
∞Thought Projection∞

Chapter 3

A Moiraian Meeting

It took two days for poor Harry to get rid of the last of stripes and freely change from raccoon to human. It took exactly three hours and thirty-eight minuets after that for Rita Skeeter to show up at the Apothecary, and about two seconds for Remus to, literary, throw her out. After two weeks much of the buzz about the Boy-Who-Lived newest power finally died down and Harry was allowed out of Lily's sight again which is how he came to find himself once more in the ally behind the shops.

I do not understand why you insist on coming here. Sibylla hissed from where she was hiding in the pocket of Harry's jumper. He is never here. I don't see why you must be so stubborn.

I just wanta see him. The black haired child stood staring through the gap at the front of Flourish and Blots. Harry had changed after the day he had the run in with the vampires and found his new talent. Not in any obvious way that drew attention to him, but on a deeper level he kept hidden from all but Sibylla, who had warned him that many things were best kept to one's self. Most people would look back on such a day and be afraid to go out alone, or feel proud about their abilities. Harry didn't associate that fateful day with the many unusual things that had happened, but rather the one ordinary thing that had been eating away at him and growing with each day: the blonde haired boy.

Once his mother had allowed him to go to the back room alone again, Harry had come to this gap everyday hoping for a glimpse of the mysterious boy, and every day he was not there. The youngest Potter was increasingly feeling as if something was missing, as if a part of his chest had been removed and the gap was becoming bigger with each day.

You are a silly Snake-Child. She hissed again pulling her face inside the pocket. Has it occurred to you, you may have a better chance finding him if you go out there and look instead of standing back here?

I can't do that. Mummy and Uncle Moony would know. Harry protested and crossed his arms in determination. He stood like that for a moment, until he felt an unfamiliar tug in the empty portion of his chest. Sibylla. Something's happened. He cried distressed as the tugging increased.

What is it now, Snake-Child?

It feels like something is pulling on the empty-place! He waved his arms becoming increasingly distressed. It hurts, it hurts. Make it stop!

Why does it hurt? Sibylla asked simply.

Because something is pulling on it!

Then go towards what is pulling on it. Honestly, you silly child. Go to were it is being pulled and stop it. The Snake sighed, if it was possible for snakes to sigh, and curled up in the middle of the pocket as her boy began once again running down the back alley.

With every step Harry took the pulling lessened until finally the pain ceased entirely. The dark haired boy found himself standing in the part of the alley with the glowing moss. Slowing down as the pain stopped he could hear the soft weeping coming from one of the gaps between the buildings. "Hello," he called peering into the space no adult had a hope of squeezing into. There was not far inside a small ball of robes with a bright blonde head sticking out. The empty space in Harry's chest filled with happiness and he crawled into the space.

"Go away!" The other boy lashed out hitting Harry and pushing him out of the gap. A delicately pointed face looked out of the alley at him. "Go away," he muttered again as if unsure of his wish to be alone.

Harry was too happy at his discovery to be offended by the other boy's behavior and chose to ignore it. "HiI'mHarryWatsYourName?" He asked on one breath excitement teeming through him.\

What is going on out there? Sibylla asked sliding out of Harry's pocked. You found him? I'm surprised. Was he the one pulling on your empty space.

I think so. Harry replied getting a gasp from the blonde.

"You can talk to snakes? Father says only great wizards can talk to snakes."

Harry slapped his hands over his mouth. "Promise you won't tell, promise, promise!"

"Why?" the blonde began crawling out of his hole. "If I could talk to snakes, I'd tell everyone, and Father would buy me presents."

"It's a secret…" Harry muttered pouting, "I don't want anyone to know."

"Okay, we'll share a secret. It sounds like fun. I'm Draco Malfoy," Draco extended his hand formally.

"I'm Harry Potter," Harry accepted his hand. The moment the two touched something happened. For a moment it was as if Harry was looking both at himself and Draco.

∞What just happened?∞ The thought passed between the two so perfectly neither knew who it had come from.

∞I'm not sure∞ This thought defiantly came from Draco.

∞I can hear you∞ Harry thought back. ∞we're not talking∞

The two boys dropped hands and started at each other. ∞Can you still hear me?∞ Harry asked.

∞Yes∞ the thought was accompanied by a giggle from Draco. ∞Is this a secret too?∞

Harry giggled back, ∞Do you want it to be?∞


∞Why were you crying earlier?∞ Harry's question was met with a series of images that flashed by to quickly giving him a head ache. A tall man with long blonde hair walking down a dark and dirty alley. Three men, no…vampires, jumping from the roofs into the mass of people. Panic, screaming. "Run, Draco. Hide!" Flashes of bright lights. Running through the crowd of people. Crawling through the small gap in the building. Fear. So much Fear.

Harry opened his eyes to find Draco looking down at him.

Snake-Child, are you awake?


I am here.

∞Harry?∞ the word was a gentle brush against his mind.

∞Draco∞ he reached out finding the other's presence soothing, like the time he burned himself on stove and his mother put burn salve on it.

∞Did you see what happened?∞




I know this chapter is really short, but I just got the inspiration back for this story and had to share it as quickly as possible. The next few chapters are going to be small insights into Harry's young life. The story will become more connected when Harry reaches 7.