I've changed Remus' date of death from May 2, 1998 to November 1, 2054.

Before I start crying, I wanted to take this time to thank all of my readers and especially my reviewers. You guys are phenomenal and I know without a doubt that this story wouldn't be finished if it weren't for you guys. Thank you all so much for your guidance and support—it means more than you will ever know.

I would also like to make a dedication. This story is dedicated to my dear friend and co-creator: Serenadea. She is a wonderful author and an even better friend and helped me get this story started.

May 2, 1998

"Reeeeeemus…" a soft voice called out to him.


"Reeemuuusss…" the voice insisted. It was getting louder.

"Mmmm…" soft hands caressing his scarred face. The hands were warm and smooth and felt incredibly familiar and the wash cloth they were running over his face felt cool and refreshing.

"Remus, it's time to get up," the voice sounded happy, like they were smiling. "Remus, open your eyes," the voice commanded. He reluctantly obliged, slightly eager to see the face of his savior.

"Brigit?" he breathed, taking in the sight of his beloved. Looking around, he saw they were in their old flat, lying in bed together. He was on his back and she was propped up on one elbow, facing him.

"Hello, my love," she murmured, placing a soft kiss on his forehead. "It's been too long." Staring at her in disbelief, he breathed deeply, inhaling her scent and committing it to memory.

"This is a dream." He stated rather than asked. She nodded sadly, tracing his scars with the tips of her fingers, making him shiver. "Am I…dead?" her deep green eyes, a color he had never been able to find, searched his.

"No," she murmured again. "No, you aren't dead. This is just a dream; you are sleeping in the Great Hall of Hogwarts. Voldemort has been defeated." He gaped at her.

"Harry…he defeated…" shaking his head, he sighed. "And…Tonks?"

Brigit eyed him carefully. "She's dead, Remus. I'm sorry."

"Dead…" he repeated disbelievingly. "Brigit, I'm sorry for getting married again—"

"Don't be!" Brigit laughed quietly. "I've been watching over you and the twins, Remus. Haven't you felt me in the wind? Haven't you heard my voice in the trees?" He nodded silently; he had indeed felt her presence all these long years. "I knew you would get married again—I had hoped you would. Please don't apologize."

"But I have to," he insisted desperately. "I didn't love her the way a husband should love a wife. I love you, Brigit. The love I have for you is…" he stuttered, unable to find the words. She patted his head reassuringly.

"I know, honey," she kissed his forehead again. "I know." They stared at each other for an immeasurable moment. "But it's time to wake up now, Remus. Time for you to go raise your children and maybe even find another love," she laughed slightly. "You've done wonderfully with the twins, Remus. I couldn't have done better myself." He shook his head again.

"They want to know their mother," he said sadly. "Brigit, why? Why did you have to go and find Sirius?" He had been furious for almost two decades, and he finally had the chance to get some answers. "Why did you leave us?" Tears welled up in his throat and he buried his head in her lap as she sighed once more and stroked his head.

"I don't know…" was all she said. He was shaking with sobs now as he finally saw his beloved. He hadn't expected a real answer from her. After all, would the truth really have made him feel better?

"But," she continued. "I do know that John and Michael, and even little Teddy, need you now. They need you more than ever before. It's time to go back." He nodded, not ready to leave.

"They came to me, you know," he whispered. She cocked an eyebrow at him questioningly. "The sirens. The ones that are left. They came to me after the funeral and gave me strength."

"I know," she affirmed softly. "It's tradition in my kin to seek out those who have lost fellow sirens and comfort the families." He sighed a deep sigh.

"I love you," he said for the first time in sixteen years. "I love you so much, Brigit Major Lupin." He smiled at her name. "I wish you had been mine for longer."

"I'll always be yours," she answered softly. "And I will always love you…" She leaned down slowly and their lips met passionately; it could have been seconds, and it could have been hours, but it didn't matter. It was a dream.

The scenery around him began to fade as they broke apart, and he stared into her eyes for the last time as she whispered her goodbye, "…forever."

Pain wracked Remus' body, pain like he had never felt before, not even in his transformations. Someone was pounding on his chest and he wished they would stop; he was in enough pain as it was.

"He's breathing!" a voice far away called. Remus groaned inaudibly, wishing he were back in his dream. He ached everywhere, in places no man should ever ache. His body felt like it had been through a washing machine and then thrown over hot coals, shredded through a cheese grater and sewn back together with sharp needles. "Get a healer over here!" the same voice called urgently. He felt a liquid being dripped down his throat, and he sputtered and choked on it as they forced him to swallow. The pain ebbed slightly as the potion began to work, and the scene around him became clearer and clearer.

"Remus!" he realized now the person was only gently rubbing his chest; the pain was now localized to one point in his side. Kingsley was hovering over him, his dark skin glistening with sweat. "Remus, are you okay?" His deep voice, usually so calm and soothing, was thick with worry.

"I'm…okay," he choked out, trying to sit up. The pain was drifting further and further away, and he felt like he was in a fog. "I'm…okay."

"Here, Mr. Lupin," a healer had come forth carrying another potion, the goblet smoking. "Drink this." He obliged and immediately felt the affects as fatigue floated heavily over him.

The last thing he remembered was seeing Tonks' body lying next to his.

November 1, 2054

"Goodbye, Dad," John, Michael and Teddy murmured in unison as their 94 year-old father drifted into sleep, never to awake. They wiped their tears and clasped his hands as the healer tucked the sheets tighter around the body and comforted the brothers.

Remus watched the scene from above when he felt presences next to him. He turned slowly away from his sons and smiled, seeing his two loves behind him.

"Hello, my love," Brigit said once more.

"Hey, Moony," James and Sirius grinned at him.

"Nice of you to finally join us, Remus," Lily laughed.

"You look old, mate," James and Sirius agreed together, shaking their heads.

"That's what happens when you're 94," chided Lily lightly. The three started bickering happily and Brigit walked forward, taking his old, wrinkled hands with her own.

"You won't look like this for very long," she told him softly. "Soon you'll be twenty one again, like us," she smiled at him affectionately. "We've been waiting for you." The other three had stopped arguing and turned to him, smiling. As he walked slowly forward to his friends, he smiled a crinkled smile.

He took a deep breath and greeted them with his eyes. "I've missed you all."

And they were finally together for all eternity.

A/N: :) Questions? Comments? Concerns? Leave me a note!
