Faust: You've seen me, now here's my stuff! So this is my first JDCox story. I love this pairing and I hope to create wonderful "situations" with them together. Hehehehe… I have absolutely NO idea where this is going. Hopefully somewhere nice. Just random JDCox goodnessish.

Dr.Cox walked into his own personal hellhole, the hospital, Sacred Heart. It wasn't in fact the building itself that tortured him. It was the people inside that drove him nuts.

Dr. Kelso always evil and cranky when he emerged from his hole (He would always make matters worse. Even though he was Perry's boss, Dr. Cox had to keep him in check sometimes.)

There was the Janitor who seemed innocent, but was always scheming. (He was fine as long as you didn't get on his bad side, or if you were a certain someone named JD.)

--Speaking of JD, he was the person who tortured him the most. Not physically or with his seemingly annoying self; It was mentally. Despite Dr. Cox's' constant rants and attempts to distance himself from the kid, he always found JD at his side, loyal and trusting as always.

Sometimes Dr. Cox would worry.

Maybe he had pushed JD too far? -

Then he would go looking for him, he always found him too, and he would see JD giving him that dorky grin and asking, "What's up Dr. Cox?" without any fear or malice in his sweet voice. Then Dr. Cox would mask his real emotions and yell at JD for something, while really he was covering the deep sigh of relief that he was secretly expelling.

It scared him, these feelings. Fear was not an emotion that the skilled doctor felt often. He used to lie in bed, late at night and feel the painful ache at the pit of his stomach, which only intensified when he saw the young doctor. At first people thought that he had gotten sick, but he denied it. "I'm a Doctor for Christ sakes!" he growled at anyone who had asked. "I don't get sick." Which, in the back of his mind, he knew was wrong because everyone got sick; he knew that he was supposed to know that more than anyone.

To shake the feeling that made Perry sweat and clutch his chest while wondering late at night, "Why?!" He decided to start a relationship with the wicked witch herself, Jordan. God that was hell. His mind was screaming 

and mentally kicking himself the whole time screeching, "What the hell is wrong with you!?"

Yes the tense situation did, in fact, take his mind off of the problems at hand, but something deep inside of him said, "This is not the way to live, Per. Why make yourself suffer anymore?" And with that, Dr. Cox finally ended the so called "relationship" with Jordan and reverted back to his usual angry, disgruntled, distanced self, but at least the constant pains never came back. "I bet Jordan drugged me…" Dr. Cox had thought to himself.

After the split-up, he found him, patiently waiting, ever obedient and always at his side…. --

Dr. Cox came back to reality and found himself already in front of the white-countered nurse station. He sighed heavily, "Might as well get to work…" he thought. Carla looked up from behind the counter and flashed him a big smile. "Hello Dr. Cox," she greeted him. "How are you this morning?" He grunted out a "Fine" and took the three files that Carla handed to him. He opened up the manila cover and started to flip through the papers.

He read aloud in his mind, "Patient Name: Kayla Locke-: A drunken car accident victim with a broken left arm, back problems and a slight head trauma. Check for brain damage." He shrugged, but then winced when he saw, "Age 12" "God Dammit," he muttered "that's just too damn young." He added to himself.

The other two files stated that one patient was complaining about pains in the abdominal region and the other was having breathing problems with his heart murmur. "A heart murmur? Come on!" he complained. "This is FAR to easy for me, I need to give this to a doctor of less importance and one who is useless enough to check out a heart murmur because "I" am obviously WAY to busy and needed to check up on such trivial things like this."

As if on cue, Doctor John Dorian a.k.a. "JD" arrived at the counter and made a swipe at the wicker basket that contained an assortment of muffins.

Instinctively, Carla yanked it out of his grasp before even one of his fingertips touched one of the pastries. "Nuh-uh," the Latino tutted at him. "You have eaten nothing but muffins all week!"

"But Car-la!" the mousse-black haired kid whined, "Me and Turk are betting to see how long we can go surviving off of muffins until one of us gives in."

Carla's eyebrows shot up.

"So THAT'S why he denied that steak dinner I had worked so hard on. He said that he had a stomach ache!"

Carla shook her head then gave JD a smile that made him shudder inwardly.

"Erm…is Turk in trouble?" JD decided to risk asking.

"Oh he's SO dead."


He eyed the muffin basket greedily as his stomach gave out a growl. "Can I have a muffin anyway?"

Carla sighed but handed over the maroon colored wicker basket. "But just one Bambi, okay?"

Dr. Cox cocked an eyebrow as JD gleefully selected one that was covered in blueberries. "I like blueberries…" JD happily thought to himself as he lifted it to his mouth.

In Perry Cox's Mind Theater

I know I shouldn't care- but I do. I mean, come on! Nothing but muffins for a week!? Sometimes I wonder if JD's even a doctor.

A growing girl does need her nutrients, especially if she wants big ones. That's not the point. I suspected that Newbie was a little off when he put down his own pager number as a patients EKG. Ouch. I remember the rant I dished out to him. He didn't really need that at that moment, what he needed was actual food. Plus he's been swamped this past week at the hospital, almost working over time every night. Bronchitis. Tuberculosis. Hypothermia. Cardiovascular failure. Patients coding on him right and left. Nobody was cutting the poor guy any slack, not even me. And he was too kind hearted to leave his patients dying when they needed him the most. The hospital has been short staffed lately and we are all tired, but Doctor Kelso, being the pain in the ass he is, decided to assign the bulk of the patients to Pamela who had gotten virtually no nutrients and she rarely left the hospital the past week. I wonder how she is still standing…

--Back to Reality--

Red alarm sirens rang through Dr. Cox's head as JD lifted the muffin to his mouth. Immediately, Dr. Cox snatched it from JD's hold and took a bite from it. "Delicious!" He gave the horror-stricken JD a wicked grin.

"Thanks for the breakfast, Whitney. Now, lets give you…I don't know…this one." Dr. Cox pretended to randomly select a folder and chose the file containing the heart murmur. "Trade you." He placed it on JD's pile of five folders and secretly took two out, instead of one. Dr. Cox then 

stalked off before the younger doctor could recover and before Carla realized what had just transpired. He rounded the corner and bitterly spat out the contents that remained in his mouth. "How can he eat that crap?" He wondered aloud as he tossed what remained of the muffin at a near by intern.

JD's hand reached out for another muffin, but Carla swatted it away. "But you saw-!" He started to protest. She cut him off by taking the basket and leaving the counter with a bemused smile on her face. "What's she so happy about?" he mumbled. The past week has been hard on him and by the look at the stack of files waiting for him, and it didn't look like it was going to get any better. JD miserably picked up the files to only find four there, and one was only a heart murmur checkup. He smiled to himself and perked up a bit. "Today might not be too bad."


Dr. Cox winced when he saw what the two files had contained. Brain Cancer and Hepatitis C. Not your average everyday diagnosis. "What the hell is Bobo thinking, giving this to JD? Is he TRYING to kill the patients?" He had been doing his usual rounds and he let his mind wander. He roamed from room to room, asking the usual questions, and then stalked out to the next one. It was a never-ending cycle. Dr. Cox put his body on auto-pilot as his mind traveled elsewhere. He had become aware of the fact that he had been doing this more often as of late. He thought of the hospital, the many patients he tried to distance himself from, then kill and, despite his efforts, thoughts of JD.

"God her face when I took her muffin," he chuckled to himself, "It was like the world was going to end." He rounded the corner but stopped short. The image he saw made him come crashing back to reality. JD was slumped over the nurse's station, complaining-nothing new there- and he had his head buried in his arms on the counter. Normally, this was normal, JD spilling out his emotions to Carla worse than an overflowing cup. But today he looked like he got beat up, hit buy a truck and then put through a hurricane, all in one day. "What happened?" Dr. Cox thought. JD looked up with bleary eyes to Carla and said something inaudible. He then staggered off in the opposite direction, not noticing that he was being watched by the two men.

"What are you doing?" Dr. Cox inquired. "My job." The Janitor answered simply. "Speaking of which, shouldn't you be doing yours?" Dr. Cox snarled and stormed off in the direction that JD went. He scanned the 

crowded hallways through doctors, patients, nurses, and surgeons before spotting the young male doctor who was leaning against the far side of the wall, studying his patient's charts inquisitively. Dr Cox took a deep breath and started down the hall with an important step in his gait. "Why am I doing this?" he wondered.

Stomping past his protégé unnoticed, he whistled, "Newbie, Come!" He smirked and allowed himself to take pleasure in seeing the way JD jumped, startled out of his stupor and successfully dropping his patient's charts in the process. Dr. Cox noted that it took a couple seconds longer than usual for Newbie to follow after him like a scampering puppy. JD obediently followed him, struggling to keep up, but he was surprisingly silent on the way until they reached the white double-doors.

"The cafeteria, Dr. Cox?"

Faust's notes: There's plot. I love plot. I just need to think of one. THERE WILL BE ONE! It will be like pirates of the Caribbean where they think of a new plot line every day. Remember that this is ROMANCE so it takes awhile for stuff to transpire. Mmyep. This is NOT the story with my epic plot. So sad.