So here it is guys the last chapter. I hope you like it and it is a good ending to this fic. Please tell me what you think. I am planning on doing some more Charlie/Colby fics. Please review they are like tiny hugs and spur me on to write more stuff. Thanks to everyone who has read and review this series all the way through out it is appreciated. Talk to you soon Guys xx

It was four days after the incident in the garage and Don had not seen Colby or Charlie once. Every time Don had gone to the family home Charlie was never there and the day after Colby had phoned and asked for the week off. Don was pissed off. He didn't know what to do. He thought about asking Megan but knew she would shout at him for being such an idiot. Don looked at his watch -10pm- Charlie would probably be home. He grabbed his jacket and holster and walked out of the office.

He pulled up outside his family home; the lights were on in the front room. He turned of the ignition, jumped out of the car and started walking towards the house. His palms were sweating and he had butterflies in his stomach. He felt like he was going for a first date. He stood in front of the door with his hand on the handle. He noticed how his throat had done dry. He pushed down the handle and walked into the house.

The smell of pizza hit him as he walked through the door. There was also a tang of something having been burnt. Charlie must have been cooking again. Don smiled. For someone who is fantastic with numbers he can never remember how long something has to be in the oven for. He heard the sound of the TV and Charlie laughing. He walked into the front room and was surprised to see Colby lying on the sofa with Charlie in his arms. They look such a nice couple. He didn't know where it came from but he knew it was true. He couldn't take his eyes of them, they looked perfect together. Colby had his hand on Charlie's hip and their legs were entwined, Charlie's head was rested on Colby's chest. He looked at there face's and was surprised to see Colby watching him with a slightly worried expression on his face. Don smiled and nodded his head. Colby smiled back with all worry slipping away.

Don silently walked out of the room and grabbed some beers from the fridge. He saw a message stuck to the fridge from his dad saying that he would be a way for the night. He smiled and walked to the front room. Charlie had still not realised Don was there. Don walked towards him and dangled the beer in front of his face. Charlie jumped and fell off the sofa.

"DON!!" Charlie shouted now lying on the floor. Charlie kicked Don in the knee caps and he fell back onto Colby, the beer going flying. Don was laughing and Colby was doing his best to not laugh, now being laid on Don. Charlie jumped on him and started tickling his hips. Don couldn't help but start laughing. Colby pulled his legs out from under Don and Charlie and stood up. He looked at the scene in front of him. Charlie was on top of Don and tickling him, both were smiling and laughing.

"Brass Balls Don are you giggling?" Colby said with a huge grin. Charlie sat up and looked at Don and then to Colby and back again.

"Get of me Charlie" Don said pushing Charlie off him and standing up. He looked at Colby and smiled, "A real man giggles Colby, do you?" Don launched forward and pulled Colby on to the sofa tickling him. Soon all three men where pilled on one another tickling and hitting each other with pillows.

After 5 minutes of pillow fights and tickling one another all three men were lying on the floor snuggling up to one another. Colby and Charlie were spooning each other while Don was snuggling up to Charlie's chest.

"Don, are you seriously alright with me and Colby?" Charlie yawned. All of them felt drain after their sudden burst of exercise.

"Yeah, I'm cool with who ever you have a relationship with and fuck" Don said snuggling further into Charlie's chest. "Unless it's some sort of tree then I would probably admit you to the psychiatric ward" Don said chuckling. Charlie and Colby started laughing.

"Night Bro's" Don said Yawning.

"Night Don" Charlie Yawned

"Night Don" Colby said.

"Love you" Colby said kissing Charlie's ear.

"Love you too" Charlie whispered slipping into sleep. After a minute or so all could be heard in the Epps house is the soft breathing of three brothers.

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