AN: This is a little story that I wrote up. This is based on the song Before He Cheats by Carrie Underwood. Hope you like it. I have the whole story finished. So if you wanna read the whole thing, REVIEW and tell me!!
Oh I dont own any of the characters or the show, if I did, the season finale would NOT have ended the way it did!
Tony sat at his desk in a trance. He had just started getting over the blown undercover operation with Jeanne. Now she shows back up in his life and accuses him of MURDER?! He could not believe it. Did she truly think he was capable of something like that?
"Tony," he heard someone saying from beside him, but he did not want to move. He just wanted to go somewhere and hide, forget about everything. "Tony, it is for the best," Tony heard Ziva tell him, putting her hand on his shoulder gently. How was it that the voice of the Mossad assassin could soothe him so easily? He had no idea what he would have done if Ziva hadn't walked up beside him after he punched Trent Kort. Just her presence beside him made him calm.
"Tony," Ziva said again.
"What!" he yelled, jerking to face him.
Ziva was shocked at his outburst, but showed no outward emotion. "Your phone has been ringing off the hook for the past ten minutes. Abby finally called my phone asking if you were okay," she explained.
"Sorry. Must have zoned out for a bit," he whispered, shaking his head slightly.
"Go home, DiNozzo and David," Gibbs said, walking through the bullpen on his way up to the Director's Office. "There's been enough excitement for the day."
Tony and Ziva grabbed their bags and headed for the elevator. When the elevator doors opened, they saw Abby and McGee inside the elevator. "Everyone's meeting at the bar, you two should come," Abby said, bouncing around the elevator.
Ziva looked over at Tony and shrugged her shoulders, waiting for his answer. "As long as there's karaoke I'm in," Tony said, cracking a smile for the first time that day.
Jeanne was sitting in her rental car watching as the NCIS team walked out of their headquarters. 'He's done moved on,' she thought to herself as she watched Tony open Ziva's door for her. "He messed with the wrong woman," she growled, taking out her cell phone as she turned her engine on.
Right now, he's probably slow dancing
with a bleach blonde tramp,
And she's probably getting frisky
Right now, he's probably buying her some fruity little drink
cause she can't shoot whisky
Right now, he's probably up behind her with a pool-stick,
showing her how to shoot a combo.
Jeanne sat in her car, fuming. In her mind, she picture Tony sitting at the bar with his hands all over that black haired woman. Her father had showed her pictures of Tony and this woman taking while he was supposedly with Jeanne. Jeanne watched discreetly as Tony, Ziva, McGee, Abby, Jenny, Ducky, and Gibbs walked into the bar. "Hello?" she answered into her phone."
"Everything's set up," she heard over the phone.
"Good," Jeanne said, closing her phone and getting out of the car.
And he don't know
That I dug my key into the side of his pretty little
Souped up 4 wheel drive,
Carved my name into his leather seats
I took a Louisville slugger to both headlights,
Slashed a hole in all 4 tires
Maybe next time he'll think
Before he cheats.
The NCIS crew was dispersed throughout the bar. McGee and Abby were looking at the jukebox trying to find something to listen to. Gibbs, Jenny, and Ducky were at a table watching the others. Tony and Ziva were sitting at the bar joking around.
Right now, she's probably up there singing some
White trash version of Shania karaoke
Right now, she's probably saying I'm drunk
And he's thinking that he's gonna get lucky
Right now, he's probably dabbing on 3 dollars worth of that bathroom polo
And he don't know
That I dug my key into the side
of his pretty little souped up 4 wheel drive
Carved my name into his leather seats
I took a Louisville slugger to both headlights
Slashed a hole in all 4 tires
Maybe next time he'll think before he cheats.
"Isn't that Miss Benoit?" Ducky asked, looking towards the door.
"I figured she'd be long gone by now," Jenny said as the three watched the woman.
"Hey, McGee, what's Jeanne doing here?" Abby asked, tapping his shoulder.
"Jeanne?!" McGee exclaimed, turning around.
"Tony doesn't see her," Abby noted. "She don't look too happy."
"You don't think..." McGee started looking at Abby wide-eyed. They looked over at Ziva who had just put her hand on Tony's chest as the two laughed at something he said. When Abby and McGee looked back towards the door, Jeanne was gone.
"Uh, Tony, I swear Jeanne just walked out the door," Ziva said, her face growing grim.
Tony's head shot towards the door. "You sure?' he asked and Ziva nodded. He ran towards the door with Ziva on his heels.
"Should we follow?" Jenny asked Gibbs.
"Nope," Gibbs said, taking a drink of his bourbon. This was Tony's problem, and Gibbs decided that Tony could handle it on his own.
Tony looked around the parking lot. He wondered why Jeanne was at the bar. Half of him wanted her to ask him to come back, but the other half hoped that Ziva had been wrong and Jeanne really hadn't been at the bar.
"Tony!" Ziva called from across the parking lot.
Tony ran over to her. His eyes bulged out when he rounded the corner and saw his brand new pickup smashed all up. On the driver's seat was a note.
I might've saved a little trouble for the next girl
Cause the next time that he cheats
Oh, you know it won't be on me!
Ohh not on me
Cause I dug my key into the side
of his pretty little souped up 4 wheel drive
carved my name into his leather seats
I took a Louisville slugger to both headlights
Slashed a hole in all 4 tires
Maybe next time he'll think
Before he cheats
Ohhh before he cheats.
"What's it say?" Ziva asked as she watched Tony read the note.
"She thinks I was cheating on her," Tony said. "I don't understand?" he added confused just as Abby and McGee walked up to him and Ziva.
"What happened to your car, Tony?" Abby exclaimed her jaw dropped in shock.
"Jeanne," Ziva stated simply, before walking back into the bar. 'There's got to be something I can do,' she thought to herself. Maybe one of her contacts could find where Jeanne was staying, Ziva wondered.
"Ziva is everything okay?" Jenny asked the Israeli when she walked up to the table.
"Tony is going to be wanted for murder if he ever finds Jeanne," Ziva said, explained what happened in the parking lot.
AN: I have the rest of the story-it has a twist in it!! What happens when Tony catches up with Jeanne?? What does Jeanne have up her sleeve?? If you wanna find out, review, and I'll post some more! Thanks for reading!!