Hey, yoyo179 here I'm sorry I have not updated in a very, very long time but I have had a lot of things going on in my life as of late, I'm going to try to update every month or so but as I go to school, have to help around the house, and I play WOW and SWG I happen to come up short on time so for this I apologize. But enough of that on to the story!


At the bandit camp with Naruto

'Wake up kit, wake up.' When Kyuubi heard no reply he decided to get a little bit louder with his request. 'Kit wake up!' Kyuubi roared inside Narutos head and laughed loudly when Naruto fell out of his bed.

"Kyuubi?, What do you want?" asked Naruto as he wiped the sleep from his eyes, looked outside and noticed how dark it was, "Kami why'd you wake me up so early!?!" screeched Naruto the suddenly he realized his mistake.

'Such disrespect to the being that gave you your magnificent power!, Maybe I should take that kind of power away from such a insolent mortal!' raged Kyuubi inside Narutos' head, 'Don't forget who's the master around here boy!' as Kyuubi said these thing Naruto was on the ground holding his head because the way he was yelling it was giving him a migraine.

"I'm sorry master" apologized Naruto, 'I'll forgive you this once, but the next time this happens I will increase the gravity around you ten fold, don't test me.' said Kyuubi in a unfriendly tone, 'But enough of that, the reason I woke you since we got to this camp I've sensed another chakra presence' explained Kyuubi.

Naruto suddenly grabbed a kunai and started to look around then asked, "Where?, How many?, Are they leaf-nin?" asked Naruto as he prepared for combat, 'Calm down kit, it is not an enemy, at least not yet, I believe it's an captive from the bandits, I think you should got attempt to go rescue this person' suggested Kyuubi as Naruto put the kunai back inside his hip pouch and relaxed his position.

Naruto stood and walked out of the tent, looked around and asked, "Master where is the prisoner tent?" asked Naruto as he looked at the bodies of the bandits around his feet, 'Over there the one in the middle, be careful kit' answered Kyuubi as Naruto started to walk towards the canvas tent as directed.

With every step he took towards the tent he could hear the squelch of his sandals on the blood, guts, and bile laying on the ground left after the massacre yesterday evening, "Man if we continue to do this kind of thing I'm going to invest in a pair of boots" Naruto said aloud to no one in particular.

And before he knew it he was standing in front of the canvas tent, 'Be careful kit it might be booby trapped' warned Kyuubi as Naruto slowly unzipped the two front doors, when suddenly Naruto smelled the most pleasant scent he's ever smelled, "Master what's that smell?" asked a very curious little blond ninja all he got in the form of a reply was a very perverted giggle.

After getting no answer to his question Naruto said, "Thanks a lot provider of infinite knowledge as he stepped through the two flaps on the front of the tent, "Hello?, is anyone there?" but yet again he received no answer to his question, so he asked again, "Hello?, is anyone there?" but this time instead of silence as a reply he was rewarded with the slight rattle of what sounded like metal on metal.

He focused a little bit of chakra towards his eyes, than what was a pitch black space of air became a maelstrom of light, and the rooms' occupant came into view, Narutos' only thought after seeing her was, 'Wow she's beautiful' but unknown to him, Kyuubi was at the same moment having a thought to himself, 'And so it begins' he thought with a small chuckle.

A few miles away

"Kakashi sensei are we close to finding the demon?" Sakura asked her sensei, as soon as she asked that Kakashi stopped on an tree branch, turned to her, and confronted her, " It is not the Kyuubi, the fourth Hokage was a powerful man his seal was not broken, Naruto must have got the power from someone like Orochimaru" said Kakashi.

"But Kaka-sensei that red chakra must be from the demon, it's not like Sasukes seal" Sakura contradicted, Kakashi roared with rage, "I told you Sakura the fourth wouldn't make an seal that couldn't work!, Anyway when we find him I need to know you will not hesitate when we have to kill him, I know he was a member of our team but he's a threat to the village" Said Kakashi nonchalantly.

"Okay we're close to their camp I can smell the smoke from their campfire, so prepare for combat, don't underestimate him he took down two hunter-nin by himself" informed Kakashi, Sasuke who had the usual Uchiha sneer on his face said, "Ha the dobe will never be that strong, he must have had help." he said, "Plus we have "Sharingan Kakashi", and we have the last loyal Uchiha we're sure to beat that blond idiot" piped in Sakura.

30 Minutes later

As team 7 broke through the tree line they saw a young blond hair boy sleeping next to a campfire that has dwindled down to smoke and coals, as they were looking at Narutos' sleeping form Kakashi passed out orders, "Sasuke go around the camp and come up behind him and prepare to use your Chidori, Sakura go north, Sai go east, I'll go west and prepare my Chidori also, got it? Good, move out!" as Kakashi gave the signal everybody shot off ready to start their assigned tasks.

'How could that dobe be able to take not one, but two hunter-nins down, it couldn't have been him that killed them' thought Sasuke started the hand seals for the Chidori and the familiar "snap hiss" was heard twice as he and Kakashi started to head toward the sleeping form of Naruto Uzumaki, and all too soon they were upon him.

'Now you will pay for taking my sensei, his wife, and their child away from me you damned demon!' Kakashi cheered silently in his thoughts as he shoved his glowing, electricity covered hand into his ex-students' back, without thinking he said aloud, "Naruto your soul is now at rest" when suddenly what he thought was his ex-students' back burst into smoke.

"Not quite there yet I'm afraid "sensei", I don't mind trying to kill me, but hitting me in the back with a Chidori while I'm asleep, now that's just low" said Naruto as he held a femur bone katana at his throat and a wrist bone at sasukes' jugular, " Now, lets not "lose our heads" shall we?" as he chuckled slightly.

"Sai, Sakura now!" Kakashi yelled, and when nothing happened he started to panic, "What did you do to Sakura?, Tell me!" he demanded, Naruto got quizzical look on his face and then a look of recognition replaced it, "Oh, you're talking about that pink headed bitch over there?" asked Naruto as he tilted his head toward Kimimaro who was leaning up against a tree with Sakura laying at his feet and Sai's head severed and laying a few foot away from his body.

"See I didn't do anything to them, but Kimimaro likes to get a little…….messy." said Naruto as he gave a sadistic chuckle that was short lived as Kakashi started to mumble incomprehensibly, "What was that?" asked Naruto, "He's dead!, he can't be here I read the report!" screamed Kakashi as he kept babbling about him being dead, "Ah I guess some thing got lost in translation, now Konoha has stolen a gift from the great Kyuubi and now he demands it back" Naruto finished threw the bone that was against Sasukes neck on the ground, grabbed his neck, and knocked him out.

"You're don't deserve the gift your we're given Kakashi" as he finished talking he knocked Kakashi out, then laid him down, "Ok Kimi' ready for the operation?" asked Naruto as he pulled a scalpel from within his coat.

45 Minutes later

As soon as Kakashi woke he threw his hand up to his headband, lifted it, activated his Sharingan, and gasped what used to be able to see everything now only sees darkness, "So, that's what he was talking about when he said "he demands it back", I must wake the others" whispered Kakashi to himself.

"Hey Sakura wake up!" commanded Kakashi as he roughly shook her arm, as she began to stir from her deep sleep she sat up to a sitting position and spoke, "Sensei I didn't mean to let him die but he was just so strong and fast I couldn't keep up with him" said Sakura as she began to tear up at the thought of her fellow ninja.

"It's ok Sakura, but right now I need you to pull yourself together so we can revive Sasuke and either go back to the village or continue to tail Naruto so we can capture him" consoled Kakashi to the weeping girl, "Hai sensei" replied Sakura solemnly.

Sakura stood and walked over towards Sasuke stepping over her lifeless teammates corpse the sound of her sandals in the blood and gore made her want to vomit, but she didn't want to do that as she would be embarrass in front of her "Sasuke-kun" who would one day want to wed her and have children, yep she was having delusions of grandeur.

As she knelt beside him and rolled him over she gasped when she saw his face, what used to be face not yet scarred by puberty was destroyed by three little marks on his forehead one circular and two vertical through the circle, "Kaka-sensei! What is this!" screamed a worried Sakura, "Let me look, It's as I thought, Sasuke has had his Sharingan never to be used again, Konoha has lost the Sharingan forever, never to be revived" said Kakashi solemnly.

"That damned demon will pay for taking Sasukes' power away from him!" raged Sakura as she held Sasuke to her chest, "Well at least we still have your Sharingan" compromised Sakura as she continued to fawn over Sasuke, "Not quite Sakura" said Kakashi as he lifted his headband and showed what used to be a Sharingan had become a empty socket.

Sakura suddenly let go of Sasuke, ran behind a bush and vomited, "Oh sorry Sakura…." as he chuckled slightly, "Sasuke wake up, Sasuke wake up" he suddenly shot and had an kunai against Kakashis' neck, "Calm down Sasuke it's just me," Kakashi tried to calm Sasuke, "Sorry sensei" said Sasuke as he eased the kunai from his neck and put it back into his hip pack.

As Sakura walked back out bushes she saw Sasuke, and Kakashi sitting next to the remits of the campfire, Sakura looked around and asked a question, "There're a lot of tents here for just two people sensei, why is that?" Sakura curiously asked, Kakashi took a thoughtful look onto his face and answered, "This is probably an bandit camp, that would explain the multiple tents, and the blood on the ground, Naruto must've raided the camp for food and shelter for the night" Kakashi explained in an teacher kind of tone, Sakura and Sasuke nodded their heads accepting that as fact.

"Ok now we have to decide our next move, should we keep following them, or should we go back to the village to resupply?" asked Kakashi as he, Sasuke, and Sakura was thinking about what to do next, "I say we go back because we are out number since we have lost both sets of Sharingan, and we have underestimated Naruto" Sasuke suggested, Kakashi started to nod as he listened to Sasuke, " Agreed" said Kakashi, "I will go collect Sai's body" He ordered, as he said this he stood up, walked over to his corpse, sealed it into a scroll, and put it into his pocket "Ok lets move out!" they leapt back into the woods headed back towards Konoha.

Unknown to them in a tree close by

"Good, they stopped following us" said Naruto happily, then turned to the third member of the group and asked, "Do you want to go to Moyagakure with us or would you like to go your own way?" inquired Naruto, the woman thought for a minute or two before answering, "I believe I will go with you" Tayuya responded, Naruto shook his head and jumped out of the tree, "Ok if we're leaving lets get what little supplies we can from here" they nodded and followed him out of the tree.

10 Minutes later

"Ok what did you find?" Naruto asked them as they pulled random items from within their packs, "Naruto-sama I collected ten kunai, some ninja wire, and four military rations" tallied Kimimaro, Naruto shook his head, pointed towards Tayuya "Ok fucker, I got two Katana, three bags of cash, five sets of leg armor, and one black trench coat, and that's all I found dipshit" responded Tayuya in her usual sneer.

Naruto shook his head in dismay, "Are you always going to be that callous?" asked Naruto in an almost uncaring tone of voice, "What's it to you fucker?" replied Tayuya as she started to walk down a path, "Are you going to stand there all day or what?" Naruto simply sighed and walked on putting on the trench coat as he went, 'I kinda like this' thought Naruto as he and Kimimaro followed the quite unpleasant Tayuya, "Are you sure it's wise to bring her Naruto-sama?" questioned Kimimaro, Naruto sighed, "You want to be the person to stop her?. Plus we need powerful ninja for our village, and from what little of the fight I saw earlier, she is quite powerful. But I've never worked alongside her as you have" said Naruto as he walked along with Kimimaro who's bandaged face was turned into an look of indifference, "I agree Naruto-sama" said Kimimaro with a monotone voice.

"By the way, how's the eye?, are you in pain?" asked Naruto honestly, Kimimaro's face contorted in shock as he heard Naruto ask if he was ok, because his last master was not as kind, "Hai Naruto-sama it is hurting slightly, but it's bearable" said Kimimaro with a thin frown, "Nonsense if you're in pain we can stop for the night" said Naruto with an almost caring tone of voice, "The next town we come across may we stay for an day or two?" in a almost begging tone, Naruto suddenly stopped, turned, and did what would surprise Kimimaro greatly, punched him square in the center of the cheek.

"You will never asked if something is ok like some kind of servant, I'm not like that prick Orochimaru, you actually have an choice as to what happens in your life. But if you don't like that you can crawl back to that bastard who would probably use you in his sick experiments" he turned around and started walking, "Remember, your life is up to you Kimimaro" as he said this something happened that no one would've guessed, one lone tear slid down his cheek, the first of many as at that very moment an brand new Kimimaro was born, he was a thoughtless killing machine no longer.

Inside Naruto's mindscape unknown to Naruto

In the dark recesses of Naruto's mindscape Kyuubi was watching what looked like a rotting corpse walking up toward the cage and knelt, "Kyuubi-sama, I am Kaguya Chi Konjou (Kaguya Blood Spirit), I would like to ask an favor of you" he asked with his head turned down in respect, "Oh?, Do you now?, What kind of favor would cause you need to come all the way into my domain of this boy's mind?" Kyuubi asked honestly wanting to know the reason he was before him at this moment in time.

When no reply came the millennia old demon roared with rage, "Well out with it before I decide to eat you" Konjou visibly filched at that statement, "Well great and noble demon ruler of fire country I humbly ask of you to let young Naruto here initiate his arrival into the Kaguya clan through the Shukuga of Chi (Celebration of Blood) it's a right of passage in our clan" explained Konjou who had than raised his head slightly.

Kyuubi closed his eyes in thought, "Can this wait until they've found a town to stay in?, What happens during this Celebration of Blood?" Kyuubi compromised, the rotting corpse of Konjou smiled happily as he stood, "Oh yes Kyuubi-sama, we can defiantly wait until then" agreed Konjou.

"What is to happen on this Shukuga of Chi?, And how long will it take?" asked Kyuubi who was genuinely worried about Naruto's safety, "Lets take some time to discuss this matter" suggested Konjou as he and Kyuubi talked for hours without Naruto knowing what was going on inside his own head.

With Naruto, Kimimaro, and Tayuya

"God! Are we ever going to get anywhere?!?!" screamed Tayuya as they continued to walk down the path, "Hey fucker!, where is it we're going anyway?" she demanded, Naruto who thought his head would explode if she said one more word, "Ok I've told you and told you, we are going to the abandon village of Moyagakure. If you don't stop talking I'll send you back to Orochimaru in a box with an giant bow" shouted Naruto, who was than rubbing his head to ward off an impending migraine.

"Naruto-sama she's always been like this, don't let her get to you, she really is a good person she was just so lonely at Orochimaru's camp, so when she's with people she loves to talk" Kimimaro whispered to Naruto, who at that point started to see Tayuya in a different light, 'She really is beautiful if she's not talking nonstop' as he watched her walk.

"Would you please stop looking at my ass, dipshit?" asked Tayuya as she continued to walk down the trail, "What!, I was not looking at your ass!" Tayuya just smiled at that, "Sure you weren't you little pervert you" she teased him and started to laugh when he started stammering.

Kimimaro got a small smile on his face and let out a small laugh, "Shut up Kimi', just sh-shut up!" stuttered Naruto as he started to blush, 'He is kinda' cute, especially when he blushes, too bad he's like thirteen' thought Tayuya with a small grin, 'When he gets older he'll be a real lady killer' with what some would call a mild blush.

In a small town a few hours later

"We need to be careful as we move through the town, they might be looking for us, also we need to find a place to stay, and bye supplies, and while we're here we might as well buy new clothes" suggested Kimimaro as he went down the list of suggestions Naruto was nodding his head in agreement.

"Aw but who can I take to help give suggestions on my clothes?" asked Tayuya to nobody in particular, as she was saying this Naruto was getting redder and redder as the moments went by. Before too long his nose started to secrete a red liquid that any medical professional would have told you was blood.

"What's wrong with you Naruto-kun?" asked Tayuya in a very flirty voice, "Nothing, we should start looking for the shops, and a place to bed down for a couple nights" stammered Naruto as he was holding his nose to try and prevent his current predicament from continuing any further.

In the Hokage's office

"Not only did you fail in your mission in killing that damned demon, but you also lost one of our most promising students. And most of all you lost our source of the Sharingan forever. What type of punishment do you think fits this kind of failure?" roared Danzo the Rokudaime Hokage as he was livid about the idea of the Sharingan bloodline being dead.

Both advisers Koharu Utatane, and Mitokado Homura suddenly ran into the room, Danzo looked up from the report of the failed Team Seven mission and spoke, "We'll speak more on this matter at an later date, get out" said Danzo rudely as he glared at their backs until the completely left the room. After they'd left Danzo put up an silencing jutsu, and spoke, "Yes, what is it?" in his usual sneer.

"We have information on the boy's location, and his traveling companions. There's the one we already knew about Kimimaro Kaguya formally of the sound four and presumed dead, then we have the person who up until now has been unknown, Tayuya also formally with the sound four, and was presumed dead as well" explained Mitokado in his typical monotone voice.

As Danzo processed this thought growing more irate by the second, he launched up out of his seat in rage, "Kami!, We lose our strongest bloodline to that little bastard, and what does he do? Runs off and find some of the strongest ninja in Orochimaru's arsenal!" screamed Danzo as he threw all the papers from his desk in rage.

"What do you want us do Hokage-sama?" asked Koharu who was genuinely scared for her life as she looked at the murderous rage in his lone eye, "I want you to pull every Special ROOT Ops from their missions and put them on one, single mission, to kill Naruto Uzumaki in whatever means necessary. I want his head on my wall as a trophy!" commanded Danzo with fury boiling in his very veins. As soon as the command was given Both Koharu, and Mitokado bowed and walked out of the office, both thoroughly scarred by the look Danzo was giving as he was giving the orders.

End Of Chapter 4

An: How was that? Most I have ever written. Again sorry for the long time between updates. R&R have a nice day :), sorry for the lack of indention it won't save the indents on my comp