Heir of Two Worlds

AN: Yeh! Well, after reading so many Harry Potter magical creature AUs, I'm finally writing one. I figured I'd start this off with a prologue explaining everything from the beginning to ward of flames of "WTF, what's going on!! You SUCK!!". So here's the prologue, I hope you enjoy. R&R.

Beta Note: Yay for a HP story! I'm going to enjoy betaing it! Warning though . . . I'm fairly good at catching spelling errors, but commas aren't my strong point. Happy Reading.

WARNING: magical creature harry, eventual slash H/D, AUness, and most likely swearing.

Disclaimer: I own nothing.


-October 31, Era of Voldemort-

The night was dark as the cloaked man walked through Godric's Hollow, slipping through the shadows with practiced ease. The form stayed for a moment before the house to which he had come as a small smile slithered across his pale face. Silently, but without fear, he made his way to the door and blasted it open. Splinters flew away from the portal and he entered the room in a weighty dust.

From across the room there was a scream as a red headed woman dashed our carrying in her arms a small bundle. The man threw back his head, showing the hatred and glee shining in his red eyes, and followed after her unubtruded in the otherwise empty house. He brandished his wand as he came into the kitchen looking the kitchen locking the doors and impeding her escape.

"Don't be foolish," he hissed. "There is no need for you to die. Just give me the boy."

The woman clutched her son closer while backing as far away from the threatening man as she could in the relatively small room. "I will not give you my son!" she screamed.

The man sneered before flicking his wand, "Avada Kedavra."

-Hogwarts, Head Master's Office-

James looked at his shoes trying to avoid the blue eyes that were burning holes through him. Sirius sat at his side looking just as disconcerted as his friend while trying to pretend that the blue eyes had no effect on him.

"In short," the Head Master concluded, "I feel it is pertinent to relocate you and you family. I know Lily will object as she has in the past, but Petter can no longer be counted on. He's been missing for nearly two weeks; even you must admit that something has happened."

James sighed and glanced up at his old teacher. He knew he could put off moving no longer and was just about to submit to Dumbledore's wishes when a loud explosion occurred somewhere in the area of the door.

"Dumbledore!" Minerva McGonagall ran into the room her glasses askew and hair falling out of its bun. The pointy hat that usually adorned her head was missing and a large soot smudge ran down her face. Behind her was half of the Order, all scrambling to be the first ones in the door to talk to their leader and causing chaos in the process.

Sirius and James joined the commotion as they heard "Godric's Holllow", "destroyed", and "Lily" coming from the crowd. Both men started yelling at the crowd, which was yelling at them and Dumbledore, while McGonagall was yelling at the crowd, and all in all nobody could hear anything the others where saying until . . .

"Silence!" the room stilled as Dumbledore rose behind his desk and pierced all of them with his icy gaze,

"Minerva, what has happened?"

McGonagall stepped out from the tangle in which she had found herself, "The Dark Lord attacked the Potter residence. The house was destroyed, completely obliterated . . ."

A gasp came from James and McGonagall continued, "There are some going through the rubble. If any survived, I do not yet know."

Dumbledore walked from behind his desk and over to the fireplace. He grabbed up a small jar, but when he heard no motion behind him he turned and looked at the crowd now standing frozen. Even James, who was being held up by Sirius, just stared at him. "Well," the aged wizard said, "Are you coming or not?"

One by one, two in the case of James and Sirius (James wasn't quite up to rational thought), the Order drained out of the office and into Godric's Hollow.

-Godric's Hollow-

Deep beneath the rubble, in what had been the basement, there was a slight movement, the batting of a bright, green eye. The owner of the eye tried to move, only to find this a most difficult task and gave up, settling instead on glancing around.

The green eyed person was in a rather precarious situation. All around her were chunks of wood, brick, and stone that seemed to form an open sphere around her and the small child she held to her chest. Had she the energy to move she wouldn't have dared for fear of bringing the remains of her house down onto herself and her child. For the rubble was, at the moment, defying all laws of physics. Rather than leaning on each other, the various pieces all seemed to be pressed against some force, some invisible bubble that encapsulated her and her young boy.

She sat there in the darkness, not moving, barely breathing as she waited for her energy to return so she could apparate out.

After an unknown amount of time a small sound disturbed the silence of her safety bubble. It was a yawn from somewhere in the vicinity of her breast. One pair of green eyes met another as the small child looked up, his head still resting on its soft pillow, and stared for a moment. Silence again filled the bubble as the two looked at each other, and then the child screamed.

-With Remus-

The werewolf stood beside the ruins that had once been his dear friends' home. All around him people scampered like ants upon the debris, looking desperately for something he feared wasn't there.

No one knew just how much time had passed between when the house was destroyed and when the Order had been notified, but the best guess currently stood at forty minutes. Remus stirred as Kingsley walked past him, "McGonagall's gone for Dumbledore."

"Good," was all the ex-Marauder said and even it was barely more than a whisper.

The two men returned to their morbid work halfheartedly. Remus walked around the yard to where the back door had been. He stared at the step for a moment then gently turned over a bit of stone with his foot.

A scream pierced the devastated building from beneath the remains. Remus' eyes grew big as he stared in shock, looking at the pile in front of him. "Kingsley!" the werewolf shouted the unnecessary call as he pulled out his wand. Every person at the site ran over and began levitating away the debris.


"Someone hold the side up. That's it, don't let it collapse."

"Separate the rubble as you lift it away."

"Don't just drop it."

"Be careful."

Shouts rang out as the group moved more and more stones, brick, and bits of boards out from the offending hole and placed them on the yard.

Remus was the first to spot the vibrant red hair and called for everyone to hold as he jumped down into the hole. They moved everything away slower now, as Remus stood there picking away piece by piece until he was looking into the smiling face of his friend's wife.

"Lily," he whispered, tears welling in his eyes.

She just smiled wider, but didn't say a word. The rest of the rubble was lifted away, leaving the three of them, Remus, Lily, and Harry, sitting in the hole.

Remus looked up at those around the edge, "I'm going to levitate her up now. Make sure not to move her or Harry until we get them looked at."

Kingsley called back an acknowledgment as the red-head and her still screaming child were raised out of the small crater.

-With Sirius-

Dumbledore and the rest arrived in a neighbor's house. James, who had been clinging to Sirius during the floo, finally let go and ran outside. Sirius followed his friend swiftly fearing to be away from him for too long.

Outside, the cold autumn air bit into Sirius' lungs as he ran after his friend. In the darkness of the night Sirius could see where the Order was gathered around the former Potter house; their lumoses cut through the darkness and stood as small stars upon the hedging around the yard.

It appeared to Sirius that many of the dots where gathered at one end, something that could be a good sign or a very bad one.

Ahead of him, James broke through the bushes without stopping or even breaking step. Sirius followed him closely, through the same hole, but didn't dare pause as the branches tore at him and tangled in his hair. By the time he reached the other side, cuts littered his arms and a place on his shirt was torn. His attention didn't stray to them as it was caught on the scene in front of him.

The Order members had indeed congregated at one side of the yard, towards the back where the kitchen had been. They were working to lift away pieces of debris and as Sirius went closer he saw them stop just before a red head appeared over the edge of the foundation.

"Lily!" James scrabbled over the bits of house to where Lily was being held in the air. Before he could quite reach her, Arthur Weasley stopped him. "What? Move." James tried to push past Arthur only to be stopped again by Remus who had just climbed out of the hole.

"We can't touch her until she's been checked by a healer, James. Please, just calm down." James met his friend's eyes as Sirius caught up and stood behind him.

"Is she injured?"

"Not that I can tell."

"Then why can't I see her?" James glared at his friend who stood silently. Sirius and Arthur glanced at each other as the silence continued. Neither Remus not James seemed willing to break the stare down or the silence. People began to notice the stand off and backed away looking wearily at the two. Lily looked apprehensively between the two while Harry continued crying, the only one willing to break the silence until . . .

"You can't see her because she may have a broken spine, at which point moving her without medical aid could result in paralyzation." James turned to look into Dumbledore's eyes that had regained their twinkle. The older man placed his hand on James' shoulder. "Relax, my boy. I have a feeling that more may have occurred here than is readily apparent." And with that the Head Master moved over to speak with the medi-witches who were rapidly arriving with soft 'pop's.

It was not long before the medi-witches cleared both Lily and Harry to return home, or to Sirius' house as it were. Lily was given a low grade anti-anxiety potion (just in case) and Harry was declared to be in perfect health, though the healer expressed some concern over the odd lightning bolt scar that had appeared on his forehead.

Later at the Ministry, when Lily told the story of how the Dark Lord came to the house and cast the killing curse at Harry and herself, it was Dumbledore that deduced the scar's origin was the dark curse. Harry Potter became 'The-Boy-Who-Lived' and, as it became apparent that Vodemort was gone, he became the defeater of the most evil wizard in memory. No one, not even Dumbledore could fathom why the curse hadn't killed Harry and Lily, or what had protected them as the house fell. But frankly, no one much cared. Between the celebration at Voldemort's demise, and all the trouble of gathering the fallen Lord's followers, the question as to 'why' went unasked and unanswered until if faded from the minds of those involved.

Peter's body was found a few days later in the Lestrange Manor and was declared murder via killing curse. Bellatrix admitted to torturing and killing him at her trial, 'for her master'. He was buried with honor by his three best friends who didn't know of his betrayal.

The Potter's moved into a new house, this one right beside Sirius', and settled into what they hoped would be a peaceful life. However, fate seemed to have different plans for young Harry.