bTitle/b The Death of Dreams

Title: The Death of Dreams


Rating: PG (for themes)

Disclaimer: Dahl/Burton & their respective creators have copyright, only the words & madness are mine. No graspable profit is made.

Warnings: character death

Summary: A simple, sad "what if" of images I can't shake. Apologies.

As the wooden lid was nailed down, made from scraps and sacrificed firewood, the Buckets wondered whatever they should do now that the light had been extinguished from their world too. Words could not convey the sorrow and so they only quietly wept, clustered together, a drizzling rain stealing their sight, adding to the gloom and discontent. Could heaven weep?

As the small coffin was put into the depths of ground, darkness consuming the form, it had been better, the family thought, that the fever had caused delirium, that he died thinking he'd won that last Golden Ticket and filled the old house with imaginative outbursts of what the inside of the chocolate factory might look like, as he tossed and turned, sweated and slowly lost his battle for life still did he brighten theirs. Ironically it had probably one night too cold with the open roof that he'd never allow them to patch, lest he loose sight of his perfect view, of that only hope. Perhaps by some magic those muttered, barely comprehensible descriptions had been right. Perhaps by the same magic, he lives there now and forever, in that dreamworld. At the very least, Charlie was buried with one last Wonka candy bar placed upon his chest, under pale crossed arms, where a giant heart did beat, to enjoy for all eternity.

Author's Notes:

I wanted to write something where Willy Wonka was more of an idea than a reality; and to express a certain creative pain.