Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Authors note: First off, sorry for the delay if an update. I had to go out of town for a bit of an emergency then I had a crap load of stuff to do to make up for being gone a week. Anyway, hopefully this chapter will make up for it. Sorry if it's a tad shorter then normal.

Kagome looked upon the great wooden door. It had a nice dark cherry finish with elegant trim on the frame. 'Even his door is freaking perfect.' Kagome looked down at her dress and pressed down invisible wrinkles and finger combed her hair one last time before knocking on the door. She could feel her heart pound in her chest as she waited for the door to be answered. She decided to keep it simple for this dinner date and went with a nice sun dress with a light wrap since it was still some what cold at night. Her sister got her this dress a few years back but Kagome could never find the time to wear it. It was really nice in her opinion; it was a light green, spaghetti strap dress that faded from light to dark as it went down the length of her body. So caught up in checking herself over for any flaws, she nearly missed hearing the door open.

Looking up, Kagome nearly gasped at the vision in front of her. There stood Sesshoumaru, wearing black slacks and a button up, light blue shirt. He for go the tie and left the top two buttons undone and she caught of glimpse of his well toned chest. 'God damn' she thought. The alcohol induced black out left little detail as to what the man had underneath his expensive clothing. It didn't matter though, he was hot regardless of what he wore.

"Do you plan to come in for dinner or would you rather stand there and stare at my person all night?" he asked. Kagome's eyes shot to his emotionless face but she could see a hint of amusement behind his golden gaze. Mentally shaking her head and hoping her blush wasn't as noticeable as it felt, she smile weakly and greeted him with a meek hello.

Sesshoumaru stood to the side of the door way, and gestured inside. Walking into the foyer, she glanced around and took note of the maroon walls with the dark mahogany trim and steps that led to the second floor. Above she noticed a crystal chandelier and along the walls were tapestries of ancient Japan as well as mystical creatures. Over all, it was amazing looking. 'And expensive' she added mentally.

"If you'll follow me, I'll lead you to the dinning room. Dinner is just about ready." He spoke walking away from her. Kagome watched his retreating form in a daze before his words sank in and she quickly followed him. Reaching the dinning room, she noticed it was in the same style as the foyer. A huge dark mahogany table sat in the center of the room with some dishes and candles laid out. She noticed right away that there were only two table settings set. Looking to Sesshoumaru, she gave him a confused look and he answered before she could even voice her question.

"Rin ended up going to her mothers for dinner. It's just you and I" he said, the last part coming off slightly seductive and Kagome felt a shiver run down her spine. Taking a seat while Sesshoumaru went to the kitchen, Kagome began to do a mental pep talk to calm her nerves. 'It's just dinner. Plus, I don't plan to drink anything this time. So, everything will be ok. Right?' she asked herself mentally. Moments later, Sesshoumaru walked back in with several plates of food and on his second trip, he returned with a bottle of wine and some glasses. 'ok, just one drink wouldn't kill me' she thought. She needed something to take the edge off her nerves and with Sesshoumaru being silent it wasn't helping.

'Wine will help' She smiled as he offered to pour her a glass. She quickly sipped it hoping its numbing effects will kick in soon. Sesshoumaru caught her and make a nearly silent chuckle as he sat down next to her.

Dinner seemed to go by in a flash, light conversation was held through out the affair; mostly about work and her sister and brother in law. She told him about their recent "be healthy" plan and how she had to go out and buy all new groceries. Sesshoumaru told a few stories of his daughter and his stresses at work.

Finishing off her third glass of wine, Kagome started to feel buzzed despite the amount of food she had eaten. She wasn't one for pasta so she didn't eat much but still, it should have been enough to help dull the alcohol's effects. Sesshoumaru sent her into the living room while he cleaned up, so following orders she walked around the seemingly empty house and soon came upon the living room.

Sitting on the leather sofa, Kagome looked around the expensive room in awe. 'I'm afraid to even move in here' she mused. Kagome was brought out of her musings when she felt a light feather like touch run along her exposed neck. Fighting the urge to shiver, she quickly turned around and saw Sesshoumaru with a smirk on his handsome face. Walking around the sofa, he arranged himself next to her. Kagome turned and went to say something; however she was silenced by a finger placed lightly to her lips.

"Sshh, no talking." He commanded

Sesshoumaru reached over and brushed a stray lock of hair from her face and placed it behind her ear only to lightly drag his fingertip along her cheek to her lips. Kagome could feel her heart pounding in her chest and knew without a doubt he could hear it too. She tried to suppress the shiver and blush that attempted to rise at his light touch but it was too much. She's been dreaming about their past encounters for awhile now and she had to admit, she longed for his touch again. She also secretly hoped that there could be a repeat of last time. Just something about this man called to her, like a forbidden fruit. She just HAD to have it. 'Any maybe remember some of it this time too.' She added

She was torn from her thoughts with the light touch of lips on her mouth and it took her a second to catch up with what was going on. Feeling a hand on the back of her neck pull her closer, she leaned in and rested her hands on his broad chest before returning the kiss. Kagome let out a gasp at feeling a hand cup her right breast and Sesshoumaru took that time to deepen the kiss, their tongues battling for dominance, a fight which Kagome quickly surrendered to. Pulling her tighter to his chest, he had to suppress a groan at feeling her against him.

Kagome had to pull away due to the lack of oxygen and Sesshoumaru took the time to trail kisses down her left shoulder. Making his way down her neck, he pushed her strap to her dress away before continuing onward. Kagome began to run her fingers threw his hair while making slight moaning noises every time he nipped at her skin in between his kisses. Every so often she would pull or dig her nails into his scalp and he would moan at the treatment. With her one dress strap down, it exposed a bit of her breast since she didn't bother with a bra and he wasted no time in fully reveling it to his eyes. Grasping her with his hand, he began to massage it while moving back up to kiss her mouth.

Kagome's senses were going wild. She felt his left hand move to her right shoulder and could feel him tugging the other strap down which exposed her fully to him. He wasted no time in tweaking the right nipple as well as the left which cause both to instantly harden. Kagome broke contact with his mouth to gasp at the assault and he took the opportunity presented to push her down on her back. Looking up into his face, she could see the burning desire, the lust he had in his eyes and she shivered at the thought of what he was going to do to her body.

While holding her gaze, he took the time to unbutton his shirt and quickly tossed it over his shoulder. Reaching towards her he pulled her dress the rest of the way down her body which cause her legs to go on either side of him. After her dress joined his shirt on the floor, he proceeded to get on his knees and unbutton his pants but made no move to remove them. She felt a shiver go along her spine as he trailed a finger along her left leg up to the apex of her thighs. He then lightly tugged her black panties down and she decided to help him along by bringing her legs up to her chest while he continued to pull her panties off.

Once her panties joined the ever growing pile of clothes, Kagome felt the urge to cover herself up at his intense gaze at her naked body. Sesshoumaru reached down and placed her right leg up on the back of the sofa while the other was pushed off and lightly touched the floor. Now fully exposed and open to his gaze, he feasted with his eyes before leaning down and trailing a finger along the outer part of her neither lips. She moaned and tried to encourage him to enter her by moving her hips up but he used his left hand to hold her in place. Slowly bring his index finger to her opening, he massaged her glistening nub before slowly entering her with said finger.

Kagome gasped at the intrusion and began to buck her hips up in tune with his slow thrusts. He then added a second finger while using his thumb to rub her nub again. Kagome began to thrash her head about while silently moaning all the while she buckled under his assult. She could feel her peak coming and just as she was about to explode he removed his fingers. Shooting a glare for what he did as well as his obvious amusement, she was about to voice her opinion when he quickly shushed her with his lips crashing upon her own.

Thrusting his tongue in her mouth, he made quick work with his pants, not even bothering to fully remove them, he pushed them down. His erection stood on alert, waiting to be rammed in her tight opening. So caught up in the kiss, she didn't notice he was doing instead of massaging and tweaking her nipples like he did the moment he kissed her. Once his pants were pushed as far down as they could go; considering his position, he grabbed her hips and quickly thrusted inside her tight opening. The unexpected intrusion tore a gasp of surprise followed by a throaty moan as he began pumping harder and harder each passing second. The action itself cause the two to break apart by the mouth and Kagome had a hard time keeping up with the pace he set.

She could feel her peak coming closer with each thrust and she couldn't help it. She couldn't be silent any longer. "sessh..omaur." she moaned, her breasts bouncing up and down in tune with his thrusts. The whole feeling together caused her internal knot to twist even more painfully tighter and she moaned even louder. Sesshoumaru grasped both her legs and placed them on her shoulders, causing him to go deeper.

"Faster" she whispered and he wasted no time in complying. She could feel herself reaching her breaking point. 'So close…' "God…Kag..ome" he muttered.

Kagome woke with a start; sweat beaded down her face and chest and it took her several seconds for her breathing and heart rate to go back to normal. 'damn'

Lying back down, she could feel the wetness between her legs and can just barely make out his touches that she felt in her dream. Looking over she noticed it was only 2am. 'Damn it' Deciding that it would be pointless to sleep; as well as uncomfortable, she decided a shower was in order. Rising from bed, she saw the slight wet marks on the sheets where she managed to sweat threw her clothing and she sighed knowing she'd have to wash her sheets. Pulling them off, she tossed them to the corner of the room before making her way to the shower.

'That dream, am I destined to have sex dreams with that man forever? It felt so real too. Maybe it's a sign that I shouldn't go to dinner.' She mused while stripping her wet shirt and boxers off. Refusing to satisfy the ache she felt since masturbating only made her wanted that much more, she quickly took a shower and made her way to the kitchen for a glass of water. Sitting down at the table she tried to clear her thoughts of the very life like dream. "I could really go for some ice cream." She said out loud.

And as if the gods heard her prayers, a pint of chocolate ice cream was set in front of her, the lid already off and a spoon stuck in the center. Staring at the container for several seconds she wondered how such a thing happened while silently thanking every god she could name.

"I thought you could use this" came a voice to her right. Startled she looked at the intruder only to sigh when she saw who it was. "I didn't know you where here." She said in response while trying to calm her racing heart beat once again.

"Keh, since when have I had to let you know when I'm coming and going?" he asked in an annoyed tone. Kagome shot him a glare while she began to dig into her ice cream. 'Heaven' she silently mused.

"Well, considering this is MY apartment that only I pay rent for, I think I have a right to know" she said; trying to glare as hard as possible but failing due to the ice cream in front of her. 'Hard to hate the man who just saved my night.' She said to herself.

Inuyasha shrugged his shoulders before plopping down on the other side of the table. "I just got in. What's wrong, can't sleep?" he asked, concern for her all over his place. She was glad to hear he just got in. It would be extremely embarrassing if he was here and over heard her dream about Sesshoumaru. It was amazing how much he looked like Sesshoumaru too. She really wondered if they were related some how. But, she asked Inu before and he said no. The only difference really was their face. Inuyasha was so full of emotion where as Sesshoumaru was a blank slate. "I'm ok, just have a lot on my mind is all." She answered, suddenly she didn't feel that hungry. The ice cream was slowly melting, its creamy goodness called out to her to save it from such a fate and she had to obey.

"It's him isn't it? Koga?" he asked, a scowl suddenly forming, wiping the concern from his face. Kagome decided to stop him before he got all worked up. "No, no calm down. It's not Koga. I have a dinner date with Sesshoumaru and his daughter tonight remember? I guess I'm just a little nervous." Placing her head on the table she pondered how this whole thing would work. 'would he try to sleep with me? Is this some type of set up like in my dream?'

Inuyasha leaned back and rested his arms behind his head. "I don't see what the big deal is. It's just dinner with him and his brat." Inuyasha heard a mumble from his friends' bowed head but couldn't catch it all. "What did you say?" he asked straightening up.

"I SAID it isn't that simple." She raised her head from the table and shot him one of the most pathetic looks he's seen. "Look, I'm going to tell you something but you need to promise to keep it to yourself ok?" At his nod she shot him a glare. "Ok, ok I promise. Jeesh."

"I slept with Sesshoumaru."

"What? I don't think I heard you right." He asked, cleaning his ears out with his fingers he shot her a confused look. "I said I slept with Sesshoumaru. A few weeks ago actually. It's a long story and it was actually right around the time Koga and I broke up. That was part of the reason I was so out of it…I guess" She bowed her head again waiting for the onslaught of curses, only none came.

"Really?" he was dumbfounded. Yea sure they talked a few times, but Kagome wasn't one to just sleep around with someone. Being Kikyo's friend meant he came from a bad background no doubt. Her friends were all into drugs and had issues with the law. Maybe she shouldn't be hanging around this guy.

"Yea, I know. What was I thinking? I just, I feel some type of connection with him. It's weird. But…" Kagome paused. Her heart was a mess. She still loved Koga. That much was certain. What did she feel for Sesshoumaru though? Was it just lust? Was her sister right in saying she really needed to get laid and that's why she felt compelled to be around him; to hear his voice? Knowing he was willing to sleep with her and all, that could be it, right? Kagome scowled at her thoughts.

"But?" he asked while leaning more towards her.

"I don't know what I feel really. I still care for Koga. I, as strange as it sounds, don't hate him for what he did. It's complicated." She said, her head resting back on the table.

Standing, Inuyasha made his way to her side and lightly patted her back. "Don't worry about it to much. Now…get your skinny ass to bed its late." Kagome just sighed knowing what she needed the most was sleep. "Yea, I'm going to try to sleep. Are you staying here?" she asked his retreating form.

"Yea, wake me up when you get up. And pack me a lunch too"

Kagome wanted to yell at him and to tell him to pack his own lunch. 'The nerve of that guy'. Making her way around the kitchen, she decided to make lunches for them both. She wanted to sleep in a bit longer since she didn't get much sleep. She didn't have to be to work till 8am so she could at least sleep till 7:30. Finishing up, she made her way to the spare room where her friend slept nearly every night. 'Really, he should just move in and pay rent' she chuckled knowing that probably wouldn't go over well, for either of them.

Glancing in the room, she could make out the rather large bump curled up in the center of the bed. Walking inside, she set the alarm on the table and crawled in behind her friend. She could really use someone to cuddle with and Inu was perfect. Him being half asleep, he wasn't as gruff to her and wouldn't give her shit for sleeping with him. 'Plus, my sheets are dirty'

Inuyasha felt the bed dip behind him and he waited till she got settled before he turned around. Looking into her eyes, he saw the sadness that sank deep down into her soul and he felt a pang of guilt. She was the most important person in his life and he hated her being sad. Wrapping his arms around her form, he brought her closer to his chest and tucked her head under his chin. He didn't say anything, and she was glad. Taking a deep breath, she picked up his clean scent mixed with his cologne that she secretly loved and sighed peacefully. They both fell asleep quickly in each others embrace.