Disclaimer: Don't own a thing yo. Well...I own my original characters, I guess...and my computer... and my Nick Jonas poster... Le sigh.

I don't even know.

We unwrapped from our hug, much to my dismay, I've always liked the kid, it's just as hard to let myself away from him for a minute now that I'm actually close to him than I thought it would be. I made sure our hands stayed connected, though. "Nicky." I muttered, hugging him again at once. I felt him chuckle a bit, and wrap his arms around me as well. We stayed there for god knows how long, until I felt moisture touch my eyes. I sniffled once, trying to be discrete, he didn't buy it.

"Are you...crying?" He asked, pulling back a bit, to see my felt. But I immediately held onto him tighter, burying my face back into his chest. I honestly can't believe how relieved I am to just be near him. If we could hug forever, I would never drink a drop again. "Why are you crying?" He whispered softly into my ear, playing with my hair a bit as he hugged back. He seems so much older than me. He's so mature, and so much taller than I. I shrugged, childishly, as I continued to hug him. He smelled good. Like the old times I've missed so much. Waking up with him next to me. Every time I woke up with him next to me, it was the new best day ever. He chuckled at me, before grabbing my waist and lifting my slim body up. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he rested my weight on his hip, like I was a toddler. I didn't care, though, and continued to glomp onto him. Honestly, who knew I missed him this much? Well...Steph, probably knew.

I moved my arms from his midsection to around his neck, just as tightly. Well, a little less, because I didn't want to choke him to death. I rested my chin on his shoulder as he walked over to our friends/his family. "Nicky." He glanced at me, a smile on his face that wouldn't go away. "I missed you." His smiled got wider as he stopped walking after a few steps, and grabbed my hips, moving me so my legs were still wrapped around him, but I was facing his face instead of side. He got a distressed look on his face, and I realized for the first time how much I was actually crying. Tears were rolling down my cheeks and it's embarrassing. I wiped them quickly. "I'm just happy." I told him honestly, giving him a peck on his nose.

"I've wanted to see you for so long, Kandi." He muttered, looking at me with those eyes. Those stupid eyes. I suddenly got an idea. I grinned and jumped out of his arms, so fast he didn't have time to protest, and shrugged.

"See yah later, Nick at Night." And with that, I grabbed Steph by the hand, ignored Nick's confused face and ran to the car.

"You're sure you want to do this?" Steph asked for the tenth time that night. But the grin led me to believe that if I said 'wait, no, I don't, lets go home' she wouldn't let me. It was around two at night, and all the lights in the Jonas home were out. They go to sleep early. Steph and I (we live together, if I forgot to mention) don't go to sleep until the sun comes up. Unless we're on movies, that is. But yeah, we usually watch movies all night. I nodded, rolling my eyes and glancing around for reporters.

Obviously Nick and I's scene on the boardwalk didn't go unnoticed by the reporters that are always lurking about. At least ten pictures were released online, and probably on the front cover of every magazine tomorrow, of us hugging. We looked so much more intimate than I would have thought. Specially me kissing his nose, and yeah. I was reading comments of one of the fansites for us (as a friendship and couple. OMG. Yeah, it's Nick Wants Kandi org. I check it often to see what people are saying, and I have to admit I like the site. Then again, I like Nick) and they were way funny. Like, 'They so want to jump each other' and 'LYKE OMG! I 3 them both, but I'm SO JELUS!' notice how they misspelled jealous. But yeah. I have no life. OH MY GOD! I'm turning into Nick, with his obsession of my fansites! OH NO! ...I suppose I'll survive.

I got out of the car, waving my best friend goodbye, as I tip-toed to Nick's window. TAP, TAP, TAP. I did my best to look drunk. But it's been two years, and I can't remember exactly what it's like. Plus, I'm in my old leather boots and its annoying. I almost wasn't ready when he opened the window with sleepy eyes, but pulled together last minute. I giggled obnoxiously and climbed through his window, to meet harsh, sad, cold, angry, eyes. They held a lot. And I felt like dropping the act at once, but instead continued it. I giggled and waved, stumbling a bit. He narrowed his eyes, and went and got out PJ pants and a white tee. "I thought you'd at least wait for something big to happen to start again," He muttered, more to himself than to me, sadly. I'd made him sad. Oh well, I need to continue the plan. He pulled the shirt over my top (or lack there of, it was more like a bra) and let my fall to the floor lightly, before trying several times to get me to put the pj pants on under my skirt.

He sighed deeply, aggravated, but smiling slightly. "I'm not putting the pants on for you. You know how to do it yourself, Kandi. Although if this is a big plan to get my hands up your skirt..." He raised his eyebrows up and down a few times, "I'd be glad to do it." There is no way he could see through my act so quickly. So, I decided not to drop the act for a bit. "Honestly, Kandi. If your here to seduce me, well, I dare say, do it already." Nick Jonas is no virgin. Not anymore, anyways. About a year ago he told me briefly that he'd lost his virginity (in a message, of course), despite his promise, and that 'it was wow' and that he needed to do it again sometime. I'd dare to say he's done 'it' a few times since that. And it's well known I'm not virgin. I'm not a whore, but no virgin.

I scuffed. "I'm not sure how you did that, but I wasn't going to reveal I wasn't drunk until after you put me on your bed." I muttered, crossing my arms and pouting. I did, however, notice his cheeks go slightly pink, and it's nice to know he's still same old Nick. I eyed him, "How'd you know I was fibbing?"

"I've seen you drunk many times, Kandi, and you don't shut up. You just giggled and stumbled this time. Plus you don't smell like a bar." Nick stood, and grabbed my hand, pulling me up as well. He wrapped his arms around my waist and walked backwards to his bed, pulling me with him. When he got there he let himself fall, making me fall on top of him, on top of the bed, and than rolled over, so I was under him, and then rolled off of me, so he was laying next to me. With that, he wrapped his arms around me waist once again and closed his eyes, about to fall asleep. "'Night, Kan-Kan." He muttered tiredly, like a child.

I smiled, playing with a curl. "Night, Nick." Yeah. This is where I'm meant to be.