Disclaimer: I wish I owned Ratchet and the Seekers. Alas I do not even have their figures.
AN: This is a continuation of Ironical Jester's ficlets, Desert(91), and Stray(44), used with permission. This was written at about 12:30 in the morning a couple months ago and isn't betaed. There are two more parts to follow.
When Thundercracker finally managed to drag himself back to the Nemesis, he found Skywarp pacing their shared quarters, swearing up a storm. This was not what he wanted to deal with. All he wanted was to finish getting his wounds looked at, some energon, and some recharger, preferably after a red hot interface with Skywarp. However karma did not seem to like him today.
"Where the slag haver you been?"
Before Skywarp could continue the pale blue seeker, grabbed him; pulling him close for a deep kiss. Moments later Thundercracker deepened it, so their glossas moved against each other, sliding smoothly, unlike their first sand-filled kiss. Skywap finally pulled back, and Thundercracker let him.
"Bad day?"
"Getting injured in battle, getting left behind, two close encounters with a cliff, and getting fixed by the slagging Autobot medic. What do you think?"
Skywarp's optics dimmed as he processed Thundercracker's growl. "Wait. Two crashes? And the Autobot medic?"
"Wrench...Ratchet, something like that. He patched me enough to get me back here."
"And the second crash?"
Thundercracker looked to the side embarrassed, allowing Skywarp a moment to study his profile. The blue seeker snuck a glance back at his wingmate. It was rare the Skywarp was ever quiet when he was conscious.
"Thundercracker why are there white paint flecks around your mouth?" Skywarp's tone was expectant, the razor edge of anger coloring it.
The seeker refused too meet his eyes and mumbled something.
"What was that?" His words were jealously mocking.
"I said I thought he was you!."
"The damn medic!"
Skywarp looked at him blankly for a moment. Then he fell over laughing.
It's not funny!" Thundercracker hissed.
Skywarp kept laughing. With a growl the irritated seeker stalked over to the recharge birth, and threw himself down, ignoring his still laughing partner.
Eventually the other seeker managed to calm himself down, and crawled into the bunk behind his partner. "So was he any good?"
Thundercracker chocked. That was not a question he was expecting.
"After all," the purple and black seeker went on, "he did repair you. So perhaps we best reward him the next time we meet up with him? Hmm?"
It was official, karma hated him.