Disclaimer: I don't own Golden Sun

Disclaimer: I don't own Golden Sun. If I did, there would already be a third one.

This may or may not be a one-shot. I intended it to be at first, but I could make a few more chapters, preferably longer than this one though.

In the Stairwells

Isaac, Jenna, Mia, and Ivan were up front. Felix, Sheba, Piers, and Garet were taking up the rear. They had been in the Amenos Inner Sanctum for over seven hours now. Up ahead, Isaac saw a stairwell leading down to what appeared to be the bottom of the chambers. Isaac had no idea what kind of guardian awaited them at the end of this tomb, but he had a feeling that whoever it was would be more powerful than even the Star Magician had been.

"At least we have some stairs up ahead. Monsters must hate stairwells. They never hide there. I can't think of one time when we ran into a monster in a stairwell."

As soon as they entered the stairwell, Isaac stopped and called out to the rest of the group, "Guys, lets take a break in here. We need to rest up a little before we go try to fight this guardian. I'm pretty worn out."

"Rest sounds good," said Jenna, and plopped down on the stair on the other side of Isaac. "Do you have any more food? I'm starving."

"Well, I have a piece of corn that I picked up for free from some merchant in the Contigo marketplace. Do you want it?"

"Food is food," said Jenna, and took a large bite out of the corn, leaving a white space where her teeth had bitten off of it. The others began to sit down around him, except for Felix. He stood by the top of the stairwell, his hand on the edge of his Sol Blade.

"Come on, Felix, get some rest. You're going to need your strength for this."

"I'll stand guard," said Felix, the preoccupied leader as usual. Isaac couldn't say that he blamed him, though. He knew that Felix must know something about their mission that no one else did, but Isaac hadn't quite figured out how to ask him about that yet. He had considered asking Sheba to talk to him, as she was the only person he had ever opened up to, but it didn't feel right to him. He hadn't even considered asking Jenna. Whenever he had to discuss something serious with her, it made him nervous. So for the time being, he had to be content with letting Felix do the guiding. In the mean time, he decided to watch his friends.

Garet and Piers seemed to be arguing about something, probably about who would win in a fight or whose Orihalcum Sunshine had done a better job with. Ivan and Mia were getting along well as usual, mostly because they fought together so often. He looked away for a moment to grab an old cookie out of his pack, and when he looked back, Mia and Ivan were gone.

Isaac found this surprising, and got up and looked around the spiral staircase, only to see the shadows of two people who had most certainly failed to leave two inches for the Djinn. He heard Jenna's voice behind him.

"What's the matter Isaac? Are Mia and Ivan ok, or did something…..oh my," said Jenna, noticing their rather provocative actions bouncing off the wall as shadows to the flicker of a torch. "Well, at least this isn't awkward or anything…" Her voice trailed off, and Jenna and Isaac stood in an uncomfortable silence before walking back up toward Felix and the rest. Isaac decided that he had had enough of the stairwell for a while, and yelled loudly, "Let's go guys! Pack it up!"

Garet and Piers's argument had settled down, and they both looked over and continued to talk while they were packing their gear. Felix and Sheba were deep in mysterious discussion as always, and Mia and Ivan came back up the stairs a minute later, looking very happy but rather unkempt. Isaac just sighed and took his spot at the head of the party, ready to be out of this dungeon for good. The traps and puzzles had been almost worse the Ankhol Tower, according to Felix. Isaac had no idea what Ankhol Tower was, although he had heard Felix and his companions complain about it enough.

They left the stairway, and left their personal lives behind them, all ready to give up their lives for any of their friends if need be, and all ready for the horrors of the battle ahead of them. But inside, each of them looked forward to the next stairwell, ready to just be teenagers, not having to worry about the fate of the world on their shoulders, just the people in front of them that they cared about.

Sheba wanted to know more about the young man who would jump off of a lighthouse for her.

Felix wanted to know who Sheba really was, not just the girl who fell from the sky in Lalivero.

Piers just wanted to save the world from itself, and serve his King. He knew that Garet had strong motivation on this quest. It was a motive that Piers didn't have anymore.

Ivan and Mia discovered each other one night at the inn in Prox when neither had been able to sleep in the freezing temperatures and the loud winds. Both of them had been very happy recently.

Jenna was happy. She had food. She had friends, and plenty of them. And more recently, Isaac and Garet had come back to her. Jenna had been so worried that she would have to fight them. Now, she realized, she had even missed Garet, despite all of his personal flaws, but especially Isaac, her best friend ever since they had both been young. She was just glad, and now she only had one mission left, a mission that could mean the lives of everyone in the world…

Isaac had two things on his mind. First, he just wanted out of that bitch of a dungeon. He hated that place with a passion. But in the back of his mind, there was something else…

That's it, unless I get some serious positive feedback. I could do another stairwell story. I liked this one, it was fun to write.

Please insert cliché that is at the end of every fic right here, which only 8 out of 339 people ever listen to…