Open Your Heart

Open Your Heart

Chapter 1

At Roxanne's Bookstore…

"Oh! Ms. Carlin your books are so wonderful and intriguing. I've read everyone of them. I love how they start out as a mystery than a romance develops. But what I really like is the way your characters suddenly fall in love with each other while trying to solve the mystery. I just love it."

"Thank you," Spencer said, "who's name should I sign in the book," trying to move the obvious fan on her way. "Oh! Just say to Myrtle a loyal fan. Thank you Ms. Carlin."

Spencer had been at the book signing for an hour now. Her hand was getting tired. She knew her books were popular but the crowd today was just never ending.

"Ms. Carlin can you sign to Bobbie, it's for my mom, she couldn't come today. Thanks."

Spencer continued to sign books, every now and then glancing at her girlfriend Carmen who arranged the book signing along with Kyla's Publishing Company. Spencer had been with Carmen for two years but those two years were not all happy. She realized she was not in love with Carmen, just comfortable with her. She felt that was enough for her.

Spencer had met Carmen at an earlier book signing two years ago. Spencer was signing books when she looked up and was captivated by Carmen's frosty grey eyes. Carmen was immediately drawn to Spencer and decided to take her out after the book signing. They had been dating for several months when Spencer found out Carmen had a girlfriend, that's why Carmen was in the bookstore. She was waiting for her then girlfriend to get her book signed by Spencer. By the time Spencer realized Carmen was cheating, Spencer's heart was already involved. She loved Carmen or so she thought. Carmen wined and dined Spencer becoming her lover and manager. Spencer ignored her girlfriend's jealousies, insecurities and excessive drinking.

Spencer had written ten books all ending up on the ten bestsellers list. They were in hardback form but when they went to paperback the sale of the books soared. She enjoyed writing mysteries but she enjoyed romance even more. So, with a little push from her editor she began writing more romance.

"Okay sweetie I know you've been signing for an hour now, there's only a few more people than we're through," Carmen said.

Twenty minutes later the storeowner came to thank Spencer. "Thank you so much for coming and signing your books for our customers. You have a lot of fans here in our little community. We made a lot of money today and all your books are sold out. We had to start taking orders," the storeowner said, staring at Spencer longer than Carmen liked.

"Okay sweetie let's go we have another place to be at in two hours". With that said, she ushered Spencer out of the bookstore before Spencer could properly say goodbye.

"Carmen what was that about?"

"What was what about?"

"You know what I mean you pushing me away from the storeowner. We were just talking."

"Yeah, you were just talking, she was saying something else with her eyes."

"Carmen I'm not going to get into another argument with you about your jealousies."

"My jealousies, well excuse me if I don't like it when someone is leering at my girlfriend."

"Whatever Carmen!"

Carmen Martinez was a young Hispanic woman. She had long black hair and gray eyes. Slender athletic body, she ran ten miles every morning. Carmen was an aggressive and possessive woman, self-absorbed with herself. She and Spencer have been dating for two years and the union was not a happy one. Although Carmen never hit Spencer the verbal abuse was starting to take it's toll on her. Spencer wondered how much longer she would be able to stay in such a volatile relationship.

They argued constantly, mainly about what Carmen felt she did for Spencer's career, which was basically nothing. Spencer was already an established writer, she already had a publishing company publishing her books and she already had three of her ten books on the bestseller's list. To put it bluntly Carmen was a leech and know-it-all who didn't even read books. She liked to eat, drink, flirt with other women and have sex with them. Out of the two years Carmen had been with Spencer she had yet to prove her faithfulness.

Carmen grabbed Spencer's arm roughly turning her so that they were facing each other. "Don't whatever me girl. I'm the reason you're here. I worked my ass off to get you these book signings so people can buy your boring books."

"They're boring to you Carmen everybody else likes them. You don't even read them," Spencer argued.

"Get in the car Spencer," Carmen said angrily. "We need to get to the cocktail party to discuss your new book with Kyla's publishing company."



"Hmm! You taste so good, cum for me Alex." "Ahh! Yes, yes… right there…hmm! Ashley you can operate on me anytime as long as the operating table is your bed. Your fingers are magic."

Ashley Davies laid quietly on her bed watching her on again off again girlfriend. She clearly loved her but making her a permanent fixture in her life was not an option. Ashley's hours at the hospital were long and tiring. She was an internist and surgeon. She liked doing general medicine, but surgery was her passion. She got the ultimate high when she operated on people in need of her services. The adrenaline flowed through her body like a drug.

Alex didn't understand Ashley's passion. She liked the club circuit scene. Alexandra Van Der Meir was a tall slender woman with long auburn hair and light hazel eyes. An hour glass figure that most women would die for. She was a health club fanatic. She was also a socialite who believed in not working unless it was a singing gig at the various exclusive clubs. She loved money, sex and Ashley.

Alex met Ashley at a hospital function. There was an immediate sexual attraction. But Ashley thought they could be more but later realized Alex was shallow and selfish. So Alex became Ashley's friend with benefits, sometimes escorting Alex to high profile functions. Ashley wanted more than Alex from life and she loved being a doctor. She loved helping people.

"Ashley what are you thinking about?" Alex asked.

"Nothing sweetie."

"Oh, Ashley, why don't you give up this doctoring business and come with me on the singing circuit. You have a magnificent voice and you play the guitar wonderfully. You already have a little following."

"Alex you know I'm not going to do that. I love what I do and you know it. We've discussed this before. You're starting to sound like a scratched CD."

"Sorry Ash, where are you going?"

"I need to be at the hospital in an hour, I'm going to shower and get dressed. You can join me as long as you don't talk about me giving up being a doctor."


"Dr. Davies you're a little early," nurse Duarte said. "Your shift doesn't start for another hour."

"Yeah well, I wasn't busy so I decided to come in. I thought you might be a little shorthanded tonight."

"Well, as a matter of fact we are shorthanded. Dr. Brent's wife went into labor so he called off and Dr. Stone broke her leg chasing after someone's dog," Madison said chuckling.

"Dr. Stone broke her leg, she doesn't have a dog. Who's dog was she chasing?" Ashley asked.

"I'm not sure, some little boy's dog ran out into the street she tripped trying to catch him and broke her leg," Madison explained still chuckling.

Ashley shook her head at Dr. Stone's mishap. "Madison I'm going to the Doctor's Lounge, page me if I'm needed."

"Alright Dr. Davies."


"Spencer! I'm glad you could make it. You know this cocktail party is for you and that new book you're going to write. Carmen it's a pleasure seeing you again," Kyla said dryly.

"Yeah, I'll live," Carmen said sarcastically.

"Carmen be nice," Spencer said. "I'll be over at the bar if you happen to need me for something, Carmen hissed."

Man, I can't stand that bitch Kyla, she's always trying to undermine my authority with Spencer. I control Spencer and she's going to learn not to mess with me, Carmen thought.

"Spencer, so have you started that new book we talked about earlier?" Kyla asked.

"Yes, I've got some ideas already in my computer. You know Carmen thinks I should just stick with the mystery writing. She thinks gay romance will not sell."

"What! Spencer I don't know what Carmen is trying to do with you but she doesn't know anything about the publishing business. Has she ever picked up a book to read? Has she ever read any of YOUR books?"

"No, Kyla.""

Well just listen to me, follow my instructions and your books will be turned into movies. Gay people like to read romances like straight people. Trust me."

Spencer was going around the room socializing with everyone who worked with Kyla's publishing company and the people connected outside her company, leaving Carmen feeling neglected. No one was paying any attention to Spencer's agent. They only wanted to talk to Spencer, which made Carmen angry and drink too much.

"Spencer! Spencer!" Carmen called, "sweetie it's time to leave we have to take a plane to Chicago tonight. You're doing Oprah's show remember," Carmen said loudly, she wanted the people in the room to know that SHE got Spencer booked on the Oprah show.

"Okay Carmen just let me say goodbye to Kyla."

Humph! "Sure say goodbye to Kyla…" the bitch.

When Carmen and Spencer finally got on the highway towards the airport, Carmen lit into Spencer, regarding her behavior at the cocktail party.

"Carmen I don't know what you're so angry about…" "Spencer I made you, I got you this far, I'm the one who got you booked on Oprah's show. Not Kyla's publishing company, ME!" Carmen said angrily.

Spencer's blood started to boil, she couldn't deal with Carmen's conceited attitude tonight. "Carmen I had three books already on the bestsellers list when we met. I was already a household name when we met. I was already doing book signings when we met. Sure I'll give you credit for getting me on the TV circuit. You did that but if I wasn't already where I was you would not have been able to get a flea booked on those shows," Spencer shot back at Carmen.

Spencer noticed Carmen was swerving the car somewhat. "Carmen how much did you have to drink at the party?"

"Not enough Spencer… why? You think I'm drunk?" Carmen said swerving onto the shoulder of the highway.

"Carmen pull over and let me drive the rest of the way."

"No, Spencer I got this I am not drunk." "Yes, you are… pullover before we have an accident."

"Fuck you Spencer," Carmen said, not looking at the road and staring at Spencer. When Spencer took her eyes off Carmen to look at the road all she could see was the backend of an eighteen wheeler.