a pimp. "Cue music!" The intercom played a hip hop song as the rock band walked away. A spotlight shinned on him as it turned colors.

(Song: P.I.M.P.)



I don't know what you heard about me
But a b-(beep) can't get a dollar out of me
No Cadillac, no perms, you can't see
That I'm a motherf-(beep) P-I-M-P

(Repeats x2)

(A large group of female exotic dancers danced around him sexually in their launderers.)

"Oh, he's good", Cheese watched from the audience section with jealously.

-- (Deleted Scene Two):

"Ok, like seriously, I saw them, and they were singing, and they were good", Lt. Sam explained to a chubby sailor with dark brown hair.

"And?" the other sailor said sarcastically and took a bite of his creamy doughnut.

"I'm just saying, if they tried out for American Idol or America's Got Talent, then they could've been a hit!" Sam got excited.

"Dude, seriously", the chubby sailor shook his head. "I know it may be exciting to you, but I got better things to do. But you could tell the captain to see if he likes the idea. I mean heck, what if they performed a concert here?"

"That's a great idea!" Sam nodded a few times fast. "Lt. Bert, I thank you!" he saluted and zipped to find the captain.

"Yeah, whatever", Lt. Bert rolled his eyes and farted.

Chapter Thirteen

-- (Deleted Scene One):

"You know, Dad, this chapter reminds me of that one Orbit commercial", Jenny said thoughtfully with a smile.

"What Orbit commercial?" Shadow looked at her curiously.

"You know, the one with two chicks and a dude? You son of a biscuit-eating bull dog?" Zach reminded his father.

"Oh, yeah. That commercial", Shadow nodded.

"Say! It would've been cool if you, Mom, and Sonic remade that commercial!" Jenny suggested with a childlike smile.

"I wonder how would that look like", Amy pondered to herself.


"Take one, and action!" the director said as Sonic and Amy got in their places.

(In scene, a sudden glass vase was thrown out of nowhere.)

Sonic: Aah! (Shrieks like a girl as he dodged the vase.)

Shadow: You son of a biscuit-eating bulldog. (Stomps to Amy with a package in his hands angrily.)

Amy: What the French, Toast? (She said as she chews her gum.)

Shadow: Did you think that I wouldn't find out your little doo-doo head cootie king? (He looks over at Sonic ungratefully.)

Sonic: Who are you calling a Cootie King, you Lint Licker!? (He says in a sassy tone.)

Shadow: Pickle you, Cumquat! (He snaps back at Sonic.)

Amy: You're overreacting. (Says calmly.)

Shadow: No, Amy. Overacting was when I put your convertible into a wood chipper. (He looks over at Amy.) STINKY MCSTINK FACE! (With that said, he threw a box full of car parts on the ground.)

Sonic: You Hoboken. (Looks at Shadow snappily.)

(After a short second, the two boys got into a brawl. Amy took some steps away so she could avoid it.)

Tails: Dirty mouth? (He was sitting on a table in front of the fighting hedgehogs.) Clean it up. With the new Orbit's tropical fruit punch flavor that cleans up another dirty mouth. (He holds up a small pack of the actual Orbit gum that was decorated in red and orange.)

Amy: (Smiles brightly.)

Tails: Fabulous! (Turns back to the camera nicely.) For a good clean feeling, no matter what. (He holds up a thumb's up.)

"And cut!" the director said.

"Phew!" Amy and Tails sighed with relief.

"Hey! Stop fighting back there!" the director ordered Shadow as he pulled Sonic's quills meanly. "Hey, knock it off! It's over!" he yelled out furiously as Sonic pushed Shadow off of him. "Wait, wait!" the director said fearfully as Shadow pulled out a shotgun. "NO, WAIT! PUT THAT GUN DOWN!" he hollered as Shadow chased Sonic with the shotgun. "SECURITY!!" he screamed out as he heard some gunshots.


"…I never want to see that daydream again", Shadow shook his head slowly.

-- (Deleted Scene Two):

Sonic continued to stand in his place as he pondered. Then he lowered his head with shame. If only his plans worked, then he would've have Amy. Still, what made her reject him? Was it because she's still in love with 'him'? If so, then that means Sonic has no chance of winning her heart this time. All of the sudden, some music comes on as a spotlight appeared around him.

(Song: Trapped in the Closet. Wait, WTF?! Ok, I made up these lyrics, so don't boo me)


So here I am standing here. And I'm like 'What the f-(beep)?'

See, I tried to break them up, but it looks like they're trying to make up.

I bought flowers, wrote a letter, and all that sh-(beep).

But I can't believe that I failed that bullsh-(beep).

I took pictures of Shadow, when he was highly drunk.

And then I took more snapshots of him, when he was with some other slut.

But I can see Amy wants to go easy on him.

Well, if that's the case, oh, f-(beep) it then!

(He stomps his way back to his room. Music gets more dramatic.)

If only I had a gun, so I can kill that b-(beep)!

But if I did, then I'll go through some sh-(beep)

I just wanna kill Shadow.

But I truly can't.

If I do so, then I will go to jail. And possible through some hell.

So I'm just gonna lay it off.

I'm gonna get some rest; hopefully I'll sleep it off.

(He reaches to his room, where Tails was lying on the bed watching football.)

So, Tails, don't disturb me. I don't feel like talking right now.

(He points at the fox rudely.)

But if you need me, I'll be in the closet.

(He points to the closet.)

"Ok", Tails said as he continued watching football.


I'll be in the closet.

I rest my case.

If anyone needs me, just tell 'em I'm in the closet.

(He walks to the closet slowly.)

"Ok, Sonic", Tails shrugged impatiently.


So I'm going in the closet.

"Ok, Sonic", Tails repeated with bore.


Trapped in the closet. That's what I'm about to do right now.

"Ok, Sonic", Tails looked at him strangely.


I'll be trapped in the closet. For just a little while now.

(He reaches to the closet door.)

"Ok, Sonic!" Tails yelled wrathfully.


Trapped in the closet.

(He opens the closet door.)

And you'll never see me again. Again, again, again…

(He steps into the closet and closes it slowly.)

"He needs to stop watching BET", Tails rolled his eyes as he turned the channel.

-- (Deleted Scene Three):

"Where did we come from? I mean, who are we?" Cheese asked curiously.

"Ok", Chocola sighed. "Let's say this…We come from a planet far away from this galaxy, where we were created. They trapped us in some ugly eggs and sent us out to different places. After we hatched, we just…" Chocola took a deep breath. "We basically became the new version of Care Bears, Sesame's Street, Teletubbies, etc..."

"…I'm confused", Cheese sweatdropped.

"So am I, bro", Chocola nodded. "So am I…"

Chapter Fourteen

-- (Deleted Scene One):

"Ok, is there a place where Amy would like to go?" Chocola asked the hedgehog.

"Well, here on this cruise, and I got it for her. Well, she pretty much did all of the work", Shadow explained with his arms crossed.

"Anywhere else?"

"Well…The mall, the grocery store…"

"Say, is there a place where you want to take Amy?" Cheese asked.

"Well…The bedroom", Shadow said with a seductive smirk.

"Oh, c'mon!" Chocola threw his hands in the air infuriatingly. "Quit being a pervert! I mean, is that all you think about is sex!?"

"Yeah, duh", Shadow shrugged his shoulders.

"Oh, for the love of…" Chocola stopped and took a deep breath. "Is that the reason why you cheated on Amy, is because of the sex?"

"Why do you like strippers so much anyway?" the light blue chao questioned.

"Well…It's the boobs", Shadow explained himself. "See, I love Amy, but she's too darn flat. I mean, if Amy had some boobs, then I probably would've stayed with her. I mean, I mean, it's the boobs."

"THAT'S IT!?" the two chao threw their hands in the air doubtingly.

"What, they're nice", Shadow shrugged his shoulders.

"What's so good about them!?" Chocola hollered with annoyance.

"Well, they feel squishy", Shadow pondered. "Plus, once you squeeze them, you hear them moan," he said seductively.

"You're freaking crazy!" Chocola pointed at him rudely.

"Hey, what if I had boobs?" Cheese wondered outloud. "Or a vagina?"

"Oh, yeah, vaginas are nice too", Shadow turned to him.

"GRRRR!! I'M SURROUNDED BY PERVERTED IDIOTS!!" Chocola pounded his head.

-- (Deleted Scene Two):

"WEEEEEE!! BOUNCEY, BOUNCEY, BOUNCEY, WEEEEEE!!" Cheese was bouncing on the walls throughout the hallway.

"Um…Is he alright?" Shadow looked over at Chocola as he sweatdropped.

"Relax. He's only sugar hyper right now", Chocola shrugged his shoulders. "But if he was having a crack seizure, it could've been worse…"

-- (Deleted Scene Three):

"Hmm…What should I say to her?" Shadow pondered to himself.

"OH, MY GOD, IT'S SHADOW!!" a cheery female's voice said from behind.

Curiously, he looked back. Suddenly, his eyes showed alertness. There was a group of Shadow fan-girls that wore T-shirts saying "I FREAKING LOVE SHADOW-KUN!!" in the center. A few were blondes, a couple of them were red heads, but most of them were Gothic girls. They looked at Shadow's right hand, which held a wedding ring.

"A WEEDING RING!?" they gasped with shock and happiness.

"Uh…oh", Shadow backed away. And just before he could've taken off, his fan girls ran up to him in fast speed.




"Yipe!" Shadow yelped and sped away from his crazy fan-girl club.

Chapter Fifteen

-- (Deleted Scene One):

"Who ever thought that a Britney Spears song could knock Sonic out?" Captain Whisker asked his crew surprisingly.

"LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE!" Chris Crocker shouted to them seriously with tears in his eyes. And…he was dressed up like the pop singer from the 2007 MTV Music Video Awards.

"Kill him", Eggman ordered.

Doing what he said, Scratch and Ground put on their gangster caps and pulled out their pistols. Then they fired at the fan boy and killed him.

"Oh, my god! They killed Chris Crocker!" Stan Marsh gasped in shock.

"You b-(beep)-stards!" Kyle Broflovski pointed at the goons meanly.

-- (Deleted Scene Two):

"FREEZE, B-(beep)-TCHES!" Knuckles pulled out a pair of handguns.

"You freeze, b-(beep)-ch", Coconuts said in a deep male's voice as he was dressed up like a thug and held an AK-47 in his right palm.

"Oh, sh-(beep)", Knuckles lowered his guns fearfully. "I'm f-(beep)-ked."

"Now back up, put the gun down, and give me a pack of Tropicalicious bubble gum", Coconuts ordered calmly.

"And some skittles", Grounder opened his hands greedily.

"YOU TWO ARE ROBOTS! WHAT DO YOU NEED CANDY FOR!?" Eggman Nega hollered to them harshly.

-- (Deleted Scene Three):

While the others were fighting against Eggman, the dark hero had to chase the ring all by himself. Now he was hunting the ring down with a shotgun in an Elmer Fudd's costume. He tip toed through the hallway quietly.

"Shhhhhhhh", he stopped as he held up the signal to be quiet. "Be vewwwy, vewwy quiet. I'm hunting wabbits. Heheheheheheh", he mocked the Looney Tunes' character's laugh. Then he continued searching for the "wabbit". In the kitchen, he saw the jewelry box with fake bunny ears on top and had a pair of hands feeding him a carrot.

"Eeeeeeh", the jewelry box said in Bugs Bunny's voice. "What's up, Doc?"

"Now, I got you, you rascally wabbit", Shadow pointed his shotgun at the box.

"SHADOW-KUN!!" his familiar fan girl club tackled him over.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!" Shadow tried to escape from the hugs, tickles, and kisses from his obsessive fan girls.

"He-he-he", the jewelry box laughed a little. "Ain't I a stinker?" he hopped his way out of the kitchen.

"I'll get you, you wascally wabbit!" Shadow threatened.

Chapter Sixteen

-- (Deleted Scene One):

"Row, row, row your boat, gentle down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily-," Cheese sang outloud with a smile on his face.

"Sing the rest of the song, and we'll kill you", Shadow threatened as he and Chocola pointed their rifles at the happy chao.

"Ok", Cheese gulped atrociously. "I'll stop."

-- (Deleted Scene Two):

"I mean, you're a robot", Eggman threw his hands in the air. "I mean, how can you even have sex with the ladies? Plus, how are you gonna make babies?"

"That's easy", Captain Whisker smiled gratefully. "Just make a robotic c-(beep), and as for the babies, just copy the faces of the women's faces and place them on some smaller robots that look like me."

"Wow…" Nega sweatdropped. "That is so wrong", he shook his head slowly.

Chapter Seventeen

-- (Deleted Scene One):

"You know, guys. Since we're gonna be stuck here forever and possibly killed, we might as well share our last moments together", Tails suggested. "Kumbaya, my Lord, kumbaya. Kumbaya, my Lord, kumbaya. Kumbaya, my Lord, kumbaya. Kumbaya, my lord, kumbaya",he sang outloud with his terrible sounding voice.

"SHUT THE F-(beep) UP, TAILS!" his friends ordered him cruelly.

"Ok", the orange fox lowered his head with depression.

-- (Deleted Scene Two):

(In one of the cesspools…)

"Sir, what are we going to do?" Lt. Bert asked frightfully.

"I don't know!" shouted the captain in his nasty tone. "Do I look like Bill Nye the Science Guy to you!?"

"Sir, please, calm down", Lt. Eric said kindly yet nervously.

"No! You clam down!" the captain sobbed like a little baby. "I want my mommy!"

"There, there, Captain", Lt. Sam cooed sweetly as he patted the idiot on the back. "It'll be aye ok."

"Don't touch me!" the angry captain smacked the sailor's hand away.

"You just smacked me!" Lt. Sam gasped in shock.

"Why do we always end up together?" Lt. Bob asked ungratefully.

"Yeah, I mean, where are the hott chicks?" Lt. Mike asked as he looked around in the dark area.

"I'm here", a very deep male's voice said.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!" the sailors screamed in panic.

"A TRANSSEXUAL!!" the captain pushed some of his crewmates out of the way and ran.

"A TRANSVESTITE!!" the fallen sailors got up and ran around in circles.

"Aww, you're mean", the transvestite said miserably.

(Back with the heroes…)

"Did you hear something?" Sonic asked.

"Nope", the others responded.

Chapter Eighteen

-- (Deleted Scene One):

"Hmm…Ooh, I know", Shadow dialed another number.

On an island, there was a house. It wasn't just a house. It was the Kame House. Inside that house, Master Roshi was watching some women exercise in their bikinis on TV. Well, that's what he usually does when he's bored. As the ladies began to do the splits, the phone suddenly rang. Growling furiously, Master Roshi karate chopped the phone in half.

(Back with Shadow…)

"Hm, no signal", he spoke after his phone beeped a few times. "Wait, I know", he dialed another number.

In the Konoha village, a huge building was placed below the mountain heads. Inside the building, Tsunade was sleeping, letting the drool escape from her lips. Her dream was interrupted when the phone rang. Growling madly, she clenched her fists. Powerfully, she smashed the phone into tiny pieces with her left fist. Once that was done, she yawned.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, GRANNY TSUNADE!!" Naruto Uzumaki barged in with a pink box in his hands.

"HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU!?" Tsunade yelled at Naruto irritably. "STOP CALLING ME GRANNY TSUNADE!! AND NEXT TIME, KNOCK BEFORE YOU COME IN!!" With that said, she flicked Naruto with one finger and sent him through a wall.

(Back with Shadow, again…)

"No signal again", he hung up his phone.

"Who'd you tried to call?" Cheese asked.

"Well, at first I was gonna call the DBZ crew, but there was no answer. Then I tried to call the people from Naruto, but they won't answer either", Shadow explained.

"Oh, well, who cares?" Chocola kicked back. "I mean, who are you gonna call next? The Ghostbusters? The Power Rangers?"

"Never", the hedgehog shook his head. "They suck."

"Hey! Don't you dare say anything bad about the Power Rangers suck!" Cheese pointed at him rudely.

"Yeah…He's a big fan to them still", Chocola spoke to Shadow.

-- (Deleted Scene Two):

"I'm telling you, the Bad Boys song is perfect for the intro!" Vector argued with Charmy.

"Na-uh!" the bee replied snappily. "The 'Men in Black' intro is better!"

"Places!" Storm shouted through his megaphone as if he was a director.

A few minutes later, the group was able to set up for the intro shoot. Lights and cameras were everywhere on the ship. Jet was the DJ so he could play the song. After Storm signaled action, the music played.

(BGM plays "Men in Black" by Will Smith)


(Here come the Men in Black)
It's the M.I.B.'s, uhh, here come the M.I.B.'s
(Here come the Men in Black
They won't let you remember)
Nah nah nah

Coolly, Espio and Shadow walked up to the stage as they were dressed up as the 'Men in Black'. It was all going good…until Shadow slipped on a banana peel and fell backwards.


"Cut, cut, cut!" Storm ordered as Jet stopped the music. "Where did that banana peel come from!?"

Suddenly, everyone heard someone chewing something. They all turned to Vector, who was eating another banana. When he noticed that he was being stared at, he stopped chewing his banana and swallowed the pieces slowly.

"What?" he sweatdropped.

-- (Deleted Scene Three):

"Ooh, ooh! I know! I know a perfect intro!" Storm raised his hand as he hopped up and down.

And so, the stage was set up once again. However, there were some Ghostbusters' posters all of the stage. Yes, this was Storm's idea. Again, Jet was the DJ.

"Cue music!" Storm shouted through his megaphone.

(BGM plays "Ghostbusters" by Ray Parker Jr.)


If there's something strange
in your neighborhood
Who ya gonna call?

On cue, Espio did a ninja roll on the stage as he was dressed up as a Ghostbusters hero. He pulled out a Nerf water gun and looked around the stage suspiciously. Then did a few martial marts moves.

If there's something weird
and it don't look good
Who ya gonna call?

I ain't afraid of no ghosts
I ain't afraid of no ghosts

Running late, Shadow ran to the stage as he tried to up zip his pants. But then, he slipped on another banana peel and fell back. Then he was unconscious.

"Cut, cut, cut!" Storm bossed around as Jet stopped the music again. "Again!?" he turned to Vector.

"What!?" Vector snapped at him as he had another unfinished banana in his hands.

Chapter Nineteen

-- (Deleted Scene One):

"Ha! Is that's it?" Eggman laughed at Espio and Shadow. "An intro with a stupid theme song?"

"Actually, we have a music video to this song", Shadow pulled out a DVD disc.

Some robots set up a gigantic TV in front of everyone and placed a DVD player next to it. Shadow puts the disc in the DVD player and turns on the TV. He then pulls out a chair and takes a seat.

"Move out the way, Shadow", Espio pulled him out of the way. "People gotta see this too, you know."

Everyone got quiet as the TV screen showed a message on the screen. They read it to themselves. It said:

Hello, peoples. We decided to make this video, because we were so darn bored. And we did all of this before we got here. Since we made the intro for Shadow and Espio, we quickly made this video, which I already said that already. Plus, it's in black and white. Enjoy the show!-Vector

(Music video comes on as the "Bad Boys" song came on.)

Bad boys
Whatcha want, whatcha want
Whatcha gonna do

(The camera shows a few police cars driving down a street as the sirens blurred loudly.)

When sheriff John Brown come for you

(The camera shows an overlarge city, which was Station Square.)

Tell me
Whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna dooo

Bad boys, bad boys
Whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do
When they come for you
Bad boys, bad boys
Whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do
When they come for you

(Camera shows Shadow (as a cop) lip-singing to the song on a car from helicopter view.)

When you were eight
And you had bad traits
You go to school
And learn the golden rule
So why are you
Acting like a bloody fool

(Espio tip toes out of a corner, dressed up as a cop, so he could sneak up on Storm, who was dressed up as a terrorist.)

If you get hot
You must get cool

(Espio tapped Storm on the shoulder. He turned around, but then got knocked unconscious.)

Bad boys, bad boys
Whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do
When they come for you
Bad boys, bad boys
Whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do
When they come for you

(Vector and Charmy chased after Mighty down a long road. Finally, they caught up to him and started beating the crap out of him.)

You chuck it on that one
You chuck it on this one
You chuck it on your mother and
You chuck it on your father
You chuck it on your brother and
You chuck it on your sister
You chuck it on that one and
You chuck it on me

(Camera shows Shadow lip-singing to the song with his cool shades on and brushing his quills side to side seductively.)

Bad boys, bad boys
Whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do
When they come for you
Bad boys, bad boys
Whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do
When they come for you

(Repeats x2)

(Jet and Wave were dressed up as cops also. All they did was some goofy dancing. Jet did the snake as Wave did the robot.)

Nobody naw give you no break
Police naw give you no break
Not a soldier mona give you no break
Not even you idren naw give you no break
Hey hey

(Vector kicked the chained up Mighty in the back of the police car and slammed the door. Then he and Charmy got in the front seat. Vector turned on the ignition and drove off.)

Bad boys, bad boys
Whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do
When they come for you
Bad boys, bad boys
Whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do
When they come for you

(Repeats x2)

(Next clip shows Shadow and Espio with their arms crossed and bobbing their heads. For no reason, Shadow did the monkey dance. Espio just watched as he sweatdropped.)

Why did you have to act so mean
Don't you know you're human being
Born of a mother with the love of a father
Reflections come and reflections go
I know sometimes you want to let go
Hey, hey, hey
I know sometimes you want to let go

(Another scene shows Mighty, Ray, Bark, Bean, Mephiles and some other familiar Sonic characters from the Archie crowd behind bars. They all cried like sissies as Vector and Charmy laughed at them.)

Bad boys, bad boys
A whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do
When they come for you
(You're too bad, you're too rude)
(You're too bad, you're too rude)

(Camera shows Cheese and Chocola dancing to the song. The light blue chao was dressed up as the Energizer bunny while Chocola was dressed up as the don. Chocola puts on a cowboy hat and pulls out a couple handguns. Then he shoots some bullets in the air, accidentally killing a few seagulls. Cheese just did the worm dance on the floor.)

Bad boys, bad boys
A whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do
When they come for you
You chuck it on that one
You chuck it on this one
You chuck it on your mother and
You chuck it on your father
You chuck it on your brother and
You chuck it on your sister
You chuck it on that one and
You chuck it on me

(And then, the camera shows everyone dancing. Vector did the pointer, Charmy did the monkey, the Babylon Rogues did the Macarina, the two chao spun on their heads, Shadow did the moonwalk, and Espio just stood there as he sweatdropped.)

(Chorus repeats to the end)

Soon enough, the music video ended. Moments later, the TV turned itself off. The audience was silent as cricket sounds were heard from the background.

"I think we did pretty good", Vector turned to Charmy.

"Yeah, me too", the bee nodded with agreement.

"I hope this crap doesn't appear on Youtube", Espio sighed.

"Too late", Shadow spoke.

"WHAT?!" Espio turned to him crazily.

At an unknown place, some geeks were watching the music video on a computer. They sweatdropped.

-- (Deleted Scene Two):

"Shadow! Do that one move that I taught ya!" Vector shouted out.

"What move?" Shadow turned to him.

"You know! The pimp slapping move!" the crocodile reminded him.

"DO IT!" Charmy chanted.

Just then, a robot charged at Shadow. He sighed as he clenched his fists and closed his eyes. Before the robot was inches near him, he opened his eyes. Then he grabbed an upcoming fist.

"CHAOS PIMP SLAP!" Fiercely, Shadow slapped the robot like silly until his right palm started hurting. "B-(beep)-ch, where's my money!?" he hollered at the robot's face.

"Here, man!" the robot pulled out a handful of cash. "Don't kill me, man!" he begged. He got knocked unconscious.

"I'm Rick James, b-(beep)-ch", Shadow pulled out a purple pimp's hat and puts it on his head.

"Nice!" Vector gave him a thumb's up. "My boy's becoming a man!"

"Um, yeah", Espio looked at him oddly as he sweatdropped.

Chapter Twenty

-- (Deleted Scene One):

"Oh, yeah? You asked for it!" Metal Shadow pointed at his rival coldly. Just then, the whole battle ship turned into a dance club. He started dancing to the song Mr. Roboto by STYX. After all, he only did the robot dance.

Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto,
Mata ah-oo hima de
Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto,
Himitsu wo shiri tai

Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto, domo...domo
Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto, domo...domo
Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto, domo...domo

"Oh, please", Shadow rolled his eyes.

"I love this song!" Scratch starts doing the robot dance.

Getting annoyed, Shadow walked to a boom box and took the CD out. Then he puts in a different CD. Metal Shadow had his arms crossed. Everything got quiet when Shadow reached to the middle of the dance floor and the whole place got dark.

"Disco time, everybody now!" Shadow opened his eyes. He snapped his fingers, and POOF!

Everyone widened their eyes surprisingly. Shadow was now dressed up as Disco Stu (from the Simpsons), had his fan girl club behind him dressed up also, and a disco ball over them.

(BGM plays "He's the Greatest Dancer" by Sister Sledge)

Oh, what, wow
He's the greatest dancer
Oh, what, wow
That I've ever seen
Oh, what, wow
He's the greatest dancer
Oh, what, wow

Perfectly, the whole group did some awesome disco dancing. Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Silver Eggman, Nega, and the robots sweatdropped.

"I got a boner!" the captain gazed at the female dancers sexually.

"That's nice, Captain", Lt. Jack sweatdropped. "But they're just kids."

"I DON'T CARE, THOSE SIXTEEN YEAR OLDS ARE HOTT!" the captain yelled at his face meanly.

-- (Deleted Scene Two):

"Let's go join them!" Cheese suggested.

"Ok, whatever", Chocola shrugged his shoulders.

Before anyone knew, the two chao floated down to the ground in front of Shadow. Everyone sweatdropped. Were they going to dance also?

"Do you mind?" Chocola asked Shadow impolitely.

"Ok, ok", Shadow sighed and snapped his fingers.

Magically, Cheese and Chocola had on some clothes. They had their caps on backwards, gold chains, grillz, big sneakers, and tattoos on their arms. Suddenly, Coconuts played some hip-hop music.

(BGM plays "This is How We Do It" by Montell Jordan)

I'm kinda buzzed and it's all because
(This is how we do it)
South Central does it like nobody does
(This is how we do it)
To all my neighbors you got much flavor
(This is how we do it)
Let's flip the track, bring the old school back
(This is how we do it)

Amazingly, Cheese and Chocola were doing some hardcore hip-hop dancing! The crowd cheered for them as Shadow, Metal Shadow, and Eggman sweatdropped.

-- (Deleted Scene Three):

"Step aside! I got this!" Sonic pushed Shadow out of the way.

"Wait, how did you get out of the fence?" his rival asked outlandishly.

"Tails, get over here!" the blue hero ordered.

"Not again", Tails walked up to hi with his head down. The two puts on their sombreros.

(BGM plays "Chacarron Macarron" by El Mudo)

Oooooooohuuu yeaaaaaah…. sea... sou... jhonn macarron… Yeah macarron nooon

Chacarron, Chacarron, Chacarron, Chacarron

Sonic and Tails began to do the Macarina dance. Then they did the worm dance. Shadow raised an eyebrow as he sweatdropped. He still wondered how those two got out of the fence and why the others weren't free.

Ualuealuealeuale ualuelaelaellalea, alsualsualualauusualulus…alsualsualualauusualulus…

Sonic begins to do the Egyptian as Tails did the robot.

"You're ruining my spotlight!" Shadow pulled out his shotgun and pointed it at them. The two dancers stopped as they gulped.

Chapter Twenty-One

-- (Deleted Scene One):

"Hey, hey, hey! What's going on here?" Vector pushed everyone away from Sonic, who was on the ground seriously injured.

"We're getting our revenge!" Tails said evilly.

"Oh", Vector shrugged his shoulders. "You stole my PS3!" he kicked Sonic in the chin.

"OOOOOOWWWWWW!!" Sonic hollered arduously.

"You called me a queer", Espio came out of nowhere and kicked the blue boy in the shoulder.


"You said I look like a retard!" Charmy pointed at Sonic angrily and then stung him in the knee.


"You said green people have no lives!" Cosmo kicked Sonic in the right shoulder.

"OWW, OWW!!"

"I lost to you twice! You little cheat!" Jet kicked the hero in the elbow.


"You called me Big Bird!" Wave growled and then stomped on Sonic's stomach.

"UGH!!" Sonic held his gut in pain.

"You burnt my dollhouse down!" Cream came out of nowhere and kicked him in the ankle. Her chao pets slapped him across the face.


"Um…Oh, well", the captain shrugged his shoulders. He and his crew kicked the hedgehog and walked away.


"So what's this?" Shadow walked up to the scene with Amy.

"We're getting our revenge", Tails whispered evilly with a crazy smile.

"Really?" Shadow smirked.

"You called me fat, you punk!" Amy kicked her ex-crush in the nose.

"OWW, MY NOSE!!" Sonic held his nose with soreness.

"One more thing", Shadow found a perfect spot to kick Sonic. Belligerently, he kicked him in the area 'between the legs'.


-- (Deleted Scene Two):

"Rouge, will you marry me?" Knuckles propose to his girlfriend.

"Blaze, will you marry me?" Silver took his lover's hands.

"Copy-cats", Shadow pointed at the guys insolently.

"Watch it, bud", Blaze warned him with her cat claws.

-- (Deleted Scene Three):

"Hey! Let's sing a song for our fans!" Jet suggested. He, Wave, and Storm pulled out their microphones and ran up to a stage. Then a spotlight shinned on them.

(Song: If I Never See Your Face Again)


Now as the summer fades
I let you slip away
You say I'm not your type
But I can make you sway

It makes you burn to learn
You're not the only one
I'd let you be if you
put down your blazing gun


Now you've gone somewhere else
Far away
I don't know if I will find you (find you, find you)
But you feel my breath
On your neck
Can't believe I'm right behind you (right behind you)


'Cause you keep me coming back for more
And I feel a little better than I did before
And if I never see your face again
I don't mind
'Cause we gone much further than I thought we'd get tonight

Sometimes you move so well
It's hard not to give in


I'm lost, I can't tell
Where you end and I begin


It makes you burn to learn
I'm with another man


I wonder if he's half
The lover that I am


Now you've gone somewhere else

Far away
I don't know if I will find you (find you, find you)
But you feel my breath
On your neck
Can't believe I'm right behind you (right behind you)

All together:



Baby, baby
Please believe me
Find it in your heart to reach me
Promise not to leave me behind
(Promise not to leave me behind)


Take me down, but take it easy
Make me think but don't deceive me
Talk to me bout taking your time
(Talk to me, talk to me)

All together:

(Chorus, repeats x2)

Once the song ended, the spotlight disappeared. The Babylon Rogues looked around and found no one was cheering for them. Did they just perform that song for nothing? Suddenly they heard some clapping from the distance. The only fame they got was from the captain.

"WHOO!! ENCORE, ENCORE!!" he cheered.

"Wow…" Wave said as she and the boys sweatdropped.

Chapter Twenty-Two

-- (Deleted Scene One):

"Hey, Zach", Jenny turned to her brother with a smile. "Remember the time that you and your friends tried out for 'The Next Great American Band'?"

"Oh, yeah", Zach pondered.


Inside a theater, lots of contests were trying out to be 'The Next Great American Band'. Some were rockers, some were rappers, and a few groups were just trying out just to be on TV in their ridiculous costumes. So far, no groups have made it to the next round. Up next, Zach, Dylan, Mike, and Crystal were setting things up for their performance. Once they got done, they got their instruments and turned to the judges, which were Sonic, Manic, and Sonia.

"Since when Sonic was a judge for a TV show?" Shadow scoffed.

"Just ignore him", Amy sighed.

"Ok, so what's the name of your group?" Manic asked the teenagers.

"We call ourselves The Hell Raisers", Zach explained. "See, I'm the lead guitarist and the vocalist, Dylan and Mike are guitarists also, and Crystal's the drummer."

"Ok then", Manic wrote the info down on a piece of paper.

"Whoo! Go Zach!" Amy hopped out of her seat with her red and white pompoms.

"Mommy loves you boys!" Rouge stood up with her red and purple pompoms.

"WHOO!! GO CRYSTAL!! WHOO!! DADDY LOVES YOU!! WHOO!!" Silver jumped from his seat with his purple and white pompoms. Everyone turned to him oddly as they sweatdropped. He slowly sat back down and threw his pompoms to the side. "Sorry."

"…Yeah", Zach said as he and his band sweatdropped. "Anyway, thanks for coming out here, everybody. Before we get started, we just got one question to ask ya."

Suddenly, the lights went off. Most of the audience gasped and started freaking out. But then, they saw four pairs of red eyes. They could tell that it was from The Hell Raisers. As soon as the lights came back on, the band looked different. The four teenagers were wearing black, lots of skull chains on their clothes, and their instruments looked devilish-like. Basically, they just turned into a death metal group.

"Whoa", Sonia widened her eyes.

"Wh-What the crap!? What's happening?!" Sonic shivered in fear as he hugged his brother.

"Dude, get off", Manic pushed the blue boy off of him.

"Are you ready…TO ROCK?" Zach said in a demon's voice.

At that moment, the band started playing loudly. The music was so loud, so evil, and so dangerous! Some of the contestants covered their ears with pain as others widened their eyes with fret. Because of the loud music, the whole theater started having an earthquake. A couple janitors tried to run out of the building, but some debris fell in front of them. They screamed as they ran away.

Dylan and Mike let their tongues hang out until they touched the ground. Crystal was banging her head up and down while her long hair was getting messy. Zach only arched his back and stood back up. He opened his demon eyes and roared madly. His roar blew a few contestants out of the building, but mostly messed everyone's hair up. Suddenly, the ceiling fell apart and a thunderstorm erupted. The sky was red, lots of black demons flew in, and there were gusty winds blowing in all over the place! A lot of people ran away from the evil creatures as some covered their eyes. Magically, the back section of the audience suddenly burst into flames. The section in front of it burnt into flames too. On and on, lots more evil stuff happened, nonstop…

(5 minutes later…)

"Wait, wait, wait, stop", Zach stopped playing as so did the others.

"What?" Dylan opened his eyes as Mike and Crystal did.

"Whoa", Mike looked around at the wrecked up theater.

"We are so grounded", Crystal sweatdropped.

"…Oh, wow", Manic said in awe as his hair was sticking up over his head. "No wonder you guys call yourselves The Hell Raisers."

"You kids…are evil!" Sonic climbed in his chair shakily. He sat down slowly, but soon fainted.

"Um…Ok, since the other contests are dead, unconscious or whatever," Sonia looked back and noticed only The Hell Raisers' families were still alive, extremely freaked out. "the winner is The Hell Raisers!" she announced as she pulled out a trophy.

Out of nowhere, they could hear some clapping in the distance. Zach and the others looked at his father, who was standing on his chair applauding them.

"WHOO!! ENCORE!! WHOO!! ROCK ON!! WHOO!!" Shadow cheered.

"DO IT AGAIN!!" Black Doom cheered right next to his son. "GRANDPA LOVES YOU!!" he pulled out a horribly knitted sweater.

"At least we have some fans", Crystal tied her ruined hair up into a ponytail.

"Yes, but some embarrassing fans", Zach sighed as he lowered his head.


"I'm still proud of my trophy!" Zach hugged his prize pleasantly.

"Say, wasn't there a time that you and Dad threw a party without permission?" Jenny asked curiously.

"Oh, yeah, my 13th birthday party", her brother scratched his head. "It was fun."


"Why's the sky blue?" Jenny asked as she and her mother were walking home.

"Honey, the sky is dark now", Amy looked up at the night sky.

"Why's the grass green?"

"I don't know. Maybe that's the way God created this planet."

"Why are the lights in our house on?" Jenny pointed ahead.

"Huh?" Amy looked up and noticed the house was lit up. Plus, she saw a lot of cars parked in front of her home. "Ooh, I swear, if Shadow's behind all of this…" she thought frostily as she clenched her fists. Seconds later, she kicked her front door open and widened her eyes. She saw a lot of people in her house dancing to some hip-hop music, drinking beer, playing cards, etc. Some of the guests were teenagers from Zach's school, and some were some old friends of Amy's.

"Cool! A party!" Jenny walked in energetically.

Amy continued to look around. She saw Vector as the DJ, Espio and Charmy were bodyguards, and Mighty was the butler. Omega was a security guard, Bean was the chef, and Big was the piñata. On a table, Zach and his three best friends (Dylan, Mike, and Crystal) were doing the robot dance with party hats on their heads.

"CHUG, CHUG, CHUG, CHUG, CHUG, CHUG, CHUG, CHUG, CHUG, CHUG, CHUG, CHUG, CHUG, CHUG, CHUG, CHUG, CHUG, CHUG, CHUG, CHUG!!" a group of teens chanted as Sonic and Shadow were having a drinking contest. Shadow finished a large bottle of wine and burped. "YAY!!" the teens cheered.

"You…You…" Sonic pointed at his rival. But then, he blacked out and fell backwards.

"I'm the champion", Shadow slurred as he raised a fist with pride, which made him fall backwards and went into a coma.

"Zach is so grounded", Amy slapped her forehead. "And Shadow needs to go to rehab."


"Plus, I remember the time that you got busted for trying to run away", Jenny pointed at her brother.

"When did that happen?" her older brother raised an eyebrow unsurely.

"Last month", his father answered.


One night, Zach put on his jacket and tip toed to the garage. He walked inside and went to his father's red 2007 modeled Corvette. He was planning on running away, because he didn't want to study for his middle school finals. Plus, he was getting tired of getting ground for no reason. Luckily, he was able to snatch the keys from his parents' bedroom while they were asleep. Carefully, Zach puts the key in and turned on the ignition. He pulled the gear to reverse, but accidentally pulled it to drive. As Zach looked back, he mistakenly drove forward; crashed into a shelf full of paint cans and the different colored paint fell on the nice car! He shrieked as that happened. Because of that racket, the whole family rushed in.

"MY…MY CAR…" Shadow's left eyebrow twitched with anger and shock.

"Um…" Zach got out of the car. "I can fix this."

"You're grounded", his father hissed and then went back to bed.

"Oh dear", Amy shook her head. "What a mess", she followed her husband.

"You just got grounded. Na-na-na-na-na-na", Jenny teased her brother.


"Oh, yeah?" the son rolled his eyes sarcastically. "Well, I remember you got grounded once", he pointed at his sister rudely.

"When was that?" Jenny asked doubtfully.

"Last year", her parents answered.


"Dad, come and see this!" Jenny pulled her father out of the bedroom, interrupting his nap. "Mom, come and see this!" she pulled her mother out of the kitchen, causing her to drop a glass dish. She zipped all the way to the front of the house. "See, see, see?" she released her parents and pointed at the house.

"What is it?" Shadow yawned as he rubbed his eyes.

"Huh?" Amy looked at the house strangely.

And what was strange about the house? Well, let's just say that there were lots of colorful chalk drawings all over the house. All of the drawings were horribly messed up. Shadow looked at the artwork and sweatdropped. So did Amy.

"Um, what is this?" the mother asked.

"It's a fine piece of art!" Jenny placed her hands on her hips with pride. "Plus, it tells a story", she explains. "That's you and Mom", she points at some random artwork in order. "That's when you two got married. That's when you had Zach. And this is when you had me."

"Hey, does that drawing say that you're going to kill Zach?" Amy points at a different sketch showing her daughter stabbing her son too death.

"Huh? Oh, um, long story", her daughter replied briefly. "So what do you think?" she turned to her parents with a smile.

"Clean this mess up", her father pulled out a mop and bucket full of water. "For the first time, you're grounded", he gave his daughter the things and walked back inside.

"What!?" Jenny said in shock.

"You heard your father", Mrs. Rose closed her eyes as she walked inside the house also.

Upstairs, Zach saw the whole thing from his bedroom window. Plus, he heard everything. Was it all a dream? No, it wasn't! Jenny actually got in trouble! No one expected that to happen, so this was a big shocker. However, Zach was extremely happy about it.

"WHOO-HOO!! I'M NOT GROUNDED TODAY!! WHOO!!" he did some back-flips all over the room.

"Zach, keep that noise down, or else you're grounded again!" his father banged on his bedroom door hardly. "I'm trying to sleep!"

"Sorry", Zach stopped celebrating.


"Oh", Jenny sweatdropped.

"Say…Remember the time that we went to Colorado?" Shadow thought up another fun memory.

"Yes, but we didn't like it", Amy sighed with disagreement.


Colorado, one of the coldest places to go. And yet, it was suppose to be a Christmas vacation for Shadow and his family. Only Shadow liked it there, since it was quiet and he could do whatever he wants without getting in so much trouble. But his family complained how cold it was and that the hotel's food was too expensive. So one day after they arrived, they all went to go snow skiing. Now, they were sitting in high chairlift over a huge hill of snow. They all were wearing large coats, pants, snow boots, and eye-protecting goggles.

"You guys ready?" Shadow asked his family readily.

"NO!" the other three hedgehogs responded brutally.

"GERONIMOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" the Ultimate Life Form jumped down from the chairlift. He skied as he avoided some rocks. "See? This is easy", he looked back at his family with a smirk.

"WATCH OUT FOR THAT TREE!" Amy and the kids pointed ahead of him warningly.

"What-?" Shadow turned back around, until he got smashed into a tree. Slowly, he fell backwards. "Ow." Snow fell down on him from the large tree branches.

"My turn, my turn!" Zach jumped down from the chairlift. He skied left and right coolly, as he performed some flips and tricks. When he looked forward, he suddenly crashed into a bolder. However, only his "lower" area got badly hurt. "Ow!" he squealed with pain.

"Well, this sucks", Jenny sweatdropped.

"I'm not coming here again", Amy crossed her arms. Suddenly, the chairlift stopped and purposely dropped her and Jenny into the snow. They screamed until they landed into the deep snow.


"The pain is still in vain", Zach hid his lower area with a pillow.

"Ooh, ooh! Remember what happened last Thanksgiving?" Jenny asked excitedly as she raised her hand.


"Happy Thanksgiving!" Tails stood up from his dinner chair with a glass of Cola in his right hand.

"YAY!!" everyone celebrated as they shared a toast. Then they all began to eat. Mostly, the guys were eating like horses.

"Slow down, you guys", Blaze sweatdropped.

"No!" Silver denied her begging's. Rudely, he took his wife's plate of stuffing, butter rolls, pumpkin pie, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes and gravy, and her apple cider. Then he gulped it all down in seconds!

"Why, you…!" Blaze picked up an apple and aimed it at Silver. Unluckily, he ducked as she threw it, accidentally hitting Knuckles.

"Hey! Who threw this apple at me!?" he roared as he sat up angrily wit the apple in his right hand. Shadow pointed at Sonic. "You!" the mad echidna picked up a bowl of salad and threw it to the blue hedgehog.

"Protect me!" Sonic used Tails as a shield and he ended up getting hit by the salad instead.

"Knuckles, you jerk!" Tails picked up a piece of pumpkin pie and threw it. Knuckles, hopped to the side and the pie piece hit Rouge's beautiful dark purple sweater.

"You son of a b-(beep)!" the white bat picked up a glass pan of cottage cheese and threw it to Tails. He and Sonic ducked down and the food splashed onto Cream's face.


By that call, everyone started throwing all of the delicious food at each other! They were acting like the wild animals that they are, but worse! They were making a horrible mess! As soon as they ran out of food, they started drinking their drinks and spitting them at each other. Why can't they all just get along?

"F-(beep) you!" Shadow picked up his glass plate and smashed it onto Sonic's head, making him fall onto the table unconscious. Everyone turned to him awkwardly with their jaws dropped. He sweatdropped. Suddenly, someone rang the doorbell. Quietly, he walked to the front door and opened it.

"HAPPY THANKSGIVING!" Jet, Wave, and Storm greeted as they held up a plate of spaghetti.

For some odd reason, Shadow saw a different vision of them. He suddenly imagined them as roast turkeys. He could see them with some hot sauce on them, surrounded by bread sticks, and bucket full of beer right next to the plate. After seeing that daydream, Shadow smirked and licked his tongue hungrily.

"Um, are you ok?" Wave asked.

"Hey, guys, I found some turkey!" Shadow yelled out to the kitchen.

"TURKEY!!" the guests rushed out of the kitchen and appeared behind him.

"Run", Jet squeaked fearfully. He, Storm, and Wave dropped the plate and ran away. Without letting them get away, Shadow and the others pulled out some hunting weapons and chased them.


"We had fun", Shadow chuckled.

"You know, I do remember the time that we went on a road-trip and we kept getting lost", Amy pondered.

"We didn't get lost", her husband disagreed.

"Then explain this flashback", Zach said and snapped his fingers.


"Dad, are we going the right way?" Zach asked uncertainly.

"For the last time, yes, we are", his father shrugged as he was driving on an unknown road.

"Maybe we should stop and ask for directions", Jenny suggested.

"We're fine", the father replied. "I mean, this van has a navigator, right?"

"Dad, this van does not have a computerized navigator. That's a radio", his son pointed at the old fashioned radio.

"Blast! I bought the wrong van!" Shadow squeezed the wheel furiously.

"Look, there's a gas station", Amy pointed ahead. Ignoring her, Shadow drives a little faster. "What'd you do that for!?" she yelled at him coldly.

"I told you, we don't need any directions", Shadow replied calmly.

"Idiot! I meant to go there for some gas!" Amy points at the gas tank meter, which was only 20 percent full.

"We'll be fine", Shadow said with confidence. "I mean, I got better things to do than spending over four dollars wroth of gas. I mean, why are gas prices still going up?"

(Minutes later…)

"Great, we're out of gas", Zach said as he and the others were standing outside of the van.

"And we're lost", Jenny looked around the creepy path.

"I told you we should've got some gas", Amy glared at her husband ungratefully. "Plus, we should've asked for some directions too!"

"How many times do I have to tell you all?! We don't need any directions!" Shadow yelled as he pounded his head frustratingly.

"What is it with men and asking for directions?" the daughter sweatdropped.

"I can give you some directions", a sudden disguised vampire appeared in front of them. Moments later, he led the family to his evil mansion. The thunder roared as lightning flashed the sky, the wolves howled, and the zombies crawled out of their graves.

"Isn't this a beauty?" Shadow asked with a smile. His family sweatdropped.

"I'm out of here", his daughter ran off in the other direction.


"C'mon, that happened a couple years ago", Shadow rolled his eyes.

"I know", his son nodded. "Hey. Remember the time when you took me out on some driving lessons?" he asked with a smirk.

"Oh, God", his father slapped his forehead embarrassingly.


Taken place a few weeks ago, the city was quiet. Too quiet. But all of the quietness ended when a sudden red car drove by hurriedly, causing people to dive out of the way. The one who was driving the car was Zach, with his father sitting next to him freaking out.

"Zach, slow down!" he hollered with worry.

"I can't! This car is 2 Fast 2 Furious!" Zach panicked. A police car came up behind them.

"I'm out!" Shadow unbuckled himself and rolled out of the car.

"Dad, you coward!" Zach shouted ferociously. He pulled over as soon as the police sirens annoyed him. The cop, who was Espio, got out of the car and walked to him.

"License and registration please", he said.

"Um…" Zach sweatdropped.


"Yes…That was insane", the dark hedgehog sweatdropped.

"Not as insane as the time when Charmy came here all hyper and such", Amy pondered.


"WEEEEEE!! BOUNCEY, BOUNCEY, BOUNCEY, WEEEEEE!!" the hyper bumble bee bounced from the walls, to the floor, and to the ceiling multiple times. Plus, he was making a mess in the living room.

"Um...Is he high or something?" Zach asked as he and his family was watching everything at the doorway.

"No. He's just sugar high right now. We have nothing to fear", his father crossed his arms.

"CRACKIN' LACKIN'!" Charmy pulled out a crack pipe.

"NO WAIT!" the family held out their hands to stop.

Too late. Charmy smoked a lot of crack then pulled some more out of his pocket. Then he sniffed it up. At that moment, his seizure got worse. He starts spinning around like the Tasmanian Devil as he babbled some gibberish. Then he bounces everywhere again, suddenly causing the house to fall apart.

"Oh…my…god", Shadow widened his eyes shockingly.


"Let's see…What's another good flashback to remember?" Amy asked.

"Hmm…" Everyone pondered. "Hmm…"

"Ooh, I know!" Jenny raised her hand gladly.

"What?" her family looked at her.

"Remember that time we went sky diving?"


Up in the air, a jet was passing through the clouds speedily. The door slowly opened. The hedgehog family looked down and gasped.

"Ok, go!" Shadow ordered.

"You first!" Zach pushed Jenny out.


"Zach, you big bully!" Amy shoved her son out of the plane.

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!" the son screamed.

"Bye-Bye!" Shadow pushed his wife out.


"CANNON BALLLLLLLLLLLLL!!" the brave hedgehog fell forward and head his way down. He watched his family pull out some parachutes. "Hey, wait a minute!" he just realized something. "Where's mine!?"

"Did you forget yours at home?" Amy asked.

"Crap", Shadow slapped his forehead. Promptly, he falls down a little faster.

"Bye, Daddy!" Jenny waved joyfully.

"Is he going to live?" Zach asked his mother.

"Who knows?" Amy shrugged her shoulders.

Below them was Soleanna. Walking outside a white palace was Princess Elise, who was dressed up as Paris Hilton, wig included. Plus, she had a chuwawa key-chain hanging down from her purse.

"I'm so hott", she said in a preppy tone. Suddenly, Shadow landed on her, instantly killing her.


-- (Deleted Scene Two):

"You can't stop me! I am the Boogie Man!" Shadow continued to play the game in the basement late at night.

"Dad, seriously, grow up!" his son yelled from the top of the stairs. Then he slammed the door.

"How embarrassing, again", Shadow sweatdropped.

And that's the end! Sorry for the big delay. I've been busy with my summer job and getting ready to go back to school… (Sigh). Well, anyway, thanks for favoring and reviewing, people! Be sure to check out my new fanfic…

"Shadow the Hedgehog 2"!!